Hair Breakage 101-- just wanted to share!

(Wet or Dry) Stretches slighty/returns to original length /no breaking= you are balanced just stick with maintaining!

no matter how far you stretch, wouldn't hair break? I suppose you are just supposed to give it a lil stretch?
05girl Yes I think it's just a little stretch. I think what you are looking for is that it 'bounces' when you stretch a rubber band it returns to it's original state unlike a chewed gum which stays in the stretched state.
Thank you so much for this's about time I take control of my hair and stop finding excuses as to why my hair is breaking soo much...very informative...
Bumping again.....Is Sistaslick still in this neck of woods. She had a beautiful head of relaxed hair and now her natural hair is gorgeous......:hiya:
janeemat said:
Bumping again.....Is Sistaslick still in this neck of woods. She had a beautiful head of relaxed hair and now her natural hair is gorgeous......:hiya:

OMGosh I saw her hair it's so pretty. She truly understands the science of hair. She accomplish having healthy hair; relaxed and now natural.
What I experience is this;

I'm plaiting my hair and as I get to the ends I end up with tangled strands around my fingers. In some kind of knotted mess.

I just need to work out if my relaxed hair needs moisture or protein, I'm clearly struggling to learn what my hair is telling me.