Microfiber hair towel...


Well-Known Member
I think this is a must for everyone. I don't know if this has been posted yet but I got 2 from ebay a couple of days ago and tried it out today. Here it is 2:00 and I have to pick my daughter up at 2:30. I need to shower, wash my hair (it was looking horrible), and go. So I shower, wash my hair with Garnier 2 in 1. I threw the microfiber towel on my head and got dressed. Finally about 5 mins later I take off the towel, put some oil on it and grab another towel prepared to be wiping up drips. But guess what, the microfiber towel was soaked and my hair did not drip at all. By the way I wore my curly fro and my hair did look good if I do say so myself!!!! By the time I went and got my daughter at around 2:45 my hair was almost completely dry. I am so excited because on Tues and Thurs I have an 8 am aerobics class and I like to wash my hair before going to my 12:30 class. My hair is never completely dry and I use a bunch of towels now I only have to use one. Just thought I'd share.

Now if I could get some more DDTA, I will be even happier. Take care Q
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So you found out just how good microfiber towels are. You have struck gold. I have used microfiber for years to dry cars(Detailing cars is my side gig) Best of all you only need one. They have multiple uses anyway. Not all microfiber is equal though.