Mild, regular or Super


New Member
Last time I relaxed my hair I bought "regular" instead of "super". The relaxer was applied for the recommended time of 15-20 minutes. I've noticed that may hair is not as straight as it should be. I used regular strength b/c I feel my hair is not as thick as it used to be.

However, now I think I need super to straigten my ng. I guess my question is when you choose relaxer strenghth, is it for hair overall or NG? Do y'all understand what I am saying? I know this sounds a little confusing.
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I would say go with the regular. The relaxer strength should be selected in terms of the new growth, since thats the only things that should be recieving the processing. If you dedicate more time to smoothing, and thoroughly go through every section of your hair making sure that it's all straight, then I think that you will get the straightness that you desire.
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I would say go with the regular. The relaxer strength should be selected in terms of the new growth, since thats the only things that should be recieving the processing. If you dedicate more time to smoothing, and thoroughly go through every section of your hair making sure that it's all straight, then I think that you will get the straightness that you desire.

Thanks Honii. I spend 15-20 minutes smoothing out. I am afraid to go longer b/c of breakage. Has anyone gone longer than 20 minutes and been okay afterwards?
Thanks Honii. I spend 15-20 minutes smoothing out. I am afraid to go longer b/c of breakage. Has anyone gone longer than 20 minutes and been okay afterwards?

I like to use a mild relaxer to buy me a little more time. I usually have to 20 minutes or so to get it straight and even then it still has a little texture too it.
I use mild because the strands are fine, but the tightness of the curl is like :eek: so it takes longer than the instructions say (9-13 min., depending on the brand) I usu. go for a min. of 15 min. but no longer than 20.

Maybe when using the regular strength you should apply more generously? :confused: Like glob it on...
Thanks Honii. I spend 15-20 minutes smoothing out. I am afraid to go longer b/c of breakage. Has anyone gone longer than 20 minutes and been okay afterwards?

Do you mean that you are smoothing for the entire 15-20 minutes? If so, you are smoothing too much and may be pushing the relaxer cream away from your NG.
Do you mean that you are smoothing for the entire 15-20 minutes? If so, you are smoothing too much and may be pushing the relaxer cream away from your NG.

No. It takes about 10 minutes or so to apply and the rest of the time is smoothing. could that be the problem?
I use mild because the strands are fine, but the tightness of the curl is like :eek: so it takes longer than the instructions say (9-13 min., depending on the brand) I usu. go for a min. of 15 min. but no longer than 20.

Maybe when using the regular strength you should apply more generously? :confused: Like glob it on...

My hair is the same way. My hair is fine but about 8 weeks post you can't tell. I have a little fro floating under my relaxed hair.