Mixology- Prepoo gone wrong


New Member
I prepood last week using the following products (Kera Care Reconstructor, Organic Root Salon Olive Oil REPLENISHING CONDITIONER, and some Kera Care essential oils). Then I put on the plastic cap and my hair turban and headed to the hair dresser. She had to wash my hair 4 times and still little clogs of conditioner was in my hair. I dont know what did it. I have use the Reconstructor before with no problem. I have used the ORS Replenishing paks before with no problem but I had never used this conditioner before but appeared to be of the same texture and smell.

Do you think it was the combination of the products? It was just wierd- it just left like this residue in my hair and all I was thinking was that it would make my hair strongth and moisturized at the same time. :confused:
Just to clarify, have you ever used the Kera Care Reconstructor in a pre-poo mix because that's pretty strong stuff?

No - it was the first time I used it as a prepoo. I used it one time when I was co-washing. I put it on my roots (i had a jungle of newgrowth) and slept in it overnight. Then I rinsed it in the morning with no problem.