Moisturizing and Co-Washing


Well-Known Member
Not into Co-Washing or any extra moisturizing other than Shampoo day. SO If you could help me out I'd appreicate it. I am doing a mega tek challenge so figured I could toss this in for a challenge as well for myself.

What do you use?
How often?
How do you use this?
What changes did you notice from doing this?

Right now my regiment is pretty simple:

1) Friday - Wash, Deep Condition, AirDry if Flat Ironing- (salon or home same) Rollerset (salon) (Flat Iron)

I don't have any breakage problems or growth problems. Just want to try something new. Megatek is new to my hair, So I am down for co-washing and moisturizing too @ 6 months time. Plus with putting megatek in my hair feels gross, so I want to get the right way to CO-Wash, and figured might as well moisturize :yep: SO LADIES help me out, what do you say......?
-I use almost any yummy-smelling VO5 or Suave conditioner.
-I do it daily.
-In shower wet hair, slather with condish, clip up, wash up, rinse, clip back up, scrub back.
-I noticed healthier hair, better ends and more moisturized hair.
i use nature's gate conditioners: jojoba or aloe vera

i usually do it 1 or 2x per week

i always put my hair in sections. apply conditioner to each section, message scalp and leave in for about 5min. then i rinse and apply my leave in (giovanni direct)

the moisturizing effect of cowashing has helped keep my ends healthier and has drastically improved my curl definition.
I alternate b/w a moisturizing conditioner (nature's gate marshmellow) and a light protein (Mane N Tail) every other week. I cowash at least 5 times a week and I always have a day once a week that I leave my hair alone. I moisturize with the same nature's gate conditioner in a spray bottle that I spray on my hair twice a day and seal with either coconut oil or olive oil. I think this part of my regimen (along with DC at least 3 times a week) has led to me having no breakage and strong hair.