Mini Album Update!!! (2 pics)


hair bored
Hey Ladies!

I updated my album w/ 2 pics, I was in my office fooling around and had my investigator take these w/ his digital camera. The lightening's not that great, but you can see some of the texture and length. Anyways, I'll add better pics this weekend when I straighten my hair!
looking good ayana
wow, you have so much newgrowth....i know you cant wait to finish fully transitioning
-- jainygirl
how is it for you transitioning w/o the chop. This is what I want to do but I have not seen many here that have done it. Can you give me some advice?
nice waves; your hair will look great when you are all natraul.
Totally off the subject, but your investigator didn't ask why you wanted pictures taken of your hair
Wow! Look at all that NATURAL hair. You don't have very far to go at all. It's looking good ayanapooh!!
tasha said:
Totally off the subject, but your investigator didn't ask why you wanted pictures taken of your hair

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No, he's black and he's really cool. I told him that I was growing out my perm and I wanted to keep track of my progress. He was like, "so is my wife," so it was no big deal!

msniq said:
how is it for you transitioning w/o the chop. This is what I want to do but I have not seen many here that have done it. Can you give me some advice?

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I actually just did a post on it. Here's the link
It looks like your transition to natural has gone pretty smoothly. I bet you can't wait to see what your 100% natural hair looks like. Thanks for sharing your album.
Your hair looks great! Congrats on transitioning for so long...I know how tough it can be!

I really love your layered straightened look. I may have enough natural hair for that look straight. Hmm....
Hi Everyone.
I just started working on my album. I usually take pictures of other people, so it's a challenge to find pictures of myself. I've gone through so many hair changes over the last 5 years but I'm back to relaxed. I generally do my hair myself, but some times it gets to be too much work. Most hair stylist find me a bit picky, but I've had a lot of bad experiences with trusting them to do the right thing. In other words, I have my reasons.
In response to msniq's comment...I've transitioned out of a relaxer many times over the years and I must say that the summertime is the best time to manage it
because you can wash and go. Although the longer my hair grew the more difficult it became to detangle, it really is thick, but I'm not complaining. Outside of that, if you love a challenge then I'm sure you can do it. Good luck!
Hi Everyone.
I just started working on my album. I usually take pictures of other people, so it's a challenge to find pictures of myself. I've gone through so many hair changes over the last 5 years but I'm back to relaxed. I generally do my hair myself, but some times it gets to be too much work. Most hair stylist find me a bit picky, but I've had a lot of bad experiences with trusting them to do the right thing. In other words, I have my reasons.

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Are you trying to hijack Ayannapooh's thread?

I think you're trying to reply and got lost.
Awww shucks ladys! You're making me blush!!! Thanks for all the encouragement though, it really helps!
And I can't wait til I have a head of thick, healthy, natural hair!