MN, saran wrap, & hair growth...oh my!


New Member
Well, the title is pretty dramatic, but here are my Q's for today (because I seem to have new ones everyday!):

1. This is for the Northern California ladies: I am home (Thank God) and I want to find where they sell the 4% Miconazole Nitrate for cheap? All the ladies on the board get theres at this particular dollar store; but we don't have the store on the west coast!:wallbash: So where can I find it?:sekret:

2. What's up with the saran wrap step after blowing out a rollerset? What does it do? how do you do it? :scratchchI'm intrigued, tell me more, please.

3. How long did it take you to get from chin length to SL? I know plenty of women on here already started at SL, but what about those who started above that? I need some inspiration!!!:think:

That's all, and hey, how is your day going? I hope it is super.
Welcome home!! I went from slightly past chin to slightly past shoulder in 6 months. I got happy and ditched protective styling for a little bit so getting to apl is taking a longer time. Or it may be my long neck and torso:spinning:
God bless you for your service to this country. My dh is ex military and I know how happy you are to be back home. Merry Christmas.
Welcome home!

3.August '06, I decided to go blonde.:nono: End up having to cut all my hair off. May as well call it a BC because it was less than an inch long. I am currently between sl and apl. It took about 16 months. Seemed like forever.

2. I tried the saran wrap treatment, after watching Macherieamour's you tube video. She rollersets her hair, dries under a dryer and then wraps her hair and covers with saran wrap. She sits back under the dryer for about 10 to 15 minutes and lets her hair down and it is soft and silky. I do the same thing expect I curl with hot curlers instead of rollerset. I get the same results. Bouncy, silky, soft and beautiful hair every time.:yep:

Now I'm just waiting to get apl....then bsl...then mbl...then wl. I have a long journey ahead.
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I'm not in the military, my daddy is a an F150 pilot...I'm a poor college student; but I'll let him know that his 21 years (including a 8 month Desert storm trip and 2 consecutive trips to Iraq) are not unappreciated!
Im from Oakland too and I havent found any cheap MN. I have used walgreens brand MN and walmart generic monistat, though.

Im from Modesto and i've been trying to find 4% mn also. I just saw a Target brand for a little over $5. It sucks living on the west coast sometimes.

Im from Modesto and i've been trying to find 4% mn also. I just saw a Target brand for a little over $5. It sucks living on the west coast sometimes.

That's how much I paid for the 2% @ I'd rather just spend the same amount on 4%...the search continues.
hey there..i'm in oakland. i got the 4% at target. Working very well! I use it with virgin unrefined coconut wonders:drunk: