~*~ Miconazole Nitrate... Read This First! ~*~

TropicalRose said:
i hope someone reads this:

anywho, i posted this at another hair board (sjgs @ nappturality). i really think you guys should do more rigourous research before applying any of this stuff to your hair. i dont want you guys to end up choosing a product that seems to be giving good results just to find out that you screwed up your hair

any way, Miconazole Nitrate is:
- basic
- a good oxidizing agent
this means that there is a potential that your hair will denature (and thus weaken). plus chances are since it is more basic and you are noticing more growth, maybe it is because the hair is coming out straighter/ is being slightly straightened. any sort of relax in the curl will appear like more growth/ a thicker layer of new growth. im not saying it DOESNT work because i dont know... it could work but i highly doubt it

any way, the point of this post is just to warn you ladies. if the hair is destroyed, you may see it on the floor of your bath room in a few months... im interested to see the results in about 6 months :/ chances are though the amount of it in the over the counter drugs is so low that it will not do much of anything to your hair or scalp but clarify it and kill all bacteria in the area of application

just watch out ladies!! i just hope no one ends up searching for the "best" hair growth serum to end up messing up the hair that they have worked so hard to grow

happy growing

Ok, I just did a ph test of Neosporin AF and it is about 4. Doesn't that make it acidic?

The other ingredients in it must lower the ph of Miconazole Nitrate if it is basic.

I have a ph meter. I wonder if it can take an accurate test on creams. :scratchch
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HoneyDew said:
Ok, I just did a ph test of Neosporin AF and it is about 4. Doesn't that make it acidic?

The other ingredients in it must lower the ph of Miconazole Nitrate if it is basic.

I have a ph meter. I wonder if it can take an accurate test on creams. :scratchch
the compound itself is actually basic. an acidic reading could just mean that the other stuff in the cream are more acidic or its in a form that makes it either more reactive or less reactive that just happens to be acidic...

why do you have a pH meter?!?! ahahaha