Mild vs Regular Relaxers


Well-Known Member
Currently, I get my hair relaxed by a stylist but I'm considering self relaxing like I did years ago. My main issue with self relaxing was that I was always left under-processed and my scalp would burn quickly and I'd have to rinse prematurely.
Is the difference between mild and regular just the processing time?

If for example the regular strength processes 4x faster than mild, does it mean that leaving a mild relaxer on for 1hr would equate to leaving the regular on for 15mins.

Basically I'm wondering if a mild relaxer can give me the same straightness as regular but allow me to slow down the process so I have more time to get my roots straight. Can someone enlighten me?
Yes the difference btwn the 2 is the processing time.

Usually mild relaxers are reserved for people that have fine hair strands and their hair isnt very dense

Since you are accustomed to using reg relaxers I would suggest just adding oil to your reg relaxer.

You could also do the half method (parting ear to ear) and relaxing the front first then the back.
I understand what the above poster is saying but I have thick hair and I use a mild relaxer and it's been very good since I switched to mild. My stylist is slow so a mild one is better for me in the long run.
Danysedai ,may I ask which brand of lye relaxer do you use?

In the past I used Elasta QP,Motions and ORS and they all left me underprocessed.