Military Spouse Deployment Support


New Member
Hey there. I just wanted to write a quick note regarding military souses with deployments coming up in the next few months.

My husband is in the Army. We are stationed at Fort Bragg and he is ramping up for his second deployment to the Middle East. It's bad. I mean, it's really bad for people right now. We've done this I know what to expect. So does he. So do his teammates...

...but for some reason, this one is hitting us all hard.

Last night, I went to sleep early with my husband. No hanky panky. We were exhausted. We half watched TV. I fell asleep before the show ended. I have no idea how much time had passed before I awakened to the sensation of someone slowly pushing a knife into my chest. I was being killed. The pain...unbelievable. I looked at the knife as it slowly went in, and I could feel myself dying. I opened my mouth to call on the name of Jesus, but couldn't get the word out of my mouth. That's when I realized I was still asleep.

This dream was completely wierd. I looked up at the man and tried to reach for him to try choke him. At the same time, I reached out for Dexter and watched him slap my arm hard to awaken me. The pain of the slap woke me up all the way. I opened my eyes for real (which was strange because I had SEEN my husband slap my arm!!) and hubby pulled me into his arms. In my dream, I thought I was awake for real, but at some point, I knew it was a dream (while still in the dream) and reached for my husband.

As much as it bothered me, I went straight back to sleep.

His dreams are worse than mine...and I am not a dreamer. For the most part, neither is he. It's this war.

All kinds of other things are happening with us in our waking hours, and none of it is good. The only bright spot is my business, which is doing well...but I work it now as a distraction because my mind STAYS on the upcoming deployment.

Please pray for us. Something isn't right right now, and we need all the prayer we can get. If you are a Christian and the Lord deals with you about us, please feel free to PM me. Pray first, though. ;)

Thanks, ladies. Anyone else going through this...please feel free to respond, encourage, vent, whatever...I can't sleep...

I don't have much to say. I'm an ex-military wife but he was never deployed. I have enjoyed reading your blog so far and will be praying for your family.:yep:
Your hug made me cry.

Thanks for reading the blog. There's so much going on right now. I intend to update tomorrow, but for now, I haven't been able to write as well as I would like. I think it should come together tomorrow...or Wednesday at the latest.

Meanwhile...I am going to bed to hold my hubby. I can hear him tossing in the bedroom. Thanks for your kindness, and you have been blessed to not have to watch your spouse deploy. It's not fun at all...



sounds like you both are suffering from PTSD. I have not read your blog so I do not know if you are already aware of this problem.

Both hubby and I are Army for 20+ years. If your dreams continue to bother you and have not already, you might want to consider going to on post to behavioral health (they are probably swamped but help will be given). Or call Military One Source for a local private counselor, it is your right and benefit as a military spouse.
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Sending prayers your way... My soon to be S.O. may be up for deployment dis January cuz he's in da airforce, but its not written in stone yet. I feel so concerned and all I can do is pray. It's weird becuz I just had a dream last night that I was a soldier in a war.
My husband is deploying soon. I'm really scared for him. I have heard so much about PTSD and how some soldiers come back very different. His cousin is A.F and her ex was deployed twice, and when he came back from the second deployment from Afghanistan he said he didn't want to be married anymore and his wife was newly pregnant.

I just hope that this won't happen and that he comes home!