Mid-shaft splits vs. Shedding


Instagram: adaybyjay
How do you distinguish between mid-shaft splits and shedding?

I understand shed hairs have a white tip/bulb but typically those hairs are longer in length. The hairs I'm seeing are short, ranging from 0.5" to upwards of 1.5" max but include a white tip. I use to chalk this up as shedding around the nape, etc. I'm now reconsidering this theory and would like input on how you distinguish between a split and shed hair.

If an existing thread exists on this topic, please direct me there.

Thx ladies!
Mid-shaft splits are just that...in the middle of the hair shaft of one hair strand, the hair splits. Usually the ends are intact.

However, shedding is when the entire length of ONE strand with bulb intact (the white end) falls out of the hair. This normally happens when its reached the end of life cycle. A new hair normally replaces it.
I just reread your question (I sometimes forget mid response to reference it again...sorry!)

But it sounds like your hair might have broken off between the end and mid-shaft then shed the remaining length of hair (bulb end). Nonie has posted several times a great series of pictures regarding splits. She might be able to provide a few additional details for you. If she doesn't answer back, I can try to find her posts and link it here for you.