MN on Amazon

That is an interesting review. The person actually stated that she is using it for hair growth. I was not expecting that.
I have it already but I haven't used it yet as I'm trying to finish off the other mn mixes I already had made. I bought about 7 of them as they were much less than the ones here in the Bahamas which average about $16 a pack.
I started using this brand before I fell in love with Family Dollar's brand of MN.

This kind didn't work nearly as well as FD.

This was my experience, but it may work for some of you.

Happy Hair Growth!
In comparing the ingredients...what's the difference in the FD brand and the one on Amazon? Just curious b4 I purchase. Thanks :drunk:
Can someone please help me get some family dollar MN to Canada? I can not afford this stuff here. Way too expensive.:nono:
I started using this brand before I fell in love with Family Dollar's brand of MN.

This kind didn't work nearly as well as FD.

This was my experience, but it may work for some of you.

Happy Hair Growth! much do you mix with your oil? I don't want to over power it with my oils. Equal parts?
I have it already but I haven't used it yet as I'm trying to finish off the other mn mixes I already had made. I bought about 7 of them as they were much less than the ones here in the Bahamas which average about $16 a pack.

OT: Dang, I didn't realize you were in the Bahamas. Can I come visit?? :lachen:Shoot, we could do an apartment swap...ever been to the San Francisco Bay Area?

Back on topic: at $3 that's a great deal. I may have to get some.
OT: Dang, I didn't realize you were in the Bahamas. Can I come visit?? :lachen:Shoot, we could do an apartment swap...ever been to the San Francisco Bay Area?

Back on topic: at $3 that's a great deal. I may have to get some.

Hey there. No I've never been to San Francisco but it certainly would be nice to see the far western side of the world:yep:.