Mixing semi permanent rinse w/conditioner?


New Member
I would like to do a rinse on my hair. I was wondering if anyone has mixed a rinse with conditioner and what was the result. I thought it might help it go on better. Any input?!
Never tried it. I'm wondering if the cond would prevent the color from giving maximum results...it seems like it would cause less color to coat the shaft because it w/b competing w/the cond. Just thinking out loud.
Never tried it. I'm wondering if the cond would prevent the color from giving maximum results...it seems like it would cause less color to coat the shaft because it w/b competing w/the cond. Just thinking out loud.
I was thinking the same thing. This probably would happen.
I wouldn't actually mix them together but when I get my rinse at the salon they apply my rinse first, then apply the con over it and then place me under the dryer.
I wouldn't actually mix them together but when I get my rinse at the salon they apply my rinse first, then apply the con over it and then place me under the dryer.
ITA. At the salon where I work, we put the rinse on and the conditioner on top of it. It just saves time, but I wouldn't suggest mixing them together. If you wanted you could always mix a small amount and do a test strand to see how it would look using the different methods(mixed/unmixed).