Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no voic


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Back in July, when Michelle Obama showed up to the White House's Country Music Night sporting an incredibly chic bob, news headlines touting the First Lady's dramatic new cut circled around the world. Yet it was quickly revealed that the 'do wasn't a drastic chop at all—it was the clever handiwork of her hairstylist, 32-year-old Johnny Wright, who had tucked her hair under with strategically-placed pins. We recently interviewed Wright, who works out of D.C.'s Corte Salon, for a feature about the politics of doing hair in Washington, but there was much, much more we couldn't fit into the story.

When did you meet Mrs. Obama?
I met her at the beginning of the campaign at an Essence photo shoot in Chicago. We liked each other, it was very genuine. Afterwards, I decided to move to L.A from Chicago. Throughout the campaign, she was traveling back and forth to do speeches in the California area and her team would call me—that's how our relationship grew.

When you're working with her, does she tell you exactly what she wants?
No, she just kind of chills. I go with whatever she's wearing and I pay attention to the moment. Should it be a little more flirty? Should it be a little more submissive? Should it be a little more strong? I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no voice.

So are you on call 24 hours a day for photo ops and hair emergencies?
A lot of people think it's a beck and call thing, but she's scheduled months in advance. It actually flows pretty smoothly. If I'm not available, I make sure she's taken care of, even if my hands aren't doing it.

Most people imagine you work exclusively with her—
No, I'm trying to build a clientele here in DC and I still travel to other cities to do my other clients.

blog_johnnywright_obama.jpgSuch as?
I do Valerie Jarrett and Desiree Rogers. I've been doing a lot of political lobbyists. I've done some anchors. I've done people who work in think tanks, so that's new to me. What I do appreciate about DC is, you know how John McCain said DC is Hollywood for ugly people? I actually disagree, there's a great connection here between beauty and intelligence. And you can actually enjoy looking at the women here and have a great conversation at the same time.

Tell us about this reality show you're working on.
It's just my life and what I do with my friends, my family, my work environment, all that [but not his work with Mrs. Obama]. We shot some of the episodes so now we're doing casting. I never knew I'd be interesting enough but it seems to be working out.

How did you start doing hair?
My grandmother did hair until she was 91 years old, she noticed the hairstylist in me when I was three years old. I really started doing it at 12. My freshman year in high school, I convinced a very popular girl to let me do her hair at no cost. The next day everybody wanted to know who did her hair. Within that year, I had 150 clients. I used to get done working at 3 o'clock in the morning and still go to school at 8 AM.

Wow, so how did you keep your grades up?
Partially because I did my teachers' hair! [Laughs] I do not know one thing about Trigonometry, but I got a B out of it because I did my Trigonometry teacher's finger waves and French rolls every two weeks.
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

Some interesting responses he gave in this interview.
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

I thought so too. What caught me was his "if it's not moving, it has no voice."

Black hair used to not move, it's only recently that products/techniques can get movement. I'd be interested in hearing more of what he meant by that.
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

I thought so too. What caught me was his "if it's not moving, it has no voice."

me too. I plan to keep that in mind to avoid bunning my hair toooooo much.
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

My fro doesn't move at all but it definitely has a voice.
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

IMO, when he says "If it doesn't move, it has no voice", he doesn't mean literal movement. I think he means like, if the hair isn't versatile, and if it can't be changed to fit occasions and moods, then it has no voice. Keep in mind, he didn't say that he when he styles, he considers bounce and swang. He said that he thinks about whether it should be submissive, flirty, etc. And if that's what he means, then I completely agree.

I know that when my hair was really damaged and busted, it was still moving. It was moving right off my scalp every time the wind blew. :nono: But it definitely had no voice...on occasion, it'd be moaning for help, but that was about it.
I think everyone can agree that even though natural AA hair doesn't move in the traditional way that we think of moving hair, it's definitely versatile and has life. It can be changed to fit many occasions and moods. So therefore, it has a voice.

And even short hair, if it's healthy and well taken care of can be versatile and can have a voice.
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

IMO, when he says "If it doesn't move, it has no voice", he doesn't mean literal movement. I think he means like, if the hair isn't versatile, and if it can't be changed to fit occasions and moods, then it has no voice. Keep in mind, he didn't say that he when he styles, he considers bounce and swang. He said that he thinks about whether it should be submissive, flirty, etc. And if that's what he means, then I completely agree.

I know that when my hair was really damaged and busted, it was still moving. It was moving right off my scalp every time the wind blew. :nono: But it definitely had no voice...on occasion, it'd be moaning for help, but that was about it.
I think everyone can agree that even though natural AA hair doesn't move in the traditional way that we think of moving hair, it's definitely versatile and has life. It can be changed to fit many occasions and moods. So therefore, it has a voice.

And even short hair, if it's healthy and well taken care of can be versatile and can have a voice.

Great insight, ChaosButterfly! And your first post, too! WELCOME!!!
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

He doesn't know Trigonometry but got a B in the class because he was the teacher's hair stylist....., that there was FUNNY!!
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

How did you start doing hair?
My grandmother did hair until she was 91 years old, she noticed the hairstylist in me when I was three years old. I really started doing it at 12. My freshman year in high school, I convinced a very popular girl to let me do her hair at no cost. The next day everybody wanted to know who did her hair. Within that year, I had 150 clients. I used to get done working at 3 o'clock in the morning and still go to school at 8 AM.

Oh man I wish I had a friend that would do my hair for free!
Re: Michelle's Stylist: I believe hair is a language, if it's not moving it has no

He doesn't know Trigonometry but got a B in the class because he was the teacher's hair stylist....., that there was FUNNY!!
Yes! I burst out laughing. He just put the trig teacher all out there. Hope she's retired! LOL

IMO, when he says "If it doesn't move, it has no voice", he doesn't mean literal movement. I think he means like, if the hair isn't versatile, and if it can't be changed to fit occasions and moods, then it has no voice. Keep in mind, he didn't say that he when he styles, he considers bounce and swang. He said that he thinks about whether it should be submissive, flirty, etc. And if that's what he means, then I completely agree.

I know that when my hair was really damaged and busted, it was still moving. It was moving right off my scalp every time the wind blew. :nono: But it definitely had no voice...on occasion, it'd be moaning for help, but that was about it.
I think everyone can agree that even though natural AA hair doesn't move in the traditional way that we think of moving hair, it's definitely versatile and has life. It can be changed to fit many occasions and moods. So therefore, it has a voice.

And even short hair, if it's healthy and well taken care of can be versatile and can have a voice.
I like this! :yep: