Misinformation on a website


New Member
The good thing about braids is that they hardly need any care. The main thing is to not wash them or wet them too often as that will cause your hair to fluff out of the braid and they won't look as when the style was first created, although, fluffy braids are perfectly acceptable if that is the look you are going for!.
You don't need to wash your head with shampoo. You can rinse your head with a vinegar rinse (nine parts water, one part regular vinegar in an old shampoo bottle) and then put some conditioning

I discovered this piece of information from http://www.ourhair.net/
Is the writer plainly misinformed or do they seriously think not washing your braids for a whole 2 months is a benefit
. Personally I wash my braids at least once a week. Any thoughts?
I wash my braids every 4 days or at least once a week. They do fluff out but not too badly as I use a gentle squeeze technique when washing. Plus I am one of those cheats who can braid her own hair so I'm constantly re-doing them so almost a year later, they look like they've only just been put in.
I cannot imagine not washing them. Especially if you are putting oil or moisturizer on your hair. Can you imagine the dust your hair attracts? Can you imagine the smell? Eeeewwww!!!

When I first learned about conditioner washes, I would wash my hair/braids every three days and didn't use a leave-in. I would air dry my hair after applying Frizz Ease while it was dripping wet. When it dried, it didn't feel dry or look frizzy so for a long time I made do without leave-ins. My hair didn't break and didn't feel dry. And I got used to not having layers of stuff on my hair. It's taking a bit of effort to get back to using leave-ins (you people are slowly converting me back to the practice) But I have to say I so look forward to washing my hair now more than ever. So wait a month? And use no shampoo? You have got to be kiddin' me!!!!
Poster: sweetdaises2000
The good thing about braids is that they hardly need any care. The main thing is to not wash them or wet them too often as that will cause your hair to fluff out of the braid and they won't look as when the style was first created, although, fluffy braids are perfectly acceptable if that is the look you are going for!.
You don't need to wash your head with shampoo. You can rinse your head with a vinegar rinse (nine parts water, one part regular vinegar in an old shampoo bottle) and then put some conditioning

I discovered this piece of information from http://www.ourhair.net/
Is the writer plainly misinformed or do they seriously think not washing your braids for a whole 2 months is a benefit
. Personally I wash my braids at least once a week. Any thoughts?

[/ QUOTE ]

Where does it say not to wash for 2 months?
What I posted was only a small portion of what was on the website.This would be where it was stated:

You'll be amazed at how much you hair has grown after taking the braids out, especially from not combing it or messing with it too much for two months.

Since they mentioned not shampooing but they stated that the braids would be in for 2 months, I concluded that they meant no shampooing for 2 months which I couldnt possibly do.
Actually, I think that you can get away with using a vinegar rinse on braided hair instead of using shampoo.

The last time I wore individual braids (before I found the boards) I used two herbal rinses by Aubrey Organics. Every day I lifted the braids and sprayed it on my scalp until my entire scalp was wet. I never wet the entire length of the hair. The rinses helped keep my scalp clean and moisturized. (I also used the steam room at the gym. I didn't realize it at the time, but the steam actually was helping to moisturize the length of my hair.) I also used to rub jojoba oil on my scalp and at the base of the braid to break up the sebum that can collect on the braid.

I think that the most important thing with braids is getting rid of the build up on the hair with something (water, vinegar, witch hazel, shampoo) and making sure that your own hair is moisturized as much as possible.

If I ever wear braids again I might develop program based on the info at www.growafrohairlong.com.

Just my thoughts...

How do you do condition washes with braids? I think I asked this before but I think that thread is buried like 10 pages back lol. God bless you all.
I do conditioner washes at least 5x's a week. I am not really going for looks here I am going for healthy hair. I do have a lot of frizzes that can be remedied by redoing a few sections.

I do this in the shower. Run water over my braids and scalp to wet and put conditioner on my scalp and massage in. I usually leave that on for an extra ten minutes then rinse out but not completely. Sometimes I also dilute the conditioner and put it on my scalp and braids massage in and just leave it on until the next wash. Follow up with braidspray. My roots are so soft. I can't believe it!
wow this sounds like a great method. so you have no buildup or anything? and how does this effect your ends? do they get soft as well? I am soon approaching the time when i will have to go back into braids and am i looking for a routine to keep them healthy and looking good. God bless you all.
You know it is funny you asked that. I recently took out a few of my braids just to see if the con washes were working. Everything looked great and my hair was very soft no breakage no extra shedding no splitting. Yes there is a little build up around the base of the braid but I will be extra gentle when I take them out.
Oh boy, well I did that before becoming a board member of course. I used ORS herbal cleanse only on my scalp. No water for two months -- I know I know well now I know anyway. There was a method to my madness. My mom was hospitalized for a month and could not wash her hair and it grew so much -- soooooo I thought and kinda still think that leaving hair alone grows it. Now because of this board I don't think I can ever do that again but I got so much new growth it was crazy and great. I did the braids in January, kept them for two months, washed, conditioned and rebraided in March and repeat this for six months and in June my new growth when I got my perm was more than I had ever gotten before in six months. My hair was the longest I had ever seen it. So in conclusion it's nasty but my hair grew a lot. Now I'ma try grow it using you guys method till December and compare.
Okay, I read the entire section where the writer discusses Braid Extensions. I see where the confusion may come from but I don't think Monicurl is advocating no washing whatsoever for two months. I understand her method to be:

1. minimal manipulation overall
2. scalp washes
3. wash the length only as needed (minimal manipulation)

I'll see if I can have her clarify the instructions for us and post it in this thread.
Thanks SVT. Just wanted to bring it up because other people might come across the site and get confused as I did but I hope she can clear it up some
<font color="purple">I can't even imagine not washing my braids either! How would you feel if someone told you not to wash your body for 2 months? I would say gross beyond belief! You need to wash your braids in order to remove the buildup from your scalp and hair. I plan on having a friend of mine put extensions in while she braids my hair this month after my hair color routine. And while in them, I rinse with ACV mixed with distilled water, and use diluted conditioner in a spray bottle to mist over the hair (a great suggestion from prior post). My hair is out of control right now, due to the humidity, and I need to go back into wearing my braids again. Toodles. </font>

Monicurl emailed me back to say that she's contacting the writer to have the braid extension article clarified. She thinks the update will appear later this week. The article did not intend to suggest no washing of any kind for two months.
I personally wash my weave once a week. I guess what is annoying about what she said is that the advantage of braids is that they hardly need any care. You NEED to moisturize your hair 2x a day to keep the braids from sucking away all your hair's moisture. Braids can be very drying.
There's a lot of braiders, hair stylists, and braid wearers out there that think they are exempt from general personal hygiene when it comes to wearing braids.
Folks with non-oily scalps may be able to "get away with it," but it shouldn't be the general habit of people who wear braids not to wash, or at least cleanse at regular intervals. Emphasis should not be placed on the
appearance of the braids, but the condition of the hair and scalp underneath. I learned that I needed to wash my braids at least every two weeks from my last braider, who washes braids
for $15 at her shop and suggests that you come in every 2 weeks. That's also where I learned you should only wear your braids
for a max of 2 months. It's just a hairstyle, you can't keep it in and looking fresh forever.