Mid Protein and Reversion?


New Member
So I attempted to self relax again, about 2 weeks ago after stretching for almost 12 weeks. The problem is that some parts are underprocessed. The first time I did it, I'm sure it got underprocessed because I tried to do the whole head in one sitting, didn't finish in time, and didn't get to smooth well because my scalp was burning.

But this time, I relaxed in two halves (front and back) with plenty of time left to smooth. I used ORS lye-extra strength to which I added about a tablespoon of EVOO to. I left it on for the maximum amount of time. I've been using ORS lye for a while now, and when done by my mother in the past, it hadn't been underprocessed so I don't think that its the relaxer (granted she pulled a comb through the new growth, which is a no-no)

So I'm wondering could it have something to do with the midprotein step? Before these self relaxing attempts, I didn't have this issue and thats the only difference that I've incorporated. The first time I used ORS mayo and this time I used Aphogee 2 min reconstructer. My hair feels very healthy and there is no noticeable breakage that i'm noticing.
It's just that alot of my roots aren't straight and now I have three different textures on my head (some frizzy/wavy pattern, coils, and straight at the ends). My deep conditioner at the end is ORS replenishing. I know that has a little protein in it as well, so could it be the combination of that and the mid protein?

If anyone has experienced this, can you chime in on how I should change it up next time? And how I can deal with the three textures till my next relaxer? (I'd put up a picture but I don't know how to do that here). Thanks!
imho- i dont think ya'll should be adding all these extra steps to the realxing process. relaxer breaks down the protein bonds in your hair.by adding the protein , it didnt 'revert' , it just didnt take. so now your hair is basically underprocessed in certain areas. if it feels healthy thats good though. i believe next time you need to go to a professional and let them relax it right and straighten all the textures out. that way when you go to do it again, you'll have a clean slate to work with.