Moisture Madness


New Member
I am having some trouble keeping my hair moisturized. I am still kinda new to this healthy hair thing, and I have some questions...

1) Which moisturizer do you use and how do you apply it?

2) What do you use to seal and how?

So far I tried pink oil moisturizer, but it dried my hair out. I tried BB and it weighed my hair down. I have been using S curl but only after I take my bun and baggie down. I see a lot of you mositurize twice daily. How are you doing that? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I use a lot of products but If I had to pick one for pure moisture it would be Silk Elements Moisturizer cream:)
ORS Olive Oil (jar), Mizan Rose H20, QB Sidr Tree Butter Balm.... I use these when wearing my hair flat-ironed

QB Amla & Olive Heavy Cream, Neutrogena Silk Touch...these I use when bunning.

A few other good ones that are raved about are Elasta QP Recovery, Profectiv Break-Free, ORS Carrot Oil.

Yeah, definitely not the pink oil moisturizer. I will NEVER use that crap again as long as I live. I like Elasta recovery, and then I seal immediately with kemi or coconut oil.;)
UBH Moisturizer is the best I have ever tried no other hair lotion can compare.
I usually seal my ends with castor oil or Barry Fletcher Liquid Moisture oil.
I've been S&C daily, and my hair is loving it!! So much moisture. Qhemet's products have given me the best moisture, ever!!
InJesusName said:
I am having some trouble keeping my hair moisturized. I am still kinda new to this healthy hair thing, and I have some questions...

1) Which moisturizer do you use and how do you apply it?

2) What do you use to seal and how?

So far I tried pink oil moisturizer, but it dried my hair out. I tried BB and it weighed my hair down. I have been using S curl but only after I take my bun and baggie down. I see a lot of you mositurize twice daily. How are you doing that? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

i had the same problem untill recently when i started using profectiv break free and profective healthy ends mixed together, then WGHO to seal...This has really really helped. My hair always feels soft and moisturised now.:)
trimbride said:
I use a lot of products but If I had to pick one for pure moisture it would be Silk Elements Moisturizer cream:)

Me too! Silk Elements Megasilk leave-in cream is my absolute favorite right now. When my ends need help I seal with WGO and rollerset with flexirods. Otherwise I use different oils like Dabur Vatika, Africa's or Hot Six to seal. :grin:
shunta said:
Yeah, definitely not the pink oil moisturizer. I will NEVER use that crap again as long as I live. I like Elasta recovery, and then I seal immediately with kemi or coconut oil.;)

ITA...that pink stuff. NOOO:mad: lol
When ever my hair feels dry, I go for the Jane Carter Hair Nourishing Cream or Norish & Shine, which can be used on relaxed or natural hair. It leaves my hair so soft and shiny even though I'm transitioning. Also the Qhemet Alma & Heavy cream works very well. With both of these products a little goes a long way.

I use Garnier Long and Strong Leave-In or Silk Elements leave-n and usually seal with Kemi Oyl.
I use:

Olive oil [edges]
Castor oil [edges-nape & ends]
ORS Olive Oil (jar) [scalp]
Mizan Rose H20 [overnight on ends when dry]
Coconut oil [seal]

Protective styles daily.
The best thing for my hair (so far) has been my spray bottle mixture (filled with distilled water, a few squirts of elucence moisture balance conditioner and a few drops of essential oils) I part my hair and mist daily. I swear I hear my hair and scalp say "ahhhh" :lol:.
InJesusName said:
I am having some trouble keeping my hair moisturized. I am still kinda new to this healthy hair thing, and I have some questions...

1) Which moisturizer do you use and how do you apply it?

2) What do you use to seal and how?

So far I tried pink oil moisturizer, but it dried my hair out. I tried BB and it weighed my hair down. I have been using S curl but only after I take my bun and baggie down. I see a lot of you mositurize twice daily. How are you doing that? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

How do you seal in the moisture effectly? Do you just add the oils to your hair right after you moisturize? Do you wait a certain length of time. My hair just seems to be so dry at times and whatever I use just weights my hair down. I see this especially when I blowdry (2X a month).
that pink oil moisturizing stuff is the devil.
throw that junk out- send it straight to hell. Ok I may be a little exaggereated, but for real, there is nothing moisturiaing about it. I think once you find one which many of lthe ladies has commented on, I use a few like ORS Olive oil, UBH dew and moisturizing creme, break free, infusium moisturizing, s-curl and so forth, you may want to baggy a couple nights a week overnight to lock in the moisture.

My hair was extremely dry when I first started and after 2 months I finally got to a place where my hair for once felt a little over moisturized. who would have ever thought with my hair!!!

with a lil trial and error you'll find the perfect one but that pink oil- hmph I don't know what that's good for.
Still a newbie at the product cocktails, but right now what I do is use Jojoba oil on my hair right after a wash,massage in a little bit of very watered down Pantene Relaxed and Natural Oil Cream Moisturizer, then mist over with S-curl, and seal the ends with more Jojoba Oil.

Do NOT use the Pantene on dry hair ever - it's like toothpaste! For dry hair, I just mix a little water with some oil in a spray bottle and use that. For now. Till the werewolf PJ in me strikes again...:sekret:
This is the mixture that I use when I can afford it s-curl, carefree curl, aloe vera juice, honey, glycerin, water, rose water, little oil emu preffered, and conditioner.

If Im on a budget this is what I do and it works just as good. Water, glycerin, rose water, and emu oil, and conditoner. HTH
B_Phlyy said:
I use Garnier Long and Strong Leave-In or Silk Elements leave-n and usually seal with Kemi Oyl.

OT: B Phlyy, I absolutely love your new avatar! The sight of all those products leaves me positively weak in the knees. :drunk:
Priestess said:
OT: B Phlyy, I absolutely love your new avatar! The sight of all those products leaves me positively weak in the knees. :drunk:

Lol, that's only a very small portion of my conditioner stash. If you saw everything, you'd probably start salivating or something.
I use Profectiv break free and jojoba oil. I use these when my hair is wet before I rollerset once a week. During the week I just use jojoba oil