Military Wife, Miltary Husband


Well-Known Member
Do you know any couples that met each other while serving in the military?

I'm interested in joining the military after I graduate but I don't necessarily won't to put my marital plans on hold until I am out. :ohwell: Is it common/uncommon to meet a significant other while serving?
Dual military couples are very very common.

I made my 1st husband join with me because we were sitting around going nowhere fast. He didn't enjoy it and got out after his first enlistment.

I met DH after being single for 10 yrs.

I just retired and DH is still in. We enjoy the financial stability of being dual military and knowing that we will rarely be far apart because of the married couples program.

I think its important for married military couples to have separate units if not separate occupations. This always gave hubby and I something to talk about - the ins and outs of our jobs, the horrors of our bosses or Soldiers, etc.

There will be rivalry - who's job is the best, who will get promoted faster, who is in a better/worse unit. In a healthy marriage the rivalry is light and never taken serious because you two work as a team for the better of your family.

Hope that helps.
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Like HisBestFriend said, there are a plethora of mil to mil couples. Usually if they are not mil to mil its the wife that is the civilian.

ETA: It is very common because that is who you are around most of the time. If you are in the states, most locals don't like the basers, and if you are in a foreign country you will hang with like people i.e. military.
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Like everyone else said, yes many find their SO in the military together. I plan on joining the navy after school myself. While at MEPS and in the recruiter's office I saw alot of fine men and I said to myself, I would not be surprised if I find my husband amongst the military men..LOL. I grew up as a military kid myself anyway...
Just be careful not to marry the first guy that smiles in your face at tech school or your first base. I've seen it work but I've seen it fail more than work.
VERY common type of relationship. My brother met his wife of 14 years while in AIT and all the married friends I have are the friends I've met while in the military, all mil to mil. Like others have said, don't be so quick to marry the first guy you meet in tech school or at your first duty station. One of the girls in my basic training flight married a guy from our BROTHER flight while we were in tech school. I don't even think they stayed together a full year lol.
lol is it common...YES! People will know each other for two weeks and get married. I would have never believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes...

On a positive note! I met this older gentlemen (50?) He met his wife when they were in the military they knew each other for 2 months and got married and are still together. I think people in the military are so quick to get married because you never know when you have to go and you may never see that person again, so if the chemistry is there, why not take the plunge?