Mirrors Lie, Cameras Don't (or Vice Versa)...

I agree with NJoy, it has to do with the lighting. I always look great in my bathroom mirror as far as makeup goes & as soon as I get in the car and look in those mirrors, my face looks like I applied a layer of mud!

My natural hair always looks like it's full of glory in pictures, but when I look in the mirror, I can't find all of that glory!

Now wigs & half wigs on me always look better in person. The camera really brings out the shine and/or the slight texture difference from my hair.
I feel like my hair looks shorter in pics (especially when straight) than IRL. And my face looks huge when I take pics with my phone. If I use an actual camera though, I feel like I look better.
I agree with NJoy, it has to do with the lighting. I always look great in my bathroom mirror as far as makeup goes & as soon as I get in the car and look in those mirrors, my face looks like I applied a layer of mud!

My natural hair always looks like it's full of glory in pictures, but when I look in the mirror, I can't find all of that glory!

Now wigs & half wigs on me always look better in person. The camera really brings out the shine and/or the slight texture difference from my hair.

And now that you mention wigs. I can get my wigs looking fly in the mirror but, let somebody take a pic while I'm out. Errbody blinded by the shine. Smh.
And now that you mention wigs. I can get my wigs looking fly in the mirror but, let somebody take a pic while I'm out. Errbody blinded by the shine. Smh.

NJoy Yup!:lachen: That's what I'm talking about!!! This is exactly what I experienced a couple of weeks ago!! I just had a tiny-wee-bit of my hair showing in the front and the camera flash just had my wig looking extra shiny & my exposed hair extra dry!! :perplexed:lol:
For me, even mirrors will tell different stories of what's going on from mirror to mirror. I have magic mirrors in my bedroom and my son's bedroom. In these mirrors, I look amazing in everything. My bathroom mirror is pretty neutral. She doesn't want to mess with me, especially first thing in the morning. But that darned car mirror will call me out in the worst way every time.

Sometimes I make the mistake of glancing in the rearview mirror and look hideous. Therefore, I feel hideous and carry myself almost apologetically. But when I get home, and look in a magic mirror, I'm fly again and mad that I didn't carry myself like it.

I'm convinced it has everything to do with lighting. Same with my camera pics. Whether the flash is on or off makes a difference. But, I also I think my camera just wants me to tickle that "click" button because, I can take a ton of pics with the same settings and lighting and they all look crazy. But, if I hang on long enough, and my camera is satisfied, I get a good pic with no changes made. Hey, I feel used but, I get a good pic out of the deal so...:look:

NJoy. You take such great pictures that I never would have thought you have a 'magic mirror' :lachen: Oh I just saw the upstream quote today...sad I know.

:lachen: too funny MeowMix.... I'm sure that's just your perception though...

(My sad reality is that my head actually IS that big, so I can't blame my camera!!) :drunk: :drunk:

Tibbar. Yeah I think I threw my camera under the bus too. :lachen::lachen: I keep laughing. I actually have a big head. What is it denial and then acceptance? :lachen:
Yep, the story of my life. LOL! My camera adds blemishes that are not there and darkens my gums. Hatin' arse camera!
Cameras always shrink my fros when I used to wear them. In the mirror, it would always look HUGE and bouncy but then when I would take a pic, it would much smaller and condensed. I really dislike tempting to capture the juiciness of my beloved fro.

Since doing your facial exercises, did you notice that the camera image of yourself improved as well as the mirror image of yourself? The nasolabial folds show up much more on camera than they do in the mirror. I took a picture and had a friend look at it and she says that is NOT what she sees when she is looking at me in the flesh, but then again, maybe she was trying to be "gentle" with me, LOL!

I've had the cd for over a year and still have not used it. I need to stop being lazy and start doing the exercises.

@RossBoss, I think both. I was sending Carolyn images of my face every 3 months or so when I started the program because after about 3 months, I'd think I see some improvement in the mirror so I'd send her images to see what she thought. She would confirm the changes from camera images.

Your point of view will affect how shadows fall on your face and what you will see. A camera held at your eye level will probably see what you see and if in the same lighting. If there's a flash then it will cash shadow differently than if you just took the photo without a flash.

TBH this isn't something that has ever crossed my mind to compare. :lol: I have a mother for whom vanity is something to be frowned upon and I admire her modesty and hope one day to be like her, so...yeah, trying to find out where I look better isn't something I've ever considered. I just assume that what I see in the mirror and what the camera says are to some extent accurate and more or less the same thing. *shrug*