Emotions are interesting to say the least. All of us at some point have been controlled by them. It is human nature to go by reason, intellect, or what you feel until you start your personal journey with God. Then of course, he puts that all into perspective, adds to it, and we become several times the person we were before him. I never argue with ppl when having conversations of this nature. It didn't happen overnight. When I'm right I state the facts, show love, and really try to relate to them and whatever they are dealing with. I try to take my examples from Jesus. He never argued even during the most volatile of situations. If he was talking to farmers, fishermen, whoever, he used intelligent examples they could understand. Even when he was angry (like in the temple) he did not sin. While he was not the watered down, emasculated, hippy looking image we commonly see, he was not a brawler either. He achieved a balance. We must do the same. Whatever, you do continue to pray and ask God to give you guidance and wisdom in this and all you do. Keep praying for them and ask God to send someone into their lives to plant, and water them spirtually. Then thank him in advance for him giving the increase.
BTW- I just had this conversation with a friend the other day. We all have choices on how we respond even if we didn't have choices concerning our circumstances. Why would God create us that way then turn around and say all that he has to say in the word concerning homosexuality?