Mirror Trick - Look at your crown


Well-Known Member
I've discovered how to look at my crown up close! Here's what I did:

<ul type="square"> [*]I went into the bathroom and faced the mirror. [*]I picked up my hand mirror and tilted it at a 45 degree angle (downward) toward the big bathroom mirror. [*]I then looked down (chin to my chest) as if I looked at the floor. [*]I looked in the hand mirror, and voila! I saw my crown up close!

*Note: you may need to tilt the hand mirror slightly to get your view. This is really easy and convenient...give it a try!
Sweetpea, you're so cute.

I do it differently. Turn my back to the bathroom mirror and hold my hand mirror above my head at a 45 degree angle facing the bathroom mirror and down towards my face. I then look up into the hand mirror thus tilting my head back towards the bathroom mirror. And voilà! The image I see in the hand held mirror is that of my crown.
I hear ya, Nonie. I used to do it that way as well, and I thought that was the only way to get a good look at the crown/top area. But this new way I discovered by accident is actually better! I can get all up in the mirror because I can lean in really close to the big mirror.

I know this isn't a big deal...but try it if you want to and you'll see what I mean. I never knew what the top of my head looks like from the point of view of someone looking down on it.
Oh, I liked this!

I flew in the bathroom just now to try this out.... Wow, that's an amazing view... looking "down" at my hair. Of course I had to play around with the hair too

That's sweets!