Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

DominicanBrazilian82 said:
This is partially the only reason I purchased the supplement. Silica has done wonders for me this month that I've been taking it (through a bamboo supplement). And although there is 1000 mcg in MR, it's only 1 mg. Bamboo has 300 mg of silica.

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Thanks for sharing that :-)

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So, 3rd day of M-R, and so far so good. No upset stomach, but I have noticed the wacky dreams, and the increased urination. Energy is up as well. ...I still don't enjoy the taste. :look:
I got mine yesterday and tried it today--just a tbsp since it was late afternoon. Tomorrow I will take 1oz in the morning along with my other vitamins. It doesn't have a bad taste though not sweet like I was expecting--don't know why I thought it would but whatever.

The only update I have is frequent urination, not a bad thing since this is encouraging me to drink more water. Not a fan of water :nono: .
@Kerryann, no you're not, I am also losing my appetite and also my taste for sweets. So, if it does nothing else, I'm good :lachen:. Today makes the 4th day I haven't eaten any sweets and that a record for me.

@Nice and Wavy, I noticed I also woke up really hungry this am :yep:.

My hubby will be in Il for the next month and I ordered him a bottle to be delivered there via Swanson's. I also have lost 2lbs, that might be from not eating sweets.

Oh to be so blessed! I'm praying for the above "side effects"! :yep:
My energy levels and focus are through the roof. I went out Saturday night slept for 4 hours was up at 8am ready to rock. Didn't go to sleep until midnight the next night and was up at 7am. I'm working on harnessing my new found power for good and start working out. Oh and my nails are getting stronger and longer. My hair looks about the same so far. I am really thirsty these days not sure if that's a side effect.
Can't wait for my bottles to come in. I only ordered two of the original formula. Next time i'll purchase the Aloe version.

I plan on using the new found energy for working out ^_^ I don't care much about the supposed hair growth boost
I bet all the people who don't care about the effect of MR on hair will see a noticeable difference, no fair :(

lol, oh well, I already love this supplement, I am not sure I can hanndle more.
I believe it is day 6 for me. So far I don't have the frequent urination and being as thirsty is not as bad as day 3.

I did catch a leg cramp this morning....
Also my nails feel stronger but I am not sure if they have grown longer because I did not pay attention to them when I started. The thing I like is that no matter what time I wake I am never tired and feel well rested.

As far as my appetite I am still not craving sweets or junkfood. As for regular food the only time I feel the hungriest is when I first wake in the morning. Throughout the day I forget that I did not eat because I am not craving. Like yesterday for example... My Husband brought me a burger from a restaurant DO YOU KNOW I only took 4 bites and did not want it!:nono: Then I complained to him about why would he bring me this big burger :lol: I never do that!

I also had my weekend drinks :alcoholic because of a special occasion and not once did I wake with a "I dont want to get out the bed" type of hangover.

I would be lying if I said I don't care about hair growth from this... So I am not going to say that. I am hoping since this drink does what the lady from the video said about energy... Maybe the hair growth will come too.:yep:
since my mom took my MR, I will be without it until my new order comes in. I wonder if I will suffer from withdrawal.
Well I've been taking this for about 12 days now. Haven't really noticed an increase in energy but, I am going to start taking the full amount now. I watched some youtube videos about people who have experienced accelerated growth from taking this and I'm gonna be pretty pissed if I miss out on extra growth because I wasn't taking enough haha
Posted the blow in the other thread but meant it for this thread:

I lost the weight I gained since starting MR so a clean diet is mandatory for me right now. I ate really good yesterday and enjoyed it so this will be easy.

Energy is good and now I'm like :grunt: all day long. I lost the 2 pounds in 1 day!!!!! :lol:

So MR is giving me energy, thinning me out and making my hair grow! Oh yeah! It's on like popcorn up in here! :lachen:
Just started today. The first thing I noticed was that it had me in the bathroom twice this morning which is major because I am not regular at all. Even when I went on a juice cleanse I still wasn't totally regular so this is a plus already. I like the taste as well. I feel the same as far as energy and stuff so we shall see how it goes in the next few days but I am definitely very pleased so far.
Posted the blow in the other thread but meant it for this thread:

I lost the weight I gained since starting MR so a clean diet is mandatory for me right now. I ate really good yesterday and enjoyed it so this will be easy.

Energy is good and now I'm like :grunt: all day long. I lost the 2 pounds in 1 day!!!!! :lol:

So MR is giving me energy, thinning me out and making my hair grow! Oh yeah! It's on like popcorn up in here! :lachen:


That is great! How clean is your diet? What do you eat for protein(meat, nuts, eggs, yogurt)?
So I have an update you all might not like...

This morning I had to go to the emergency room because my heart rate was elevated to 130 :-( I just left the hospital and they put me with a 24 hour heart monitor.

I will no longer be apart of this challenge

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So I have an update you all might not like...

This morning I had to go to the emergency room because my heart rate was elevated to 130 :-( I just left the hospital and they put me with a 24 hour heart monitor.

I will no longer be apart of this challenge

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My goodness, I hope you will be ok. Did you let the doctor know that you were taking this supplement and the ingredients? Were they able to tell you what ingredient may have caused the elevation in your heart rate?
amwcah Here's what I had yesterday:

Green Smoothie (spinach, raspberries, banana, kiwi & honey)
Coffee & Creamer (365 Brand)

Baked Tilipia & Broccoli

Kind Bar (Almonds & Apricot in Yogurt)
Green Tea

Salad (Lettuces, Cherry Tomatoes, Ground Turkey Breast, Feta Cheese with Feta Cheese Dressing)

Water: 89 oz
So I have an update you all might not like...

This morning I had to go to the emergency room because my heart rate was elevated to 130 :-( I just left the hospital and they put me with a 24 hour heart monitor.

I will no longer be apart of this challenge

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Oh my! Yes, please by all means drop out! Its not worth it!
Thanks everyone. I did let the doctors know that I was taking it and she did not pin point it exactly to it. All she kept asking was... was I on any energy drinks. Which I do not drink. She also said that the mineral rich is HIGH in sugar.

This is my reaction to it though. If you all are having great results then go on. But just be cautious of whatever you take. Besides what happen today I was doing great.
luvforhair, we will miss your input but health comes first. I am glad you went to the doctor and didn't ignore your symptoms. I am also glad you posted. I don't just want to read good reviews, I want the bad and ugly as well! If there are side effcts or ill symptoms I want to know.
Luv4hair said:
Thanks everyone. I did let the doctors know that I was taking it and she did not pin point it exactly to it. All she kept asking was... was I on any energy drinks. Which I do not drink. She also said that the mineral rich is HIGH in sugar.

This is my reaction to it though. If you all are having great results then go on. But just be cautious of whatever you take. Besides what happen today I was doing great.

The high sugar quality could be why no one is craving sweets (or fruit juices and sodas in my case)... We get enough in the supplement :look:

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So I have an update you all might not like...

This morning I had to go to the emergency room because my heart rate was elevated to 130 :-( I just left the hospital and they put me with a 24 hour heart monitor.

I will no longer be apart of this challenge

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Are you sure its the vitamin and not say for ex: highblood pressure or even grave disease which makes your heart rise among many other possible things? And if not and it is the vit are you combining it with other things and are there any ingredients doc thinks you might be allergic to or not work well withyour system. So sorry to hear this either way....
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Can someone post sugar content I don't recall it being super high. I just divided my remainder into sealable containers (smaller) so don't have that number in front of me. Either way its about listening to our bodies...so I am 100 percent supportive of anyone leaving if they have problems. Meanwhile I still would like it if someone could post sugar content.
@Luv4hair..truly sorry to hear about your health scare. I hope you're feeling better. Please take care of your health..the ladies are right that's far most important than hair growth. In terms of what your doc is saying about the sugar, it doesn't appear too high relative to other foods we consume but maybe I'm wrong. Again take good care.
Here's what my bottle says...
Serving size 1 fl. oz (30 ml)
Calories = 30
Carb = 10 g
Sugar = 3 g