Miconazole Nitrate - I have 2 ask


New Member
What are the benefits of using Miconazole Nitrate and Neosporin? I know that dandruff could be caused by a fungus and the Miconazole Nitrate would kill that? But how does it make hair grow? I saw the Miconazole Nitrate thread but it was too long and I was too lazt to go through all the pages.
The MN itself does something to the scalp that makes the hair grow.

I asked my DR about it b4 I started to use it. He said it made sense with the yeast-killing properties, but he knew NOTHING about the hair growth part. But he said he could see no harm being done by using it.

So I started using it. Mix it w/a moisturizer (I have used veg. glyc, but switching to casotr oil) so it will not dry the hair.

You can see in the pix the li'l growth I've had in the past couple of months.

It's a keeper.;)