
New Member
This article is inspirational! If this guy can take back our haircare business from the Asians so can anyone! He should have our full support! And I'm sure some of you can get some advice from him as well for those who want to go down the same path as this guy!

From Mistreated Customer to Successful Business Owner


Devin Robinson

Atlanta, GA (BlackNews.com) - In 2005, Devin Robinson was shopping in a Korean-owned beauty supply store for his new salon when the Korean owner threatened him with a golf club and threw Devin out of the store for no apparent reason. This enraged the author so much that he put his writing career on hold and decided to open his very own beauty supply store. With no industry experience to guide him but only his willpower to lead him, he plummeted into this Korean dominated industry and to everyone's surprise it was an alarming success.

Eighteen months after the opening of his first store, Devin had opened three stores. All stores began to thrive. Devin had many pitfalls while trying to navigate his way through this industry but somehow always came out on top. He partnered with Aron Ranen, the filmmaker of The Korean Takeover: Black Hair DVD and decided to write, Taking It Back: How to Become a Successful Black Beauty Supply Store Owner, a book that teaches other aspiring, badly treated Blacks how to get into the business and be successful at it.

This book is more than a scribe. It is a blueprint to Blacks regaining control of an industry that has been stripped from its control. Devin is one of the founding organizers of the Black Beauty Supply Association (BBSA), an organization aimed at raising awareness and sharing the existing resources amongst the Black business community. BBSA is also the organizer of the "100 Stores in 100 Days" Campaign, where Devin is spearheading this movement.

Devin stated, "This book is the gateway into the $4,000,000,000 industry that we only contribute to as customers but scarcely reap the benefits of as owners." Devin sold all of his stores to start this movement. He is canvassing the country distributing copies of his books and helping communities to "Take It Back" through business ownership. He said, "It would've been unfair for me to garner the rewards of owning my businesses without teaching other Blacks how to do the same. This mission is greater than me!"

Devin has a 38-city tour scheduled beginning in the early part of February 2008. He will be making appearances with Aron Ranen at selected locations.

To schedule an interview or appearance with Devin Robinson please contact: Going Against the Grain Publications at 678-489-7270 or log onto www.takingitbackblack.com for more book info.

Going Against the Grain Publications
Public Relations
Nomaine Flowers
Ph: 678-489-7270
I heard about the movement on The Michael Baisden Show. In fact, Michael Baisden says that anyone that gets the building and starts the business, he will give them full advertising on his show.

On that particular show, he had all the black owned BSS to call in and let the audience know where they were located and give their phone number. Oh and another thing that was really interesting is that the guy Aron Ranen, is white. Michael had him on and Michael kept saying that it was a shame that we had to have a white man to come and tell us (blacks) how to take our business back, but that since we corned the beauty supply market (especially hair), it was something that was necessary.........

Good article! Thanks for posting.

Honey, if we all did what this guy is doing, we would shut down the Korean businesses. I know we have some entreprenuers here who wants to go into haircare. I want this article to be motivational for them!
OMG this is crazy. I just had a dream last night that I opened my own bss, but when I woke up, I had no clue where to start. I'll def be picking up this book. Wow, what a coinsidence :eek:
WOW! Amazing.

I am so glad that he used that negative experience to propel him towards wealth!

I wish him continued success!
hm... come to think of it, i don't think i've ever been to a black owned beauty supply store.... i'd love to own one, but i'm so scared that it wouldn't get the same support as the korean stores... :ohwell:
What a valuable article. I've been wanting to do this for sometime but I spoke with a girl in England (from another hair board) and she told me that she and her mum had a very difficult time trying to open theirs. You have to know vendors and create accounts (lot's of red tape) so I backed away. We do need to take back our dollars though. Look at Russell Simmons he's created the pre-paid Visa Cards because over 80% of A-Americans don't have bank accounts and pay cash for everything. Thanks for this article it's the start of something big.
I go to this lady who is from another country but she's black. Eventhough she speak her own language, she speaks perfect English but with an accent. Still you can understand and she's very helpful to her customers. And she has everything in stock, too!