Mild Shedding HELP, HELP, HELP


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I have been on my hair journey since November 2011. Im convinced that my hair grows at a slow rate but I have seen some growth. Now, my question is how much is too much shedding?? I moisterize my hair with S-Curl and seal between grape seed oil and JBCO!! I use to do this twice a day but I been working out everyday so my hair is soaken wet afterI exercise so I would just tie it up until the morning. Its very dry in the morning so I moisterize and seal. My protective style is a bun and that's 85 percent of the time. I do change the location of the bun from time to time. My other regime includes co-washing once a week followed by a deep conditioner. I also wash 1x week and followed up with Aphogee 2 minute then Organic Root Replenishing Conditioner. I do relax my hair and I usually stretch my relaxers 12 weeks. I'm 10 weeks and a day post today.

When I wash my hair in the shower and comb through my hair. I start from the top and work my through my ends. Even though its not globs of hair...its still hair in the comb. This is after every wash and co wash. I take the hair out the comb see if I notice the white bulbs on the end. Sometimes I do notice some bulbs which alarms me. I went to the hair dresser about two months ago and she told me that my hair has grown since the last time i been but I have a week spot in the back. I'm thinking is from the bun and its causing it to shed. Do I think maybe cause I'm stretching it too long. I'm trying to make APL by December but at this rate it will be Dec 2013. What do u suggest?? Sorry for babbling...but since my journey has started I think i have become Reading some of the threads its seems like some of you ladies know exactly how to tackle any solution. Too be honest, I'm still learning and so far from understanding how my her operates. I figure since its growing...slowly might I add but still growth is growth. I feel since I'm seeing results I'm doing something right. I'm too far in to give up. Any advice is greatly appreciated
sorry for you issues! i know how frustrating it can be.

First, i say always be sure you're not having health issues & talk to you doc, blah blah :D lol.

Second, here's something I found on my journey: not all hair likes wet manipulation! I'm one of them. My hair prefers combing through when almost dry. Kinda in a dewy state. Any more than that and on a bad day my hands could be covered in hair! Best thing is just to massage the conditioner in and just leave it alone. No wet combing.

Third, come see us in the Coffee/Tea challenge. That helped stop my heavy shedding almost immediately.

Fourth, you might be right about the bun putting stress on an area of your hair. Try other styles or move it around--high bun, low bun, etc

Fifth, maybe you are too far post for you hair? when I was relaxed, I couldnt stretch past 2 months. my hair is fine so the demaraction line was very weak. It could just be you need touchups sooner.

Good luck!
Welcome to the board!! :wave:

Some things I noticed from your paragraph:

1. You are combing wet hair from the root... don't do it anymore! :spank: Combing from the ends upwards really decreases the breakage and knotting you can experience. It may take more time, but you keep more hair on your head. :yep:

2. Detangling before you shampoo your hair may be easier for you as you get further into your relaxer stretch. Then, you can clip or braid each section so as not to cause tangles in the hair you've just combed. We call this 'washing in sections'.

Other than that, it seems like you have a regimen all set that is working for you! Of course being on here will make you obsessive :spinning:, but that's ok since you have a December goal.

Join us in some challenges (Relaxer buddies, HYH, deep conditioning, etc), and see how your next wash day goes. I hope you see less shedding/breaking by tweaking your combing method. :)
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