Mirrors Lie, Cameras Don't (or Vice Versa)...


Well-Known Member
Have you ever done something to your hair you thought was gorgeous, absolutely beautiful, and even the mirror reciprocates your thoughts. You go to pull out the camera to share with your bestest of friends (LHCF) only to find that the camera is not depicting that stunning you, you saw in the mirror!?:nono::nono::nono:

WTH happened?! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Where did it go? How do I get it back?!

I don't want to put on a full face of makeup before taking every picture but something has to be done!

Can someone direct me to the store with the magic mirrors, or cameras that only dish out the most fabulous pictures:yep:?
Funny to see this because I had a disappointing reaction to a photograph I took of my hair and posted that looked COMPLETELY different while I was drooling in the mirror.

Jedi mind tricks..

I'm convinced that sometimes the camera steals some of the fabulousness so scissor happy stylists & hatin folks don't club you && shave ur head out of spite.


But in all seriousness I've had camera pics make me question why I thought a style was soooo cute or (on the flip-side) wondering how I wasn't thoroughly impressed with a style after a glance in the mirror. Go figure.
I've had a couple of pictures where I was like wtf. A lot of the pictures I took on vacation last year I felt this way about. I thought I was looking fly until I uploaded the pictures...I was left wondering what in the world was I on. Particularly when I saw how dry and crazy looking my curly clips in extensions looked and how they did not fully blend with my texture
I have the opposite happen. In the mirror, I think it looks dull, boring. I take a picture and it looks like I did something special. I'm not sure which is reality.
This always happens to me a lot, especially if I am trying to take the picture myself. I really hate fooling with those lying cameras.

I definitely have to at least wear lipstick if I want the picture to not look like a mugshot.
LOL This happens to me all the time!!! The camera tried to hate on my hairstyles so I can only post them to fotki and shake my head. It's so annoying.
I'm currently wearing my hair in fingercurls and it looks awesome IRL. I tried taking a picture for my hair collection and it looks very undefined, nothing like when I look in the mirror at it.
actually cameras lie, mirrors usually dont (well they can, but not all the time).

A photograph is a flat one dimensional image, it is not an accurate representation of what people are seeing when they look at you. So that fly hairstyle you had that one day that looked a mess in the photos might have actually been pretty fly! Particularly with kinky hairstyles that look different from every angle, a photograph will often not do it much justice (this is the same reason why a person could look beautiful in person and like absolute crap in a photo)

Once I realized that, I just got over it. If I look good in a mirror, I look good in real life. If I know i'm going out to an event where I will want pictures, I will do more picture friendly hairstyles (lol for me thats like...NO twistouts/braidouts etc haha, but it differs on everyone)
Actually mirrors do lie a little. The mirror image is the opposite of how we look to the world and camera; that's why most people find themselves not liking their photo, as opposed to their mirror image. But I totally relate to the sentiment of the camera lying, its not 3 dimensions like in the mirror and will therefore look less impressive.

Sent from my HTC EVO = TYPO GALORE!
actually cameras lie, mirrors usually dont (well they can, but not all the time).

A photograph is a flat one dimensional image, it is not an accurate representation of what people are seeing when they look at you. So that fly hairstyle you had that one day that looked a mess in the photos might have actually been pretty fly! Particularly with kinky hairstyles that look different from every angle, a photograph will often not do it much justice (this is the same reason why a person could look beautiful in person and like absolute crap in a photo)

Once I realized that, I just got over it. If I look good in a mirror, I look good in real life. If I know i'm going out to an event where I will want pictures, I will do more picture friendly hairstyles (lol for me thats like...NO twistouts/braidouts etc haha, but it differs on everyone)

@ bolded, I know that's right!!!:grin:
I notice the angle the picture is taken from makes a big difference. You ever have somebody take a pic of you from below you and you look extra tall? They can take a pic well above you and you look extra short?

The same with hair. Be careful that the camera is directly on the angle of your hair.

As for me, the camera makes my hair look shinier and I never feel like the length is correct. It always looks shorter than IRL. Can't get my angles right :-)
I hate pics too but I've gotten better at taking them.

Turn off the flash it washes everything out and makes your hair color look flat and your makeup clownish.

Angle your camera down when taking pics, almost always more flattering to facial features and body shape.
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LOL I took a pic of my haircut yesterday and was not happy but I like it in the mirror and in the mirror so this thread is so funny to me!
Did you take this pic with flash.

I find my hair looks totally different depending on whether its a day time pic or a night time flash pic. Like the cut, colour and heavyness looks different:perplexed

Aww yah cameras do lie. I've lost count of the people I've met this year who have said I look better in person. Me an point and shoot flash photography are not friends lol.
my hair always looks thin/flat to me in pictures but in real life people always compliment me on my hair and how full it looks.
Thank goodness I'm not alone! That's why I rarely take hair pics - they never seem to turn out right. I can wear a twistout that looks full and lush, and get tons of compliments all day. Then I come home and try to take a pic and it looks absolutely crazy! Short, flat, messy - but in the mirror it still looks great! And I hate taking pics with my face - my head blows up and the pic is 90% face, 10% hair. I've given up.:lol:
I don't know what it is about pictures, but I think that they're usually inaccurate. In my opinion, people usually look more attractive in person than they do in photos.
I recently went on a trip to NYC, so of course I took a lot of pictures. Well, in the mirror I would check my hair and think, "Yes ma'am your hair is FLY!" And while my friend and I were out enjoying the City, people would stop me to compliment me on my hair.

So why did my hair look dry and crispy in the photos?! :look: :nono:

But in all seriousness I've had camera pics make me question why I thought a style was soooo cute or (on the flip-side) wondering how I wasn't thoroughly impressed with a style after a glance in the mirror. Go figure.

This has happened to me a few times, you think you look a little crazy and then someone snaps a picture and you're like ooh, hot momma!

I've had a couple of pictures where I was like wtf. A lot of the pictures I took on vacation last year I felt this way about. I thought I was looking fly until I uploaded the pictures...I was left wondering what in the world was I on. Particularly when I saw how dry and crazy looking my curly clips in extensions looked and how they did not fully blend with my texture

That's the worst! You take a million pics trying to capture the moment and then you just end up staring at the crazy way your hair looks! Daylight can be our best friend or our worst enemy!

I once got dressed (might as well have been in the dark), put on new shoes that I knew went with my outfit! Went to work, and as I was walking through the parking lot realized I was rocking two incredibly different shades of pink! :yep:

This always happens to me a lot, especially if I am trying to take the picture myself. I really hate fooling with those lying cameras.

I definitely have to at least wear lipstick if I want the picture to not look like a mugshot.

Are you smiling in your pictures? I can avoid the mugshot as long as I'm not trying to give the "I'm too sexy" look!

I hate pics too but I've gotten better at taking them.

Turn off the flash it washes everything out and makes your hair color look flat and your makeup clownish.

Angle your camera down when taking pics, almost always more flattering to facial features and body shape.

I wish the bad pics could be blamed on the flash!

i look like a squirrel that was mobbed by a gang of alley cats


Thank goodness I'm not alone! That's why I rarely take hair pics - they never seem to turn out right. I can wear a twistout that looks full and lush, and get tons of compliments all day. Then I come home and try to take a pic and it looks absolutely crazy! Short, flat, messy - but in the mirror it still looks great! And I hate taking pics with my face - my head blows up and the pic is 90% face, 10% hair. I've given up.:lol:

This is my problem!! Where did all this face come from??
I'm convinced that camera has a 'fat head' setting. My head ALWAYS looks huge in pictures:(

:lachen: Girl, I cannot stop laughing at this. :lachen: Wow!!!

I think my camera has a WIDE lense because I'm looking HUGE in my pics. I'm not looking that big IRL. Seriously. :look:

Since doing your facial exercises, did you notice that the camera image of yourself improved as well as the mirror image of yourself? The nasolabial folds show up much more on camera than they do in the mirror. I took a picture and had a friend look at it and she says that is NOT what she sees when she is looking at me in the flesh, but then again, maybe she was trying to be "gentle" with me, LOL!

I've had the cd for over a year and still have not used it. I need to stop being lazy and start doing the exercises.
For me, even mirrors will tell different stories of what's going on from mirror to mirror. I have magic mirrors in my bedroom and my son's bedroom. In these mirrors, I look amazing in everything. My bathroom mirror is pretty neutral. She doesn't want to mess with me, especially first thing in the morning. But that darned car mirror will call me out in the worst way every time.

Sometimes I make the mistake of glancing in the rearview mirror and look hideous. Therefore, I feel hideous and carry myself almost apologetically. But when I get home, and look in a magic mirror, I'm fly again and mad that I didn't carry myself like it.

I'm convinced it has everything to do with lighting. Same with my camera pics. Whether the flash is on or off makes a difference. But, I also I think my camera just wants me to tickle that "click" button because, I can take a ton of pics with the same settings and lighting and they all look crazy. But, if I hang on long enough, and my camera is satisfied, I get a good pic with no changes made. Hey, I feel used but, I get a good pic out of the deal so...:look: