Moisture has allowed me to retain tremendous length

My mom was telling me about how people's hair used to "grow like crazy" when they had a jerry curl back in the day ... I guess it was because they kept it drippin'!

This is so true. My mom's hair was at its healthiest and longest when she had drippy hair. Now ... :nono: Thanks OP for the reminder and congrats!!
I tried this during my vaca by wearing buns and slathering on the Cantu Shea Butter (mostly to get rid of it) but I'm not sure it was the best thing for me. This product did not keep my hair moist.

Because I have a lot of fine 4b strands, a became difficult to keep up my bun without it tangling up. I also got nervous about the hair elastic causing breakage :S

Now, I'm back to twisting and then putting them up in a bun and hopefully I can keep them in for weeks like Sonce of V.Merie from Nappturality....
Me too... low manipulation, buns, and moisture
really improved my hair...
I think that's the secret to growing hair...
I think if I were were even stricter with
this regimen... I would be able to appreciate
more length... but it's not for everybody...
you have to be very disciplined if you want to
see results faster.
This lets me know that what I am doing will pay off. I co-wash everyday (wet hair) and bun. Do you detangle often or just your hair back?

Hey ladies

I am on my quest for waist length hair. For the lsat 4 months, I have been moisturizing my hair with Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioner creme, and wearing a bun. i must say, i have really been able to retain length. my hair grows about .5 inch per month, and i think i have retained all of my lenghth. even with trims to correct unevenness, my hair has been growin nicely. So, my secret for hair retention....buns and moisture...i.e. no manipulation and damp hair 24/7.
Yeah. You can get this at Walmart. It has an orange lid and is in the "african american hair products" aisle. I love it because it fully coats my hair. I would never put this in my hair if i was to wear it out (too heavy and it would make my hair look greasy). However, in a bun, its perfect. I actually am sure to saturate the hair with it on the ends and in the area where i put my scrunchie. I do this because i know since my hair is in a bun every bun, there is a lot of stress to teh area, so i make sure the area has globs of moisturizer to fully coat the strands so my hair wont be bothered too much.

girls, if i can do it, u can do it. honestly, before this board, i thought i had jacked up hair....and so did my friends. i was one of those who in hight school had teh super dry ponytail and thought i looked cute though i had split ends and damaged hair....ewww gross i know. anyway, i started pampering my hair in 03 and i have been doing so well. its funny really, because ppl who met me after 03 think i have "good hair" and they do not believe i ever had short hair. sometimes they even dismiss all my hard work, and say but yo buur mother is light skin so ims ure u have her genes. What??????????????????

My friends from high school, however, they think i take some magic pills because they remember how jacked up my hair was and they cannot believe the change. it istruly a metamorphosis to them. they are in complete shock.

so, ladies, i am "bumming it" now, and wearing a bun, but come August, I will have waist lenght hair and swinging it all over the place.

I'm having similar experiences though my hair isn't as long as yours.:yep: My hair used to break so badly and stay by shoulder length which caused me a lot of annoyance but now it's thriving. Now all of a sudden it's because I'm "mixed" (ha!) or some bs along those lines. :wallbash:
Definetly going to try that Cantu if it has your hair looking so great!
Me too... low manipulation, buns, and moisture
really improved my hair...
I think that's the secret to growing hair...
I think if I were were even stricter with
this regimen... I would be able to appreciate
more length... but it's not for everybody...
you have to be very disciplined if you want to
see results faster.

Amazing progress in your sig. Wow.:yep:
This lets me know that what I am doing will pay off. I co-wash everyday (wet hair) and bun. Do you detangle often or just your hair back?

I have the same routine of co-washing everyday and bunning. I detangle in the shower with my jilbere comb and the stream of the shower.
I also strongly agree that moisture will help a great deal with growth and retention.
Its all well and good doing wet buns on long hair but what if you have short hair?

How do us 'above the shoulder ladies' do the wet hair all day thing so that we can retain length?
Its all well and good doing wet buns on long hair but what if you have short hair?

How do us 'above the shoulder ladies' do the wet hair all day thing so that we can retain length?

Personally for above the shoulder (which is where I was) there are only a couple of things I feel like you can do.
  • Rollersets or some other low-manipulation style
  • phony ponys (you will have to use some light gel or aloe vera gel)
That's how I grew my hair to a length where I could bun and have a few more protective styling options. When I was growing it out, phony ponys grew mine the fastest.
^^^ thanks for your reply. Right now all i do is rollerset so i'll just continue.
Your being above shoulder length shouldn't cause you to encounter too much breakage. Being above shoulder length is kindof a protective style in and of itself because the hair isn't brushing against the shoulders or getting caught on anything. Make sure you keep you ends moisturized and you should hit shoulders in no time. When you get to shoulders, thats when the trouble begins for most.
Hey ladies

I am on my quest for waist length hair. For the lsat 4 months, I have been moisturizing my hair with Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioner creme, and wearing a bun. i must say, i have really been able to retain length. my hair grows about .5 inch per month, and i think i have retained all of my lenghth. even with trims to correct unevenness, my hair has been growin nicely. So, my secret for hair retention....buns and moisture...i.e. no manipulation and damp hair 24/7.

You know you are promoting PJism, right??? :naughty:

Good thing that I am in the market for a new moisturizer. I didn't find this at Walmart (at least not at the one by my office) so I picked up some Profectiv Gowth Lotion (I think that is what is is called). It has some good ingredients in it.

But yes, I agree, moisture and protection offer the best length retention! :yep:
Yes, I agree. I retain so much length when I wear my bun that is slightly moist and sealed with extra virgin coconut oil. I plan to be doing this a lot from now until December, when I expect to reach full waistlength.
So you Detangle everyday?

I have the same routine of co-washing everyday and bunning. I detangle in the shower with my jilbere comb and the stream of the shower.
I also strongly agree that moisture will help a great deal with growth and retention.
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I'm like 2seconds away from calling it an early leave from work just to go shop for products --pjism recovering addict who is trying to stop buying:wallbash: but you make it so hard with your lovely hair

Yeah- hs was the same thereabout but guys always thought my twin and I were of spanish decent. don't see it but whatever (I'm black for the most part {french and cherokee very small parts} and I think no one is truly pure black since we all seemed to be a mix race since back in time}

anyways back on topic....i think i will head to the store - i kind of made up mind...i m working on a moisture upage to retain length even more...So thanks to healthy promotion. :yep: a good excuse to buy :grin:
Hey ladies

I am on my quest for waist length hair. For the lsat 4 months, I have been moisturizing my hair with Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioner creme, and wearing a bun. i must say, i have really been able to retain length. my hair grows about .5 inch per month, and i think i have retained all of my lenghth. even with trims to correct unevenness, my hair has been growin nicely. So, my secret for hair retention....buns and moisture...i.e. no manipulation and damp hair 24/7.

I peeped your album and your hair is just beautiful. I would definitely stare at it if I saw your hair in person. :yep:
Hey ladies

I am on my quest for waist length hair. For the lsat 4 months, I have been moisturizing my hair with Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioner creme, and wearing a bun. i must say, i have really been able to retain length. my hair grows about .5 inch per month, and i think i have retained all of my lenghth. even with trims to correct unevenness, my hair has been growin nicely. So, my secret for hair retention....buns and moisture...i.e. no manipulation and damp hair 24/7.

Definitely the moisture is a huge plus for my hair as well. My hair loves damp baggying so I know the rewards for my hair are obvious when I do them:yep:.
This lets me know that what I am doing will pay off. I co-wash everyday (wet hair) and bun. Do you detangle often or just your hair back?

I do not detangle at all. Once I get in teh shower, i slap conditioner on it wet it, and then wash up. 10 minutes later, i rinse teh cond.out (i do not use my hands, just let teh water run down my scalp and back), and then turn teh water off, wring my hair, then slap the shea butter on it, with kemi oyl on teh ends to seal it in, and then bun it up with a scrunchie, adn another scrunchie to secure it. then i wrap a scarf on it and that is it. i detangle once a week in the shower with the widest tooth comb i can find.....very gently....not thoroughly. i only do a thorough detangling onve every 2 weeks. this has allowed me to retain thickness..when i conb too much i lose so much hair and my hair thins as a result because of all the breakage.
I peeped your album and your hair is just beautiful. I would definitely stare at it if I saw your hair in person. :yep:

girl, YOUR hair is too die for. i guess we would be staring at each other of we walked passed each other on the street. LOL. People would either think we were lesbians or wanted to fight each other.LOLLOL
do you guys use products with mineral oil and your hair only? Soft Sheen Carson has a product that I love and I never use it on my scalp only on my hair and this product totally stop my shedding....
do you guys use products with mineral oil and your hair only? Soft Sheen Carson has a product that I love and I never use it on my scalp only on my hair and this product totally stop my shedding....

the first few ingredients in Cantu Shea butter is water, shea butter, soybean oil and proplyene glycol. the ingredients are fab. i love it. i only put this on my hair when it is damp. if i put it on my hair when it is dry, it will dry hard. so it only goes on when its wet, and then i seal the moisture in with kemi oyl. girl, the next day, when i run the water on my hair, it literally feels like liquid silk. I LOVE IT!
Yep. Ever since I began my hair journey, I have been noticing the hair of other races of women, and what I'm noticing now is how their hair always looks hydrated, particularly the ones who have hair down their back. I have also always noticed that many of them have wet hair in the morning, you see tem on the bus or train, in the summertime,running their fingers through their hair to dry it and I used to think it was so strange and now I understand. So this is what separates many Black women from other races of women when it comes to length retention, moisture and our need to infuse it RELIGIOUSLY in our hair.

It's true that our hair needs moisture more than that of any other race, and that most black women would probably be better off getting their hair wet more often.

However, it's not as simple as, "If we wash as often as them, our hair will grow as easily as theirs". (Not saying that's what you were saying, but I hope no one interprets it at way.) There are differences in the cross-section shape of our strands, the thickness of the cuticle layer, and the smoothness of the cuticle that will always make our hair on the fragile side of the spectrum.

Back on topic: my hair LOVES water. It wants water every day. But my problem is, if I get it wet, I have to detangle it, or it looks very dready. And that means tangles, breakage, a lot of time spent. So how do I rinse every day but have painless detangling? That is the question. Right now I'm just spritzing my braidout every day without combing, but I'd prefer to rinse daily, because I hate build up and like fresh, clean hair.
Back on topic: my hair LOVES water. It wants water every day. But my problem is, if I get it wet, I have to detangle it, or it looks very dready. And that means tangles, breakage, a lot of time spent. So how do I rinse every day but have painless detangling? That is the question.

Do you own a shower comb?

It's true that our hair needs moisture more than that of any other race, and that most black women would probably be better off getting their hair wet more often.

However, it's not as simple as, "If we wash as often as them, our hair will grow as easily as theirs". (Not saying that's what you were saying, but I hope no one interprets it at way.) There are differences in the cross-section shape of our strands, the thickness of the cuticle layer, and the smoothness of the cuticle that will always make our hair on the fragile side of the spectrum.

Back on topic: my hair LOVES water. It wants water every day. But my problem is, if I get it wet, I have to detangle it, or it looks very dready. And that means tangles, breakage, a lot of time spent. So how do I rinse every day but have painless detangling? That is the question. Right now I'm just spritzing my braidout every day without combing, but I'd prefer to rinse daily, because I hate build up and like fresh, clean hair.

I agree with you. Our hair is fragile compared to other races. Which is why we have to go that extra mile to protect our hair.

As far as detangling, have you tried the oil rinsing method? This may be the answer to your detangling issues:

You have to find the oil that is right for you. That is a loooong thread, but so worth the read.
Do you own a shower comb?

I have a wide toothed comb that I have TRIED to use in the shower. Does that count? :look:

My hair just laughs at it. I have to get out of the shower, put in leave-in and comb through in sections. Takes forever, and I can't see myself doing that every day, plus it seems like it would be very damaging. I used to be able to comb in the shower when I had short - medium natural hair. But now that it's BSL, relaxed (and slightly overprocessed), my hair does weird clinging and tangling when soaking wet.

Is a shower comb different?

For those that rinse / wash every day, and DON'T comb, how do you keep the hair looking presentable.
what abt those of us with nl sl hair?! i would love to do bunning everyday.. but my hair can barely go in a pony tail.
Hey ladies

I am on my quest for waist length hair. For the lsat 4 months, I have been moisturizing my hair with Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioner creme, and wearing a bun. i must say, i have really been able to retain length. my hair grows about .5 inch per month, and i think i have retained all of my lenghth. even with trims to correct unevenness, my hair has been growin nicely. So, my secret for hair retention....buns and moisture...i.e. no manipulation and damp hair 24/7.