marygrove013 said:Has anyone tried EVOO with the Phyto relaxer....I plan to do a touch up this weekend & I'm just curious....Thanks for your help in advance....
virgo_chinwe said:bump..i would like to know as well!! Thanks in advance!
chocolatesis said:I always thought the oil would keep the relaxer from penetrating and therefore it wouldn't work as well. Is this wrong?
Sistaslick said:The relaxer still penetrates, it just takes a little longer. I've done this faithfully since I started self relaxing to buy myself some extra application time-- and to make the formula a bit milder than before. I add about 1/4 cup of almond oil to my Mizani-- and it works beautifully.
shawniegee said:I add two tablespoons of EVOO to my relaxers, with great results.
devin said:would adding oil to a larger container ruin the rest of the relaxer for future use? should i just take out the amount i think i will use for the particular time i am relaxing and add the oil to that instead of the whole container?
chocolatesis said:Thank you so much for answering my question Sistaslick . It sounds like a good idea and I was thinking of doing this the next time I do my touchup (I was also thinking of switching to Mizani) . How long do you leave the relaxer in? Do you think I should leave the relaxer in for like 5 extra minutes than I normally do?
Kristal said:Do you think its ok to add oils to vitale relaxer?
Andreainnis said:Sooo I'm guessing no one knows about adding oil to Phyto? I really wanna know:scratchch ... somebody ... anybody