Mineral oil in MN - am i the only 1 concerned?


Active Member
i was just wondering. i know mineral oil is not COMPLETELY bad, but i thought it was bad when you apply it DIRECTLY to your scalp - i heard from this and other boards that it clogs your follicles, slowing down your growth. so why does MN work? (for pple besides me, cuz istilldk if it works for me at all yet)
Am i the only one bothered by the fact that it has mineral oil in it and is applied DIRECTLY to the scalp?
I was not aware of this but wow! I try not to use mineral oil but in this case I have to take one for the team. MN is really working for me right now, but I apply it every other night and then wash the next day anyways. I am luvin all this new growth!
Uh oh, you got the dreaded one star! Don't worry, it's happened to me too. Funny that some people can't just let it rest when others have an opinion that differs from them. They don't want to say something so they just brand your post as a sucky one.

I'm gonna give you a five star cuz I think your question is a valid one and deserves to be discussed.

To answer your question, I've never taken MN so I really don't know.
Well being that mineral oil is further down the list of ingredients and the main ingredient is Miconazole nitrate...It doesn't bother me
Am I the only one concerned that so many people don't see anything wrong with using a fungal medicine as a simple scalp balm when there are no signs of fungal infection? I mean, what's the logic? Methinks that someone with a fungal infection or Sebhorroeic Dermatitis used MN topically and their hair loss was stopped because the underlying infection was cured. Then everyone started jumping on this bandwagon without even giving the whole thing some thought.

You don't take antibiotics unless you have a bacterial infection, but you do so knowing there are side-effects, which you can risk because some good will come from taking the med: namely, your infection will be cured. But what good logic could there be in using an antifungal medicine on a healthy scalp? Moreso, without the approval of a doctor! :nono: And what about the fact that prolonged use might make you more resistant to other strains of the fungus so that when you really do need the cream, it won't work?

The risks we are willing to take to grow our hair just boggle the mind.
I agree. I told my sister about this and she said I was one step away from the crazy house . I would love for my hair to grow, but putting MN on a healthy scalp makes me feel uncomfortable.
Ladies please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding products they choose! I feel as though we should leave it at that. What works for others may not be something that the rest are willing to try...no need to find a reason why others are jumping on a bandwagon just do what works for you and keep it moving

If some women wanted to apply cow spit to their hair as a growth aide I am not going diss them for it. I would just let them do what they feel gives them the best results and continue doing what i do. With all that being said there is no reason to post on a thread that you are not in agreement with. These women along with myself have made the decision to use MN so let your dissapproving statements/comments rest. Thank you
Ladies please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding products they choose! I feel as though we should leave it at that. What works for others may not be something that the rest are willing to try...no need to find a reason why others are jumping on a bandwagon just do what works for you and keep it moving

If some women wanted to apply cow spit to their hair as a growth aide I am not going diss them for it. I would just let them do what they feel gives them the best results and continue doing what i do. With all that being said there is no reason to post on a thread that you are not in agreement with. These women along with myself have made the decision to use MN so let your dissapproving statements/comments rest. Thank you

Cow spit:lachen::lachen: Can cows really spit?:lachen:
If you're really concerned, but still want to use MN, just spend the money and buy the brand name Monistat. It doesn't have mineral oil in it...at least the 2% version doesn't.
Ladies please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding products they choose! I feel as though we should leave it at that. What works for others may not be something that the rest are willing to try...no need to find a reason why others are jumping on a bandwagon just do what works for you and keep it moving

If some women wanted to apply cow spit to their hair as a growth aide I am not going diss them for it. I would just let them do what they feel gives them the best results and continue doing what i do. With all that being said there is no reason to post on a thread that you are not in agreement with. These women along with myself have made the decision to use MN so let your dissapproving statements/comments rest. Thank you

Well...the cow spit is a bit much, :lachen:but in general I have to agree, the derision and negativity I'm seeing in response to the use of MN is very discouraging. We should be accepting and supporting each other in our goals for healthy and long hair. Off-label useage is a common practice, most things we use cosmetically got their start as something else, or are enhanced by ingredients that were originally marketed or intended for another purpose. I remember years ago the first time I saw Mane 'N Tails in the stores I was shocked. I couldn't believe women were going to use a product designed for animals. I didn't understand the logic and I laughed at friends who bought it, called them crazy, etc. Now I know better than to be so narrow-minded and dismissive.

So far I've read abstracts from two studies (done in Europe) where prescription MN lotion was used to combat both dandruff and hair loss. And Btw, Machido's Collage Fulu Fulu, a high-end shampoo ($25/bottle)sold in Japan has MN 2% as its primary ingredient. So again, this isn't a new thing, but like with most things the US is slow to the global market and bringing info to people. And in October the FDA approved Vusion diaper-rash cream which is also MN 2% so...if they're okaying the use of MN on babies, I'm not all that worried that off-label use is dangerous for adults. It's not messing with hormones and it's not an antibiotic, so developing resistance or screwing with delicate body chemistry isn't an issue like it is with some other products.

And going back the way we've adjusted to the use of "veterinary" products, I'd just like to say if Malaseb shampoo becomes the next Mane 'N Tails (esp. to treat dandruff) or Cowboy Magic Rosewater Shampoo some people will have some serious adjusting to do, as that shampoo uses MN 2% as a primary ingredient.

Bascially, don't knock the off-label usage, we're learning new things about products and their potential uses everyday.
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Uh oh, you got the dreaded one star! Don't worry, it's happened to me too. Funny that some people can't just let it rest when others have an opinion that differs from them. They don't want to say something so they just brand your post as a sucky one.

I'm gonna give you a five star cuz I think your question is a valid one and deserves to be discussed.

To answer your question, I've never taken MN so I really don't know.

oh how sweet! thanks for the love joyful
Am I the only one concerned that so many people don't see anything wrong with using a fungal medicine as a simple scalp balm when there are no signs of fungal infection? I mean, what's the logic? Methinks that someone with a fungal infection or Sebhorroeic Dermatitis used MN topically and their hair loss was stopped because the underlying infection was cured. Then everyone started jumping on this bandwagon without even giving the whole thing some thought.

You don't take antibiotics unless you have a bacterial infection, but you do so knowing there are side-effects, which you can risk because some good will come from taking the med: namely, your infection will be cured. But what good logic could there be in using an antifungal medicine on a healthy scalp? Moreso, without the approval of a doctor! :nono: And what about the fact that prolonged use might make you more resistant to other strains of the fungus so that when you really do need the cream, it won't work?

The risks we are willing to take to grow our hair just boggle the mind.

I'm still not sure about MN. havent seen huge growth since using it, but my scalp does itch less :lachen: i guess that should count for something.
If you're really concerned, but still want to use MN, just spend the money and buy the brand name Monistat. It doesn't have mineral oil in it...at least the 2% version doesn't.

Thanks cichelle, i didnt even know that. i just saw the price of monistat :nuts: and thought generic made more sense. thanks for the new info.
Well...the cow spit is a bit much, :lachen:but in general I have to agree, the derision and negativity I'm seeing in response to the use of MN is very discouraging. We should be accepting and supporting each other in our goals for healthy and long hair. Off-label useage is a common practice, most things we use cosmetically got their start as something else, or are enhanced by ingredients that were originally marketed or intended for another purpose. I remember years ago the first time I saw Mane 'N Tails in the stores I was shocked. I couldn't believe women were going to use a product designed for animals. I didn't understand the logic and I laughed at friends who bought it, called them crazy, etc. Now I know better than to be so narrow-minded and dismissive.

So far I've read abstracts from two studies (done in Europe) where prescription MN lotion was used to combat both dandruff and hair loss. And Btw, Machido's Collage Fulu Fulu, a high-end shampoo ($25/bottle)sold in Japan has MN 2% as its primary ingredient. So again, this isn't a new thing, but like with most things the US is slow to the global market and bringing info to people. And in October the FDA approved Vusion diaper-rash cream which is also MN 2% so...if they're okaying the use of MN on babies, I'm not all that worried that off-label use is dangerous for adults. It's not messing with hormones and it's not an antibiotic, so developing resistance or screwing with delicate body chemistry isn't an issue like it is with some other products.

And going back the way we've adjusted to the use of "veterinary" products, I'd just like to say if Malaseb shampoo becomes the next Mane 'N Tails (esp. to treat dandruff) or Cowboy Magic Rosewater Shampoo some people will have some serious adjusting to do, as that shampoo uses MN 2% as a primary ingredient.

Bascially, don't knock the off-label usage, we're learning new things about products and their potential uses everyday.

Do not mention up and coming products to a serious PJ (see signature) - OMG, where can i get it? or an ingredient list to see what else is in it...:grin:
Well...the cow spit is a bit much, :lachen:but in general I have to agree, the derision and negativity I'm seeing in response to the use of MN is very discouraging. We should be accepting and supporting each other in our goals for healthy and long hair. Off-label useage is a common practice, most things we use cosmetically got their start as something else, or are enhanced by ingredients that were originally marketed or intended for another purpose. I remember years ago the first time I saw Mane 'N Tails in the stores I was shocked. I couldn't believe women were going to use a product designed for animals. I didn't understand the logic and I laughed at friends who bought it, called them crazy, etc. Now I know better than to be so narrow-minded and dismissive.

So far I've read abstracts from two studies (done in Europe) where prescription MN lotion was used to combat both dandruff and hair loss. And Btw, Machido's Collage Fulu Fulu, a high-end shampoo ($25/bottle)sold in Japan has MN 2% as its primary ingredient. So again, this isn't a new thing, but like with most things the US is slow to the global market and bringing info to people. And in October the FDA approved Vusion diaper-rash cream which is also MN 2% so...if they're okaying the use of MN on babies, I'm not all that worried that off-label use is dangerous for adults. It's not messing with hormones and it's not an antibiotic, so developing resistance or screwing with delicate body chemistry isn't an issue like it is with some other products.

And going back the way we've adjusted to the use of "veterinary" products, I'd just like to say if Malaseb shampoo becomes the next Mane 'N Tails (esp. to treat dandruff) or Cowboy Magic Rosewater Shampoo some people will have some serious adjusting to do, as that shampoo uses MN 2% as a primary ingredient.

Bascially, don't knock the off-label usage, we're learning new things about products and their potential uses everyday.

BTW, I do agree that MN can be used to treat hairloss (tinea capitis aka ringworm for instance is caused by the fungi dermatophytes). And yes, for sebhorreic dermatitis which shows up as dandruff and an itchy scalp, MN + hydrocortisone are a normal treatment. So I am all for MN as a treatment for a condition. And as you stated, MN is used in lotions for dandruff, in Vusion cream for diaper rash (which BTW could be candida-associated dermatitis), in Machido's Collage Fulu Fulu Shampoo, a dandruff shampoo. So no one is doubting that MN is an ingredient useful in the treatment of skin ailments. (BTW, for those interested in more info on MN's use in treating skin conditions, see this document.)

So please don't let me stop you from using a product that you are very happy with. But I don't think I'm wrong to point out some facts about MN so that those who didn't know but who prefer to be well-informed about stuff they use, might be enlightened and make a wise decision.

I mean, how many times have we read about certain ingredients in hair products being cancer-causing? And what does that do? It allows those who would rather not take chances to change course and use something else. And those who don't care, to carry on doing what they feel comfortable doing. Knowledge is power.

Anyway, I apologize to everyone I offended in the way I approached the subject.
Ladies please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding products they choose! I feel as though we should leave it at that. What works for others may not be something that the rest are willing to try...no need to find a reason why others are jumping on a bandwagon just do what works for you and keep it moving

If some women wanted to apply cow spit to their hair as a growth aide I am not going diss them for it. I would just let them do what they feel gives them the best results and continue doing what i do. With all that being said there is no reason to post on a thread that you are not in agreement with. These women along with myself have made the decision to use MN so let your dissapproving statements/comments rest. Thank you

i dont think anyone was saying it to poke fun or make a diss statement. its just a precaution . i truly think that if people are going to suggest something or rave about a successful product they've tried, they should also warn new users to do research and list any side effects or any negative results they've gotten or know of. just like its always noted that what make work for one may not work for the other, with THIS form of topical treatment, heaven knows what the negative result might be. shoot, i didnt even realize what MN was until last week lol. i think we need to start using disclaimers lol
The mineral oil in MN is the LEAST of your concerns.. I WOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE MN. IT'S A DRUG!!
The mineral oil in MN is the LEAST of your concerns.. I WOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE MN. IT'S A DRUG!!

You cant just write two little sentences on LHCF. :nono: Please explain. Tylenol is a DRUG too and its ok in moderation. and if MN is safe for your private parts and babies, shouldnt it be safe for scalp?
Am I the only one concerned that so many people don't see anything wrong with using a fungal medicine as a simple scalp balm when there are no signs of fungal infection? I mean, what's the logic? Methinks that someone with a fungal infection or Sebhorroeic Dermatitis used MN topically and their hair loss was stopped because the underlying infection was cured. Then everyone started jumping on this bandwagon without even giving the whole thing some thought.

You don't take antibiotics unless you have a bacterial infection, but you do so knowing there are side-effects, which you can risk because some good will come from taking the med: namely, your infection will be cured. But what good logic could there be in using an antifungal medicine on a healthy scalp? Moreso, without the approval of a doctor! :nono: And what about the fact that prolonged use might make you more resistant to other strains of the fungus so that when you really do need the cream, it won't work?

The risks we are willing to take to grow our hair just boggle the mind.

You have made some valid points but these ladies want hair growth yesterday. We will just have to wait and see what is really goin on.....
You cant just write two little sentences on LHCF. :nono: Please explain. Tylenol is a DRUG too and its ok in moderation. and if MN is safe for your private parts and babies, shouldnt it be safe for scalp?

NO. MN wasn't made to be used on your scalp for hair growth. MN is a drug that is to be used for a specific medical conditions. Just because it's over the counter doesn't mean that it can't hurt you.


this is from another post...

A lot of people wonder why you can put NIZORAL on your head to treat a topical fungal infection so why not MN? Well, you can use NIZORAL on your scalp, but NIZORAL is a very strong drug that is meant to be applied to treat a specific fungal condition of the scalp for a LIMITED time only, then it is supose to be discontinued once the problem is resolved. I think the OP was asking about using growth aides and the side effects that could be associated with them and their long term usage. Hair can only grow so fast. Are people really using MN for years or are people using it until they get the results they want??

Sadly, I have seen oral nizoral causing liver failure in some of my patients even when used as prescribed on a short term basis. :sad:

MN is available in the form of a cream suppository, and injectable medication, and a powder for the skin,and here are some side effects for those that are wondering...


Many of the women on this board and other boards are using this medication everyday, sometimes 2x daily for extended periods of time. I can't even imagine this being a safe thing to apply to your scalp everyday at the concentrations people are doing it. There are just to many side-effects that I would be concerned about knowing this drug in the matter that I do. I am concerned for others who are using it "off-label" , so that is why I am taking the time to type this. I am not typing anything new...just the facts as are required to be published by FDA in regards to this medication.

I hope this helps someone... I am not trying to discount that people are seeing growth from using this poduct, I just want eveyone to be careful. I am a doctor; albiet animal doctor, but medicine is medicine and side effects are side effects. I wish everyone a healthy head of hair and an healthy body to put the hair on. :ohwell:
NO. MN wasn't made to be used on your scalp for hair growth. MN is a drug that is to be used for a specific medical conditions. Just because it's over the counter doesn't mean that it can't hurt you.


this is from another post...

Thank you for posting the ACS INFO, Doctor. I didn't see these same side effects when I searched them. The first time I used it, I did feel a little dizzy. I was on my period, and I thought that had something to do with it. I used it again 3 days later and didn't experience dizziness. I haven't used it again, and now I know I am definitely not.In the trash it goes! Thanks for being a voice of reason for me. I don't want to know what I may experience if I use it again.
The mineral oil in MN is the LEAST of your concerns.. I WOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE MN. IT'S A DRUG!!

thanks Doc. that was some very useful info you posted. i need to start researching the ingredients in everything i use now. its scary to see how many things can hurt you over time.