I Don't Think I Can Watch Primetime Tv Anymore....

I know I'm late to the party, but lately I have been finding myself only watching tv shows I grew up with (All That, Smart Guy, Sister Sister, etc.). At most I watch one show every other day on TV. I very rarely turn on the tv anymore. But I'm not gonna lie though...I love the Walking Dead :lol: I enjoy watching things that are action packed (fantasy related things like movies based on Marvel Comics)

I used to love Family Guy, but once I got saved the Holy Spirit literally opened my eyes to seeds these shows plant. Since then I have guarded my heart against certain TV shows and music. It's been 2 years and I'm doing just fine not knowing the latest happenings on prime time TV.
I think I'm almost done with TLC I only like say yes to the dress but they slipped in a gay couple too and now they have a brace yourselves transgender teen (I am Jazz) to replace the Duggars So disappointed/disgusted in the whole situation with their son.

I like HGTV too They are very careful not to use the G word or couple or show any PDA they're also careful not to bring up if a hetero couple is shaked up if the people say it themselves they don't emphasize it if the couple doesn't say it neither do they.

If they're not brothers or sisters or roommates and they say we met etc once I see that's a gay couple I change the channel right away. They will say these brothers or whatever but within the first coupe minutes you know If they're a gay couple or not. I have seen less of these episodes though so maybe they're getting the point. I have no problem with the other shows or the rest of their shows.

I have to change the station as well once I realize who the couple represents.

My favorites are 'Love it or List it' with Hillary and David, I enjoy their friendly banter. The Property Brothers (the twins Drew and Jonathan) and Fixer Upper with Chip and JoAnna Gaines in Texas.

Those folks in Texas get a lot of land and house for their money. I could buy at least 4 houses there for what it would cost up North for one house and a patch of land. :lol:

I miss wholesome TV. Now there is too much garbage and I have to have a serious talk with Tyler. He used to be careful with his work avoiding sex scenes, excessive cursing and raw violence. God did not bless him to please the devil.
I know I'm late to the party, but lately I have been finding myself only watching tv shows I grew up with (All That, Smart Guy, Sister Sister, etc.). At most I watch one show every other day on TV. I very rarely turn on the tv anymore. But I'm not gonna lie though...I love the Walking Dead :lol: I enjoy watching things that are action packed (fantasy related things like movies based on Marvel Comics)

I used to love Family Guy, but once I got saved the Holy Spirit literally opened my eyes to seeds these shows plant. Since then I have guarded my heart against certain TV shows and music. It's been 2 years and I'm doing just fine not knowing the latest happenings on prime time TV.

It's amazing how God changes our hearts and desires. We no longer enjoy the things that we used to think were harmless.

I have to change the station as well once I realize who the couple represents.

My favorites are 'Love it or List it' with Hillary and David, I enjoy their friendly banter. The Property Brothers (the twins Drew and Jonathan) and Fixer Upper with Chip and JoAnna Gaines in Texas.

Those folks in Texas get a lot of land and house for their money. I could buy at least 4 houses there for what it would cost up North for one house and a patch of land. :lol:

I miss wholesome TV. Now there is too much garbage and I have to have a serious talk with Tyler. He used to be careful with his work avoiding sex scenes, excessive cursing and raw violence. God did not bless him to please the devil.

There pureflix ..AR White who does Christian movies has a subscription pay channel with wholesome stuff I'm trying to see if I can get it. They have some good zingers on love it or list it.
Also hallmark channel is still ok and me tv only shows the oldies and the real oldies of course there's always pbs that's mostly all I would watch when I was a kid. Turner classics.
Also the new muppet show is touted as adult themed with adult topics and sexually themmed jokes so watch out its on the 1MM site you gave above.

You mean Tyler Perry? I never liked that whole Madea thing even from the beginning because of the cross-dressing. Do you mean to tell me he couldn't find an older black actress to play Madea. And thats the name of a very powerful demonic witch in mythology look it up.
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I so wanted to support Viola Davis. She has literally 'crawled' a long way and I wanted to celebrate the end of her struggle. However, what she is doing, I cannot support and it makes me very sad. I've never watch Empire but wanted our race to win. I've only seen a few episodes of Scandal and it too is a disappointment. I love Tyler Perry and now I find that he too, has fallen from grace with his drama series. I still have hope for him and I keep him in my prayers. God did not raise him up to stoop so low.

This is how I feel too.... :ohwell: I've liked Viola ever since she was in "Doubt" and "The Help". She is a very convincing and good actress, and to think that she didn't have much exposure until recently is very surprising.

But I agree....this new "trend" on TV and in movies these days I just cannot support. :hand: :nono: It's not even JUST about the homosexual scenes, but just about the immorality of TV in GENERAL these days! :nono: I feel like everyone has jumped on the "who can shock people the most?" bandwagon, and it's getting out of control.

Even celebrities and music artists (especially those of the female gender) stay doing the most these days with raunchy music videos and stage performances, kissing other girls, touching their crotch, licking goodness knows what, being hypersexual and overly provocative, etc.... Miley Cyrus and Nikki Minaj instantly come to mind. Even Taylor Swift who started off being "sweet and wholesome" strumming her guitar with her golden curls has now tried to turn into some stage dancing vixen. It's just too much.... :nono: :nono:

These stars have dimmed their true light. They've sold their souls (literally) to the devil. To feed their hungry souls for fame and fortune, they've sold out. And it is he (satan) who is rewarding them, not God. It's so obvious that it is satan and not God, for they are receiving a reward for heralding sin.

Yep... :yep: It's almost as if you literally sell your soul to the Devil in order to make it "big" in that industry. While I love Hollywood and all of the "glitz and glamour" (I'm a huge movie buff lol), my eyes are definitely opened to just what a vile and licentious place it all is. It's very scary what goes on in that industry, and I'm sure we only hear half of what REALLY takes place in the Entertainment scene. I'm not even going to go into the casting couch, or other degrading things people have had to succumb to in order to get parts, win awards, etc. :nono: It's like when Satan went and tempted Jesus with all of the riches and Kingdoms of the world.... He is doing the same thing with people today. Promising them fame, fortune, and the like. Of COURSE Satan is in control of this world's entertainment system.

I haven't been following Tyler Perry's work since he did "Good Deeds", but I was VERY shocked to see that he added such a graphic (almost violent) sex scene in that film. It was very weird, awkward, and just not his usual M.O. I was turned off. :nono: I don't have to see all of that...

Whatever happen to the Class Acts of Sidney Poitier? A self-taught man who did not begin with means of wealth nor even a clear dialect of English...yet he didn't disgrace the Black race. :nono: And this man propelled into greatness. Cicely Tyson, always a 'Lady'. And yes, I'll say it, 'The Cosby Show'. It was clean and this show did represent a wholesome family with the beauty of being 'Black' and without disgrace to our race.

YES!!! I LOVE watching older classic films (and even Jane Austen Period Pieces) because the storylines were WELL-written, well-acted, and didn't have to resort to showing a lot of graphic material in order to be considered "GOOD films". And yes, actors and actresses back then didn't disgrace the black race...nor their own race for that matter with their filth. :nono: I know I wasn't even born back then, but sometimes I wish things could go back to the times when people at least PRETENDED to be upstanding in the public eye. Idk what they were doing behind closed doors, but at least people had enough self respect and self dignity NOT to be acting a fool out in public, wearing embarassing and provocative clothing (some celebrity women basically wear lingerie on the red carpet these days! :shocked:), and acting in degrading ways. I'm most sad for my fellow women and what they have succumbed to in order to try to be "popular". Smh....

I would post pictures of examples, but I don't want to degrade this thread :nono:

I can only imagine what God is thinking if I'm disgusted...

I feel like people don't even consider a movie or a TV show to be "good" unless it has some underlying debauchery in it. Smh :nono:

I refuse to eat Chobani yogurt... ever!

They had a commercial of a woman sitting up in bed devouring a cup of their yogurt and it went 'extra' with licking the spoon, the cup, etc. Then she turns and tickles the feet of another woman that was in bed with her.

Really? Did it take all of that to sell yogurt? Of course not. What they were selling was same sex relationships. It was totally unnecessary and underlying porn. Absolutely sneaky and just plain nasty. I haven't seen it since and pray it never shows again. These vendors are out of their minds.

I also joined One Million Moms and have no regrets. I have no problem letting these vendors know that they will not get my money for their support of sin.


OMG really??? :shocked: I've never seen this commercial and I live in CA! Then again, I don't have cable TV..just an antennae. Which channel was this on?

Notice how the Devil is VERY crafty when it comes to immorality being shown on TV and in movies..... It's the gradual progression of things going from bad to worse that makes it so easy for people to watch these things without batting an eyelash. The devil knows that if he had shown this filth back in the 1950s and 1960s, people would be turned off, disgusted, and would have had OUTRAGE!!!! People were MUCH more concervative back then. But, because things have GRADUALLY progressed to getting worse, people are more apt to take in badness on a gradual level. Humans are very adaptable to their environment.

That's like when you cook crabs....Idk if you've ever cooked live crabs in a pot before, but the trick is to never put the fire on high, because the crabs will just jump out of the pot if you do. The boiling water is too hot for them. What you do is put the crabs in the pot, put the fire on low, and GRADUALLY increase the heat. By then, the crabs are already slowly dying because the heat is getting too warm. But they don't even realize it because the progression is so slow.
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I gave up tv a long time ago and I'm happier for it. I control what goes into my spirit. So many of the popular shows, I couldn't get beyond the first few episodes because of too much sexuality or gay themes (Empire, American Horror Story, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Scandal, etc).

I don't have cable and just watch a lot of older shows on Netflix or movies.
This is how I feel too.... :ohwell: I've liked Viola ever since she was in "Doubt" and "The Help". She is a very convincing and good actress, and to think that she didn't have much exposure until recently is very surprising.

But I agree....this new "trend" on TV and in movies these days I just cannot support. :hand: :nono: It's not even JUST about the homosexual scenes, but just about the immorality of TV in GENERAL these days! :nono: I feel like everyone has jumped on the "who can shock people the most?" bandwagon, and it's getting out of control.

Even celebrities and music artists (especially those of the female gender) stay doing the most these days with raunchy music videos and stage performances, kissing other girls, touching their crotch, licking goodness knows what, being hypersexual and overly provocative, etc.... Miley Cyrus and Nikki Minaj instantly come to mind. Even Taylor Swift who started off being "sweet and wholesome" strumming her guitar with her golden curls has now tried to turn into some stage dancing vixen. It's just too much.... :nono: :nono:

Yep... :yep: It's almost as if you literally sell your soul to the Devil in order to make it "big" in that industry. While I love Hollywood and all of the "glitz and glamour" (I'm a huge movie buff lol), my eyes are definitely opened to just what a vile and licentious place it all is. It's very scary what goes on in that industry, and I'm sure we only hear half of what REALLY takes place in the Entertainment scene. I'm not even going to go into the casting couch, or other degrading things people have had to succumb to in order to get parts, win awards, etc. :nono: It's like when Satan went and tempted Jesus with all of the riches and Kingdoms of the world.... He is doing the same thing with people today. Promising them fame, fortune, and the like. Of COURSE Satan is in control of this world's entertainment system.

I haven't been following Tyler Perry's work since he did "Good Deeds", but I was VERY shocked to see that he added such a graphic (almost violent) sex scene in that film. It was very weird, awkward, and just not his usual M.O. I was turned off. :nono: I don't have to see all of that...

YES!!! I LOVE watching older classic films (and even Jane Austen Period Pieces) because the storylines were WELL-written, well-acted, and didn't have to resort to showing a lot of graphic material in order to be considered "GOOD films". And yes, actors and actresses back then didn't disgrace the black race...nor their own race for that matter with their filth. :nono: I know I wasn't even born back then, but sometimes I wish things could go back to the times when people at least PRETENDED to be upstanding in the public eye. Idk what they were doing behind closed doors, but at least people had enough self respect and self dignity NOT to be acting a fool out in public, wearing embarassing and provocative clothing (some celebrity women basically wear lingerie on the red carpet these days! :shocked:), and acting in degrading ways. I'm most sad for my fellow women and what they have succumbed to in order to try to be "popular". Smh....

I would post pictures of examples, but I don't want to degrade this thread :nono:

I can only imagine what God is thinking if I'm disgusted...

I feel like people don't even consider a movie or a TV show to be "good" unless it has some underlying debauchery in it. Smh :nono:

OMG really??? :shocked: I've never seen this commercial and I live in CA! Then again, I don't have cable TV..just an antennae. Which channel was this on?

Notice how the Devil is VERY crafty when it comes to immorality being shown on TV and in movies..... It's the gradual progression of things going from bad to worse that makes it so easy for people to watch these things without batting an eyelash. The devil knows that if he had shown this filth back in the 1950s and 1960s, people would be turned off, disgusted, and would have had OUTRAGE!!!! People were MUCH more concervative back then. But, because things have GRADUALLY progressed to getting worse, people are more apt to take in badness on a gradual level. Humans are very adaptable to their environment.

That's like when you cook crabs....Idk if you've ever cooked live crabs in a pot before, but the trick is to never put the fire on high, because the crabs will just jump out of the pot if you do. The boiling water is too hot for them. What you do is put the crabs in the pot, put the fire on low, and GRADUALLY increase the heat. By then, the crabs are already slowly dying because the heat is getting too warm. But they don't even realize it because the progression is so slow.

I love your entire post and especially your illustration of the crab pot. It brought back these memories of my son. My son (at 9 years old) used to go crabbing, getting up at 5:00 a.m. to go crabbing with his Granddad and later in age with his friends.

He would come home with his crab cages folded and tied with the ropes; and his bucket half filled with his 'catch' of the day. At 9 years of age, my 'baby boy' would get the huge pot, rinse the crabs, under running water. I remember him getting pinched and he'd just stay focused on his catch. :lol:

Now ... it was my son who taught me how to steam live crabs. :blush: I remember the water first, the ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) then adding the crabs, and the sprinkle of the Old Bay Seafood seasoning. :love3: Then slowly, he would adjust the flame. Your post reminded me why he started so slow. At the time, I thought he was being careful with the flame (using safety measures with fire). But he KNEW to start slow with a simmer, to a slow boil for his feast of his catch of the day.

@Crystalicequeen123 lice... again, what an excellent illustration you shared above. In answer to your question about cooking crabs,..'Yes', via my son. :yep:
Started my FREE 1 month tail of pureflix
It's set up like Netflix almost. I like the parental warnings and their age is 16 and up for the heavier stuff and they state in the description that a parent should preview the movie before letting anyone watch.

They have some interesting shows some old shows kids shows and lives and a good mix most of them have a wholesome message or Christian one. the thing I like best is with that labeling system built in I don't have to come across stuff I don't want to see much less any visiting kid family members. Unlike Netflix gay themed stuff and porn doesn't pop up in the recommended stuff I tried to fix the settings on Netflix but that still comes up in recently added or new section.
For now it's available on roku player and you can stream the app from iPad iPhone using AirPlay and smart tablet androids. They will soon be available in fall winter on Apple TV.

If you want to see a really good visualization of spiritual warfare watch the movie Divination

I have to change the station as well once I realize who the couple represents.

My favorites are 'Love it or List it' with Hillary and David, I enjoy their friendly banter. The Property Brothers (the twins Drew and Jonathan) and Fixer Upper with Chip and JoAnna Gaines in Texas.

Those folks in Texas get a lot of land and house for their money. I could buy at least 4 houses there for what it would cost up North for one house and a patch of land. :lol:

I miss wholesome TV. Now there is too much garbage and I have to have a serious talk with Tyler. He used to be careful with his work avoiding sex scenes, excessive cursing and raw violence. God did not bless him to please the devil.

Fixer Upper is my show! I suspect they are believers because I've heard them refer to many of their clients as members of their church.
When Calls the Heart is one of my favorites. My daughter turned up her nose for the first couple of episodes, but now she is asking me to remind her when the new season begins.


Oh Boy! What a thread. I think Empire is a tool of the enemy for the Black community to accept the gay lifestyle. Again sin is portrayed as glamorous. The male gay singer is actively pursuing perverted sex with a partner. That's it for me. When I heard that Scandal's theme was a woman having an affair with a married man, it was a no go for my single celibate life. I do not need to see these things. I was looking at a channel lineup yesterday and saw that Scandal comes on Thursday at 9 pm. I am glad that God has kept me so I do not want to watch this program. What is going on with Viola Davis? Rosewood was a place where there was a black community massacre. There is a show with this title.
There pureflix ..AR White who does Christian movies has a subscription pay channel with wholesome stuff I'm trying to see if I can get it. They have some good zingers on love it or list it.
Also hallmark channel is still ok and me tv only shows the oldies and the real oldies of course there's always pbs that's mostly all I would watch when I was a kid. Turner classics.
Also the new muppet show is touted as adult themed with adult topics and sexually themmed jokes so watch out its on the 1MM site you gave above.

You mean Tyler Perry? I never liked that whole Madea thing even from the beginning because of the cross-dressing. Do you mean to tell me he couldn't find an older black actress to play Madea. And thats the name of a very powerful demonic witch in mythology look it up.

@Lucia - were you able to sign up for Pureflix? I am signing up for the free trial, but I'd like to stream to the tv instead of one of my devices. How are you streaming?
@Lucia - were you able to sign up for Pureflix? I am signing up for the free trial, but I'd like to stream to the tv instead of one of my devices. How are you streaming?


I stream using AirPlay pureflix app
Or use chrom video and tv cast browser to cast through chrom set
It's in the App Store look it up on google and a link will show
You can stream using android too
For some reason the app wouldn't play on iOS vertically. I had to flip it to horizontal and now I can stream using AirPlay.
I'm so hyped! Thank you.
Last night I watched the first episode of Rosewood with Morrison Chestnut and figured I'd enjoy the show. When I realized the woman playing his sister is a lesbian and marrying a woman I immediately got turned off. In fact, that's exactly why I never watched Scandal and Empire. Sexual anarchy is on the rise and people's constant viewing of these things is why they refuse to hear the Gospel and despise the Bible. I have considered getting my cable disconnected and keeping internet only, which I will likely be doing very soon. Those who are true believers need to have discernment in these times and understand what's going on spiritually. That's why we are learning to avoid these shows. You have some who say there is nothing wrong with watching these kinds of shows. But as Paul says, all things are lawful but all things do not edify. No believer can watch such things and it doesn't effect their spiritual life. In fact, to be able to watch them without the Holy Spirit convicting their heart is probably proof that some repentance is needed. The more I grown in Christ, the more grieved I am by TV today.

The bolded... YES!!!!!!!! Like many in this thread I am appalled at how many TV shows feature gay and/or lesbian relationships on them.......it is like the media is shoving that down our throats as being "natural" it is NOT natural.

I agree with what has been said in this thread thus far...... I don't post here often but we are on the same page with this issue being flaunted ALL over TV.

That's all I got....carry on ladies.
With a name that suggests it is a "family" show. Thank you for bumping this. I am going to write Steve Harvey a letter.

I will as well. I frequently leave open messages on Tyler Perry's sites. He says he reads them all the time and I'm 'there' for it.

I was thinking today that it's time to write 'our' Black stars letting them know that they will NOT have my further support if they continue to degrade themselves as well as our culture and that they are not presenting a good role model for the youth in the Black community.

I had absolutely no idea that so much gay sexual actions was a blatantly being shown on TV... no idea whatsoever. I had no idea that this is what Viola Davis was being awarded for. :nono: And I wanted so to support her... a dark skinned Black woman who are so often shut down and turn away from acting roles and ones of distinction. Well, there is nothing credible with her role on that show...none!

I'm used to seeing her on Law and Order as one of the defense attorneys. She's not a 'glamour' type woman, yet she is beautiful. I wanted her to 'win', but her role is not a winner. It's ugly (I'm speaking of the ROLE/Character/the gay interaction) NOT her. I am not calling Viola Davis ugly. Her role in the show is and that lesbian role...it is very ugly. :nono:

They may be getting a 'big check', but it's a sell-out because they are making the culprits richer and our community far worse. All of this gay sexualizing is poisoning the human race, let alone the Black legacy and it's progression. It's just bad all the way around. They need to have guts enough to take a stand and refuse these degrading roles where there are no repercussions and consequences being presented as a result of the obscene behaviors.
So true, your post..

You just reminded me: What really is the reasoning behind the names of some of these shows?? An effort to glamorize this country's moral decay?

Empire - "An extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress," says Webster..

Rosewood - You're right! that was the name of the black community killed off by whites because that community was thriving.. I saw the advert for the show but I won't be watching..something "macabre" about the whole thing.

Scandal - (admittedly watched some of the first episodes of season 1 and got turned off quickly) what bothers me about this show is how it portrays black women as so desperate for a white man, they're willing to share him with his wife! It's not a good portrayal. It doesn't matter how "powerful" this character appears, she's really not.

How to Get Away with Murder - um, OK. Don't know anything about it, but I like Viola and it seems she's not doing good with this one.

Oh Boy! What a thread. I think Empire is a tool of the enemy for the Black community to accept the gay lifestyle. Again sin is portrayed as glamorous. The male gay singer is actively pursuing perverted sex with a partner. That's it for me. When I heard that Scandal's theme was a woman having an affair with a married man, it was a no go for my single celibate life. I do not need to see these things. I was looking at a channel lineup yesterday and saw that Scandal comes on Thursday at 9 pm. I am glad that God has kept me so I do not want to watch this program. What is going on with Viola Davis? Rosewood was a place where there was a black community massacre. There is a show with this title.
So true, your post..

You just reminded me: What really is the reasoning behind the names of some of these shows?? An effort to glamorize this country's moral decay?

Empire - "An extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress," says Webster..

Rosewood - You're right! that was the name of the black community killed off by whites because that community was thriving.. I saw the advert for the show but I won't be watching..something "macabre" about the whole thing.

Scandal - (admittedly watched some of the first episodes of season 1 and got turned off quickly) what bothers me about this show is how it portrays black women as so desperate for a white man, they're willing to share him with his wife! It's not a good portrayal. It doesn't matter how "powerful" this character appears, she's really not.

How to Get Away with Murder - um, OK. Don't know anything about it, but I like Viola and it seems she's not doing good with this one.

Rosewood - You're right! that was the name of the black community killed off by whites because that community was thriving.. I saw the advert for the show but I won't be watching..something "macabre" about the whole thing.

The Rosewood Massacre 1923 :nono:

I tried, I really tried to get into HTGAWM. Honestly, I struggled to get past the title. Get away with murder? REALLY? Then the opening scenes of the first episode broke my heart. Young people, high achievers with so much promise, hiding a body? Their fates have been sealed. Too sad!