Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Increased amount of hunger, same amount of energy and gassy. But it's only been a few days so we shall see...
Lawd! I'm 3.5 weeks post & my new growth is insane. I know this isn't a good pic but I feel more like 8 weeks post. I can't estimate the growth until I relax again in December. Too lazy to flat iron.

Been taking since 10/10 along with prenatal & just started frequent cowashing. Hardly any shedding & hair is thriving. Woot!


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Some promising news a one month review from another youtube for those interested in growth

Lawd! I'm 3.5 weeks post & my new growth is insane. I know this isn't a good pic but I feel more like 8 weeks post. I can't estimate the growth until I relax again in December. Too lazy to flat iron.

Been taking since 10/10 along with prenatal & just started frequent cowashing. Hardly any shedding & hair is thriving. Woot!
Now that's awesome!:grin:
So I have been slowly gaining weight ever since I started taking MR. I'm going to tighen up on my diet this week and pray I can stop this gain.
So I didn't notice until today that I'm don't crave sweets and chips like I did before MR. Once I clean up my diet I will be the bomb.com My diet wasn't that bad before but I allowed too many slip ups. Now I feel like I really have control.

MR truly is a Godsend! I will do my best to make it work with my body!
MonaRae said:
So I didn't notice until today that I'm don't crave sweets and chips like I did before MR. Once I clean up my diet I will be the bomb.com My diet wasn't that bad before but I allowed too many slip ups. Now I feel like I really have control.

MR truly is a Godsend! I will do my best to make it work with my body!

Now that you mention.... I have not either:-/
I hope it controls that during my monthly because that is when the real cravings come full force lol

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I ordered mine so it should be here in a few days. I hope I get the energy boost since I'll need it for my full time job and my business launch. I'm feeling real out of it right now.
Nice & Wavy said:
Yeah, you must take the suggested amount in order for it to really work.

Yep! When I was taking half the dosage I felt nothing! Now that I take the right dosage I feel everything. Lol

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As @Phaer mentioned I haven't been feeling as 'tired' as I normally would and that's a noticeable/huge difference.

Usually when I come home from work, I'm dead-dog tired but since taking it I feel completely energized (but not in a bad Energizer-Bunny kind of way:lol:) Just not tired.

I skipped lunch today:perplexed And didn't feel hungry at all.:blush:

Can't wait to see an improvement in Hair & Nails:lick:
So my MR came in the mail today. I will try it tomorrow morning. Do you ladies take it straight no chaser or mixed w/water/followed by water?
Luv4hair said:
Come back to say... We all have been paying attention to the B12 in this and energy. Did you all know it contain 1000 mcg of Silica? Silica has so many beauty benefits:yay:

This is partially the only reason I purchased the supplement. Silica has done wonders for me this month that I've been taking it (through a bamboo supplement). And although there is 1000 mcg in MR, it's only 1 mg. Bamboo has 300 mg of silica.

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i received mine in the mail today. I took my first dosage today. Its odd..I'm not surte i'm supposed to see results right away. But I have a lot more energy tonight. I came home from work not even needing to take a nap.