MN Shedding!


New Member
I silently jumped on the MN bandwagon. I thought everything was going husband said he could see little waves at the roots, I could feel new growth...I was thinking "this is wonderful, it really works!" I have been MN'ing since November 27, give or take a few days. At any rate, I noticed some shedding this weekend, so I gave myself an Aphogee treatment and did a quick dry under the hairdryer (my hair doesn't really like airdrying so much I have found out). I did the baggie thing and have been wearing my phony pony since Saturday. I took it out today to moisturize and do my MN and low and behold I am still shedding! I lost quite a bit of hair (IMO) on Saturday during my wash, and although I loss less today when I took my hair down, it is still more than I have been getting lately. Can MN be the cause, and if so, what is the cure?

Thanks in advance,
Thanks. Do you know how long it takes before this stops, on average? For example, will this go on for say, a month, and then it will stop?

Okay....I guess I shouldn't worry. I will keep at it and if it gets worse or doesn't stop then I know to jump off of the MN bandwagon just as quickly as I jumped on.

I started MN on 11/25, two days before you, and I just recently noticed shedding as well, so I think it is the MN, however I have had a lot of periods of strange shedding happen over the winter in the past. Maybe its both?

I hope it stops in the spring.
i'm MNing and I'm not shedding any more than normal. i can say that 6 weeks or more post relaxer I shed a lot. my hair has grown nearly 1.5 inches in 5 weeks using MN and coconut oil and very few hairs are shedding:drunk:
Last week, I bought the FDS brand of MN, mixed it with Vatika Oil and some Rosemary EO. The next day, I had hair coming out while I put my conditioner in for a prepoo. Never had that happen before. Just handling my hair, it was shedding. I've backed off MN, because I don't think I've got enough hair to spare! I didn't experience any shedding with my original MN mix, which was made from Neosporin AF and 2% MN from Walmart. Do you really think it's due to increasing the growth cycle?
I silently jumped on the MN bandwagon. I thought everything was going husband said he could see little waves at the roots, I could feel new growth...I was thinking "this is wonderful, it really works!" I have been MN'ing since November 27, give or take a few days. At any rate, I noticed some shedding this weekend, so I gave myself an Aphogee treatment and did a quick dry under the hairdryer (my hair doesn't really like airdrying so much I have found out). I did the baggie thing and have been wearing my phony pony since Saturday. I took it out today to moisturize and do my MN and low and behold I am still shedding! I lost quite a bit of hair (IMO) on Saturday during my wash, and although I loss less today when I took my hair down, it is still more than I have been getting lately. Can MN be the cause, and if so, what is the cure?

Thanks in advance,

Tebby, this happened to me too and I got some alter ego garli treatment it slowed it down a lot. You could also use nutrine garlic shampoo and conditioner. They work well too at reducing the amount of shedding.

You may also try crushing the cloves of 7-10 garlic and/or blending them with 2oz of EVOO, heat in microwave for a few seconds and apply to your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes, then wash out.

It's really smelly and a little messy but it's very effective. Once you wash and condition your hair, the garlic smell will disappear. I now have no more shedding.