Moisture w/o oil? Product, hints, advice PLEASE


New Member
My ends are shedding which has been a constant problem for me. My hair absolutely does not respond to oil at all. When I use them, no matter how light or how infrequent, I end up looking like an old school little girl getting ready for the Easter pageant (heavy, thick hair that would not move in a tornado).
Is there anyone else here who suffered from the same dilemma who found a solution for dry ends w/o having to use any oil?
Thanks in advance!
Are you familiar with the No Oil Routine ? I have never tried it, but a lot of people have had success with it.
That's an interesting article. I just read from that site that you live in a sunny climate, you should avoid oils...woops, didn't know that one. Very informative. Thanks for sharing the link, sassygirl!
Oh I'd never say thanks for nothing. I appreciate every bit of advice that I've gotten from all the wonderful women on this board.
I use to have the same problem with my hair getting more dry and brittle from using oil. The oil would just sit on my hair and make it feel like straw. However after making the post on appling oil to wet or dry hair I realize it may have to do with when you apply the oil and the frequency.

It seems that if I apply it to wet hair my hair holds the moisture and I can go for a few days untill your next condition wash.

Anyway, it is best to tie your hair or wear a hat when you are out in the sun always.
Teva said:
I use to have the same problem with my hair getting more dry and brittle from using oil. The oil would just sit on my hair and make it feel like straw. However after making the post on appling oil to wet or dry hair I realize it may have to do with when you apply the oil and the frequency.

It seems that if I apply it to wet hair my hair holds the moisture and I can go for a few days untill your next condition wash.

Anyway, it is best to tie your hair or wear a hat when you are out in the sun always.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, remember, oil does not moisturize hair but it does a good job of sealing in moisture. You might also try jojoba oil which is light but wonderful. Jade21 recommended this site for jojoba oil and I have not found a less expensive, higher quality vendor since. You get 16 oz. for $21 - a lot better than those Desert Essence and other little bottles with big price tags at the health food store!

BUT- you should moisturize your hair *before* putting oil on it. I've had great luck with the following moisturizers on my hair:

<ul type="square"> [*]distilled water followed by jojoba or olive oil. [*]Profectiv Break Free [*]Honey mixed with warm conditioners.
When I rinse my hair out, it's thoroughly moisturized. [*]L'Oreal Nature's Therapy Unfrizz Taming CREME leave-in(not to be confused with LUST, the rinse out conditioner) [*] Others have fallen in love with glycerin/curl activators. I used to use CareFree Curl a few years ago every night, concentrating on my fragile, brittle ends but coating the entire strands prior to wrapping my hair for the night. Weirdly enough, the CFC seemed to make my hair *straighter* so my hair not only looked more moisturized, it also fell into place easily. [/list]

Now, here is my ALL TIME FAVORITE nightly conditioning treatment! This is from the inimitable Mahalialee, who is also an LHCF member, resident longhair, and overall wise woman. <ul type="square"> [*]Moisturize hair, giving the ends extra TLC and gentle handling. [*]Wrap [*]Cover with silk or satin scarf [*]Add 3 clear shower caps (the kind you can get for 30 a pack at the BSS) over your scarf-covered head. [*]Leave showercaps on for 1 to 3 hours. [*] <font color="red"> Important!</font> Remove shower caps but keep scarf firmly in place and let hair dry thoroughly while you sleep [*] In the morning, when hair is completely dry, add jojoba oil (or any light oil), if desired and gently comb down wrap. [*]<font color="purple">Voilà!</font> Swing-a-licious, beautifully moisturized hair. [/list]
Thanks for all of that advice. I did go out and get the Loreal Unfrizz Taming Creme and the Protectiv Break free since that formula didn't have an oil listed as it's first ingredient. I also got the Profectiv Long and Healthy formula that seems to be more like a serum since it's in a bottle. I'm doing a roller set now w/ the Profectiv break free very lightly on the ends only so I'll see if that adds some moisture to the ends w/o making my hair feel heavy or weighed down.