Moisturizer on Wet Hair


New Member
If you are air drying, do you use the moisturizer when the hair is wet still or wait till its dry? I use a hair butter (Elasta QP) and I'm not sure exactly when I'm supposed to put it on.

Also, is it possible to use just a liquid moisturizer like S-Curl on wet hair and let it air dry like that or is it better to always use a creamy moisturizer? To me, it just doesn't seem like liquid would be enough, but I don't know.
I apply it to wet hair, and I use Elasta QP's Oil Recovery Moisturizer sealed with coconut oil.
most of the time i put moisturizer on when it's about 50-75% dry. if i put it on wet/damp hair..i end up putting more on when its dry anyway so i just wait til its mostly dry.

for the second question, i've done both. the liquid wasn't enuff for me at least on my relaxed hair. so now i just spray it on my ng. i haven't had much luck with creamy moisturizers on wet hair. my hair ends up drying all crunchy.:ohwell:..but its really trial and error...try both of them. i'm still trying to perfect my airdrying techniques myself
Thanks for the responses ladies. For some reason, this has been a real issue for me. My hair seems to dry crunchy as well when I use my butter on wet hair. I'm gonna try and wait til its partially dry first and see if I have luck with that. I've been hearing alot about that Dove. hmmm, I might try this.