Money and your haircare..anyone else feeling me on this?


Active Member
:wallbash: Soo I'm currently suffering a setback with my hair and it's mainly and prolly completely my own fault because I was stupid enough to color my hair 7 years after the first diasterious time (figured my hair is healthier now so it would be able to handle it...I was wrong :nono: ) And now my hair is breaking, one portion at my temple is chin length, my hair is uber dry, I should be at least BSB by now, nothing that used to work does anymore (and yes ladies from my other thread I did didn't help) I keep my hair in a bun all the time and yet the back upper part of my head tangles like I dunno what...:nono:

but anyways I'm saying that to say this... at this point I've noticed that I think my hair would do alot better if I co-washed every day BUT I can't because unfortunately my hair has to have a champagne taste on a beer budget :rolleyes: and the only conditioner that really leaves my hair feeling moisturized is giovanni smooth as silk deeper moisture which is like 7-10 bucks and my hair DRINKS this stuff like there's no tomorrow, I practically use a whole bottle in one wash...but I can't afford to buy giovanni like every other it's like my hair is suffering like a too expensive exotic animal...I can't feed it what it needs...and I'm really thinking about cutting it off and starting all over. But this is the longest my hair has ever been since like 3 or 4 years old and I dunno I can't quite bring myself to it.

Anyone else feeling me on this? :look: Do you feel your hair has suffered because you can't afford the products that work in your hair? or anyone have suggestions/ advice for me cuz I'm almost at my wits end :sad:

Try Lustrasilk Shea Butter or Olive Oil Cholesterol.

They are both like 2 dollars for a big jar. Mix with you favorite oil/honey and you have a really good, moisturizing DC. :yep: It's also very good as a leave in. They contain no mineral oil, petroleum or cones, so they won't build up on you either.

I'm sure you can get your hair back on track on a budget! :bighug:
GymFreak created a thread on "Product Twins". I have discovered that a lot of companies have dual versions of their products, with one being marketed at a lower price point under a different name (same ingredients). You may find a twin to your conditioner there. But also I'm sure that you can find a good moisturizing conditioner on the cheap and enhance it with cheap natural stuff like EVOO or EVCO. I stretch my expensive Mizani conditioner that way. Good luck!
I think maybe you should try other products or mixing a few conditioners and DCing more often. I don't think cutting it is the best option because you could very well find a product that works. Good luck! I hope I was a little help. I'm sorry about your breakage. I went through the same thing when I first went natural. It sucks but I will never color again.
It sounds like you have a serious problem with dryness. Try doing hot oil treatments as pre-poos and DC at least once a week. I don't think it's the products especially when the one product you say works you have to use half the bottle in one use. Could it be that you have a porosity issuse? Try using a porosity control conditioner. See if that helps with the dryness. Once you get the dryness under control cheap products won't be an issuse for you.
Ifelt like you on the money part. I am not rich- far far from it. When I started LCHF and saw the products many of the women were using, I thought that there was no way I was gonna be able to grow hair. Even if I were wealthy, I wouldn't spend $50 on a bottle of anything- my hair's too thick and I'm too heavy-handed. I just kept searching and I have to second the Lustrasilk cholesterol. I use the shea+mango and when I can't find that, the carrot one. I add honey, castor, and coconut oil to it (sometimes evoo also if I haven't cooked it all away).

I have read the ingredient list of some of the more expensive things, and I imagine I would be adding to those too. Also consider the Ayurvedic items. Henna and other powders and oils are very inexpensive at my local Indian grocery. Its worth putting up with their bad attitudes for the results and savings I get. IMO, beauty need not cost as much as the mortgage.
Ifelt like you on the money part. I am not rich- far far from it. When I started LCHF and saw the products many of the women were using, I thought that there was no way I was gonna be able to grow hair. Even if I were wealthy, I wouldn't spend $50 on a bottle of anything- my hair's too thick and I'm too heavy-handed. I just kept searching and I have to second the Lustrasilk cholesterol. I use the shea+mango and when I can't find that, the carrot one. I add honey, castor, and coconut oil to it (sometimes evoo also if I haven't cooked it all away).

I have read the ingredient list of some of the more expensive things, and I imagine I would be adding to those too. Also consider the Ayurvedic items. Henna and other powders and oils are very inexpensive at my local Indian grocery. Its worth putting up with their bad attitudes for the results and savings I get. IMO, beauty need not cost as much as the mortgage.

@ the bolded:
I agree with the main idea of your post, but I'm sorry you have to deal with bad attitudes. The lady who I buy ayurvedic products from is a sweetheart.
@ the bolded:
I agree with the main idea of your post, but I'm sorry you have to deal with bad attitudes. The lady who I buy ayurvedic products from is a sweetheart.

Eh. Its not enough to keep me out of the store. Plus, they are only a short walk from my job. Thank you though :yep:
I'm sorry about the setback. I know how it feels. Your hair is beautiful and there's no way that you have to cut it off and start over. I think you should focus more on quality ingredients and not the price of the product.

You don't have to spend a fortune to have healthy hair. I buy a huge bottle of olive oil from BJ's and I use it for cooking and for my hair. It lasts me for about 6 months. It's great for hot oil treatments.

I also love the shea butter conditoner the others ladies mentioned. I don't spend a lot on shampoos either.

You can use eggs and mayo for protein, ACV for porosity issues, baking soda to clean the scalp.

I also use motions moisture plus for deep conditions. I buy the big tub for $12 bucks and it lasts a while.

Your hair will be fine, just take the time to figure out what it needs without spending so much money.
thanks ya'll I do actually use that lustrasilk mango and shea for my DC, tried henna it didn't do much for my hair so to me it wasn't worth all the messyness, I tried mixing one of the ayurvedic products with my conditioner once...didn't do much except I hated the way it made my hair feel... I haven't tried porosity control do you have any recommendations? Pantene hydrating curls used to work on my hair but then they went and changed the forumla and it's only 'curls' now...less slip now...

and you know something dawned on me, ok so my hair always tangles right above my where my bun sits, so I'm wondering if my bun is causing breakage, I take it out every day and try to reposition it though...

I do use different condtioner cuz I'm a PJ so I have to use up what I have... the cheapie suave coconut works for detangling now then I use the giovanni...If I don't use the giovanni my hair will feel...rough almost...that's the only way I can think to describe it. Like my hair is fine but I have ALOT of it and it just feels like not straw but like just dry-ish even when it's wet... I will try the hot oil treatments...right now I don't have EVOO but I have extra light olive oil so hopefully that's just as good...heavy oils don't do well with me and EVCO makes my hair feel dry and weighed down... I swear my hair is just weird :nono:
but thanks for your suggestions I will go look stuff up. :rosebud:
:wallbash: Soo I'm currently suffering a setback with my hair and it's mainly and prolly completely my own fault because I was stupid enough to color my hair 7 years after the first diasterious time (figured my hair is healthier now so it would be able to handle it...I was wrong :nono: ) And now my hair is breaking, one portion at my temple is chin length, my hair is uber dry, I should be at least BSB by now, nothing that used to work does anymore (and yes ladies from my other thread I did didn't help) I keep my hair in a bun all the time and yet the back upper part of my head tangles like I dunno what...:nono:

but anyways I'm saying that to say this... at this point I've noticed that I think my hair would do alot better if I co-washed every day BUT I can't because unfortunately my hair has to have a champagne taste on a beer budget :rolleyes: and the only conditioner that really leaves my hair feeling moisturized is giovanni smooth as silk deeper moisture which is like 7-10 bucks and my hair DRINKS this stuff like there's no tomorrow, I practically use a whole bottle in one wash...but I can't afford to buy giovanni like every other it's like my hair is suffering like a too expensive exotic animal...I can't feed it what it needs...and I'm really thinking about cutting it off and starting all over. But this is the longest my hair has ever been since like 3 or 4 years old and I dunno I can't quite bring myself to it.

Anyone else feeling me on this? :look: Do you feel your hair has suffered because you can't afford the products that work in your hair? or anyone have suggestions/ advice for me cuz I'm almost at my wits end :sad:


You should try Tj Maxx. I get my large Giovanni Smooth as Silk bottles w/ the pump for $12.00.

You should try Tj Maxx. I get my large Giovanni Smooth as Silk bottles w/ the pump for $12.00.
really? is it the deep moisture con or the deeper moisture kinda? although as ghetto as the local tj maxx is I doubt if they have it but I will definately look thanks!
1. What did you use in your henna mix? I ask because I played with it a few ways and have learned that it is all in the mix.

2. IMO you will notice a difference between extra virgin and light olive oil, but maybe not big enough to stop you using it. I tend to use whatever is in the kitchen, and sometimes all I have left is the light stuff.

I dunno about the bun, but it sounds plausible. Maybe you just need to gather it differently? Also, a while back there was a product twins thread. Maybe there's an alternative for your Giovanni?
To save money, you could try getting your Giovanni products by the gallon from here It is wayyy cheaper to get it this way. The liter sizes are $12.99 and the gallon sizes are $34.99. This would last you a whole lot longer purchasing what your hair loves this way.

Sally's sell the gallon size bottle of Salon Care Conditioners for around $9 and many ladies report fantastic results from it, especially the honey & almond one. Just a thought since you need a lot for your buck.
I think what you need to do is figure out what exactly it is that your hair likes. I know a lot of those expensive products have glycerin in it. In this case, if your hair is craving the glycerin, then I would suggest you buy a bottle of vegetable glycerin and add a few drops to a cheapie. My suggestion would be to find what your hair likes and buy that product seperately and add it (or those) to cheapies. I like my Moisture milks but sometimes I add some oils to them and even added a little of my Fantasia polishing serum, so that I can give it more cones=slip.

1. What did you use in your henna mix? I ask because I played with it a few ways and have learned that it is all in the mix. it's hard to remember back that far lol but I'm pretty sure I used honey, henna and a bit of EVOO in the one mix and in the other I used plain yougrut and I do remember flaxseed oil helped rinse it out :yep:

2. IMO you will notice a difference between extra virgin and light olive oil, but maybe not big enough to stop you using it. I tend to use whatever is in the kitchen, and sometimes all I have left is the light stuff.

I dunno about the bun, but it sounds plausible. Maybe you just need to gather it differently? Also, a while back there was a product twins thread. Maybe there's an alternative for your Giovanni?
for now I'm gonna try 2 plaits til it gets on my nerves

To save money, you could try getting your Giovanni products by the gallon from here It is wayyy cheaper to get it this way. The liter sizes are $12.99 and the gallon sizes are $34.99. This would last you a whole lot longer purchasing what your hair loves this way.

Sally's sell the gallon size bottle of Salon Care Conditioners for around $9 and many ladies report fantastic results from it, especially the honey & almond one. Just a thought since you need a lot for your buck.

thank you thank you thank you thank you! I will definately check this out! :grin:

I've checked out the porosity threads and it does sound like that is an issue so I'm gonna try that joico PC hydrating pack thingy... and get some more ACV...I do remember when I had chopped my hair off before and had real bad dandruff I started using ACV and baking soda and it felt great..Think I need to get back to that.... and really set aside a whole day to do stuff with my hair..I've gotten so lazy with it :nono: I just don't have any time anymore
Trader Joe or whatever is the twin of Giovanni so some of those products might work for you. Have you tried adding oils or anything to your conditioner to amp them up? How often are you dcing? Have you done a protein treatment to correct the damage from the color?

Also henna and ayurveda treatments can make your hair feel weird temporarily and you might not notice results right away but are definitely worth sticking with if they aren't causing any damage because the results are usually cumulative.
I took a look at the product twins thread, and they say that Trader Joe's Nourish Spa is a twin for the smooth as silk deeper moisture condish. It retails for around $3 per bottle.
Trader Joe or whatever is the twin of Giovanni so some of those products might work for you. Have you tried adding oils or anything to your conditioner to amp them up? How often are you dcing? Have you done a protein treatment to correct the damage from the color?

Also henna and ayurveda treatments can make your hair feel weird temporarily and you might not notice results right away but are definitely worth sticking with if they aren't causing any damage because the results are usually cumulative.

trader joe? really? I keep hearing about that I will have to check it out..

I try to DC once a week with the lustrasilk mango butter and shea, sometimes I add in plain whole yougrut if I have it in the house and sometimes honey plop a shower cap over it and stand under hot water. I haven't done a true protein treatment like aphogee or anything truth be told I'm kinda scared to but I have used AO GPB (I think that's the one with protein in it) it tangled my hair even more...

and I never really thought about that, I guess I always thought if it doesn't feel right after you've done it once that it's prolly damaging and not to do it again...

:perplexed:blush::nono: I still have ALOT to learn...
Color don't have to be disasterous. You have to learn to take care of it. Moisture is the key ingredient. I had dry scalp issues for the longest time - now I have that under control with co-washing every couple of days and shampoo and dc'ing once a week. I try out different products to see what works and what doesn't. I've recently cut out sulfates in shampoos - I use Kenra Plaitnum for color treated hair and Kenra Plaitnum Reconstructor after each wash. I also use Giovanni Triple Treat shampoo every other wash.

Hang in there and don't do anything drastic - I think you can recover you just have to find the proper balance.
hmm I really dont have any advice to offer other than dont CUT YOUR
The other ladies offer some pretty good sugges
and you know the ridiculous thing, when I colored my hair the color didn't even really ergh..I had tried the pantene for color treated hair and it made my hair feel like straw. I think I still have a bottle or half a bottle of the giovanni triple tea treat floating around somewhere

ETA: prettyeyez I wanted to thank you but the thanks button disappearred so thanks anyways lol
thank you thank you thank you thank you! I will definately check this out! :grin:

I've checked out the porosity threads and it does sound like that is an issue so I'm gonna try that joico PC hydrating pack thingy... and get some more ACV...I do remember when I had chopped my hair off before and had real bad dandruff I started using ACV and baking soda and it felt great..Think I need to get back to that.... and really set aside a whole day to do stuff with my hair..I've gotten so lazy with it :nono: I just don't have any time anymore

You're welcomed stormy07. I concur with the other ladies that porosity control could very well be the issue and you cannot go wrong with Joico products. Incidently, I just bought the Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor from but I'm sure you could walk in some dept. stores and find it. I live in the Bahamas so that is not an option for me:nono:.