Miconazole Nitrate (MN) Challenge (May 1 - July 31, 2012)

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Checking In,

I have attached my pic from June 20th (starting) and from July 31st (ending) for your viewing pleasure. I did not notice any significant growth but it looks like my hair thickened up a bit. What I did notice was the back of my hair is looking intense and these extensions must come out in the near, near future!! I will check in periodically to see how you ladies who are continuing the challenge are doing with your hair. I am looking forward the the next challenge that is starting in the fall because I will be participating again. I hope you are all doing well ... HHG!!!


Ok the one on the left at beginning of the challenge and this is today. Kinda disappointed because it Doesn't look like any growth because of my recent trim on June 30 but the twist out looks better!


I can't do the back because its not long enough for me to reach and it doesnt hang straight at the moment. Here is the front. The side I am pulling down is shorter than the other side. Original picture is from June 9 freshly relaxed. Sorry the length is not very visible. :ohwell: This pull test then is 7.5 weeks post.

ETA: My hair increased shedding lately and it seems like so in this picture. :sad: My anemia has worsened, and my nails are brittle and I have bruises on my leg too. :sad:


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I can't do the back because its not long enough for me to reach and it doesnt hang straight at the moment. Here is the front. The side I am pulling down is shorter than the other side. Original picture is from June 9 freshly relaxed. Sorry the length is not very visible. :ohwell: This pull test then is 7.5 weeks post.

ETA: My hair increased shedding lately and it seems like so in this picture. :sad: My anemia has worsened, and my nails are brittle and I have bruises on my leg too. :sad:

Dont be sad this can be fixed.
Are you not taking an Iron pill?
I had to do the same thing recently bc of shedding and ended up getting a BT (Big Trim) just to take away some of the damage.
I have faithfully been taking my Iron pills from GNC since the first week in July.
I stopped using mn last week but I plan to start again in the middle of sept...soon as I get a chance I'll post my progress pics
Dont be sad this can be fixed.
Are you not taking an Iron pill?
I had to do the same thing recently bc of shedding and ended up getting a BT (Big Trim) just to take away some of the damage.
I have faithfully been taking my Iron pills from GNC since the first week in July.

ZebraPrintLover, ive been taking iron pills too for a while now. i dont understand why my anemia has worsened!! i got a new brand and started it yesterday.
afroette do you take your iron pills with vitamin c. Iron is hard to absorb in supplement form and vit c helps with that. Also make sure you don't take it with milk or supplements with calcium which makes it harder for iron to be absorbed. Need to wait an hour between. I've been anemic most of my life. I started taking the vitamin shoppe brand of iron that comes w/ vit c so I don't need to take more than one pill. I haven't had my levels tested recently but I do feel better in general.
beloved1bx, thanks for the tips. i will start taking them with vit. c. I also noticed that I was taking less than half of what my doctor had prescribed for me...whoops. And more recently because of the worsening, she said to take 2 to 3 pills a day. I don't eat dairy due to intolerance but I will pop a tums.
afroette, IDKY its going down thats very weird. Look on the back of the bottle does it have +18mg of Iron or Folic Acid?

ZebraPrintLover, yeah it's 25 mg maybe? I bought some that are 60 something mg which is what my PA originally prescribed. She told me to double to triple up on the 60 something mg. I think I'd just do 60 for a couple weeks and then work my way to twice a day. Hopefully I can go for retesting in about 3/4 months.
ZebraPrintLover, yeah it's 25 mg maybe? I bought some that are 60 something mg which is what my PA originally prescribed. She told me to double to triple up on the 60 something mg. I think I'd just do 60 for a couple weeks and then work my way to twice a day. Hopefully I can go for retesting in about 3/4 months.

afroette, yea I just got done doubling up for like 2 weeks straight. Make sure you stay up on your water and fiber too, dont want you constipated or anything :nono:.
(((does happy dance))) hair relaxed today I'll post my final check in and length check when get home from the hair dresser
Hey ladies! i got my hair blown out today but pics will come tomorrow since the lady wrapped my hair for me since i have no wrapping skills! She did a great job didnt over do the shampoo, had an AMAZING DC, detangled very nicely not too rough, used heat protectant and everything! My only issue was that she burned my neck but id rather have a burnt neck then damaged hair..she looked like she was about to cry when it happened ...ANYWAYS Have a nice evening ladies ^.^
ManiiSweetheart said:
Hey ladies! i got my hair blown out today but pics will come tomorrow since the lady wrapped my hair for me since i have no wrapping skills! She did a great job didnt over do the shampoo, had an AMAZING DC, detangled very nicely not too rough, used heat protectant and everything! My only issue was that she burned my neck but id rather have a burnt neck then damaged hair..she looked like she was about to cry when it happened ...ANYWAYS Have a nice evening ladies ^.^

We are waiting... :-)
:clapping: Congrats to all! I still have to post my ending pic. But just want to say thanks Jpraze for this challenge! Good job ladies!!!
Hey ladies just saying hi! Was using the hair trigger but it may have too much going on for me...having allergic reaction on face don't know whether it's related. Either way taking a 2 wk break from trigger. I miss my MN! :-)
I will be creating a new challenge thread so we can get our challenger list started and everyone can start gathering up their MN so we will be ready on September 1.
I had been using MN everyday and I also take garlic pills for health. My hair started shedding about 2 weeks ago when I was 5 weeks post. I know with MN you aren't supposed to shed at all but I looked online and it said that you can shed from using growth aids because it speeds up your hair cycles. I've stopped using it for now.

Has anyone else started shedding while using MN?
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