MN vs MTG???

Which works better?

  • MN

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • MTG

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I've been using MTG Alternative a little over 2 weeks and am having awesome results, 1 1/2 inches so far and freaking out with all this NG!:eek: More NG I've had then any time in my life. I know, if it ain't broke don't fix it right? Here's my thing though, it's soooo oily! I was reading people were having good results with MN, Capsazin, and Cortisone and was wondering if those of you who have used both get the same results as with MTG? I don't want to slow my growth and I may just buckle down and use both, just don't like my hair being so greasy:perplexed Advise?
GIRL............what mtg alternative are you using?? What does it consist of ?? because those kind of results are out of this world!! WOW! 1 & 1/2 inches in just two weeks?
cutiebe2 said:
MN gave a lot of people (including me) headaches. I don't thinks its as good as MTG

Yeah,,,,MN is a drug right? It's not natural like the MTG? I tend to stray away from drugs...:(
virgo_chinwe said:
GIRL............what mtg alternative are you using?? What does it consist of ?? because those kind of results are out of this world!! WOW! 1 & 1/2 inches in just two weeks?

I get it from Caisha (naturallady) on this forum. It's that yellow suphur power Den1 talked about, EVOO and Coconut Oil, I believe. You can PM her (I think she may still be on vacation though).
I voted MN. I use both my MTG replica and MN (but I only used the MN for 2 weeks and I've been using the MTG for ~1 month now). I got good results from both but I really liked the way MN made my scalp feel...I didn't get any headaches from it at all. And you're right, the MTG replica is a little too oily for me too.

I mixed my MN with:
-ORS olive oil cream, avacado oil, castor oil, peppermint and rosemary eo's, and a little bit of WGO.


I think this time I'm going to add jojoba oil in it.
I saw the best results with MN, plus, I thought it was easier to apply and liked the way it felt on my scalp. I do not experience the headaches.

I did see results using MTG alone, but they weren't as impressive, and I had some shedding that I was concerned about.

I tried the two in a mixture together at one point, and the results weren't different from when I used MN alone.

I have not tried any of the MTG alternatives. I'll probably give them a try at some point.
I'm using BT right now, but I have used the original MTG and MN. MN was the only thing that made my hair grow faster. MTG made it thicker (especially around the hairline), but I didn't gain any extra length.

I'm hoping I'll get both w/ BT. If not I'll probably just add some MN to the bottle and stick it in the blender to get it incorporated. :ohwell:
kbragg said:
Hi all, I've been using MTG Alternative a little over 2 weeks and am having awesome results, 1 1/2 inches so far and freaking out with all this NG!:eek: More NG I've had then any time in my life. I know, if it ain't broke don't fix it right? Here's my thing though, it's soooo oily! I was reading people were having good results with MN, Capsazin, and Cortisone and was wondering if those of you who have used both get the same results as with MTG? I don't want to slow my growth and I may just buckle down and use both, just don't like my hair being so greasy:perplexed Advise?

What have you been using that got 1 1/2 inch of NG
and what is your regime?
Definitely MN. I tried real MTG and it didn't do anything for me. MN was extremely beneficial to me in so many ways (skin and scalp). I love it!!
I am interested in this MTG alternative though... Over an inch of new growth sounds awesome!