Mn or Megatek?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I wanted to know which one works better Mega Tek or MN?

Mega-Tek is the biggest rave by far, but in the past MN was a big rave too.

Which one gave better results to you ladies?
I personally feel that they do very different things but could pottentially completment each other....

For example MN is like fertilizer it prepares the soil for the optimum conditions for good growth and is great if you have had a history of scalp problems, dandruff, dry itchy scalp and even MPB.

MT however is for strengthening hair and helping it grow and retain to the max.

So potentially you could use the MN to stimulate the growth and MT to retain it.
How you using the two? mixing them or alternating them?

I use MT all over my head first (scalp only with app bottle) then MN on my edges and nape. I do this because buying $5 tubes of MN can really add up. I have had fine edges due to braiding my hair for years and MN is the first growth aide i've used that I see results. The MT on the rest of my head has my 3wk NG looking like 6wks...
I use MT all over my head first (scalp only with app bottle) then MN on my edges and nape. I do this because buying $5 tubes of MN can really add up. I have had fine edges due to braiding my hair for years and MN is the first growth aide i've used that I see results. The MT on the rest of my head has my 3wk NG looking like 6wks...

that there sounds like a good plan bc then you can see how each one is really working without interacting with the other should somthing be amiss.

I am also trying to grow my edges in due to braiding.

Thanks so much !
Miconazole Nitrate.

Depending on where you are from common brand names are Monistat or Dakratin. Google them.

MT = Mega Tek. Look at some of the old threads for both using search function on the right.

Oh my gosh, I just googled Daktarin, and realised that I have it in my very own home! I had no idea it was the same as Monistat. If so, I think I'm gonna have to try it. Thanks a lot for that :D
I personally feel that they do very different things but could pottentially completment each other....

For example MN is like fertilizer it prepares the soil for the optimum conditions for good growth and is great if you have had a history of scalp problems, dandruff, dry itchy scalp and even MPB.

MT however is for strengthening hair and helping it grow and retain to the max.

So potentially you could use the MN to stimulate the growth and MT to retain it.

Thank you StellaGirl, I think going to stick to MN for now. I want to try Mega Tek, but it cost $$.

I hope other reviewers come on here soon.
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I diluted MN with OJON leave in conditioner (I also added cayenne pepper), and I don't get headaches anymore.
i just started using my MN / MT mixture today. i put MN && MT in an applicator bottle with jojoba oil for my sebum build up and castor oil. i didnt get any headaches.
hth =)
my luck. My doctor gave me a prescription for miconizole nitrate + hydrocortisone cream. Is it okay to use it as a growth aid. Please help
my luck. My doctor gave me a prescription for miconizole nitrate + hydrocortisone cream. Is it okay to use it as a growth aid. Please help
Hi there,
Do you mind me asking what the prescription for hydrocortisone was prescribed for? Was it for a scalp condition/disorder?