Michael Baisden Is Having A Black Hair Care Industry Show Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Michael Baisden is having a Black hair care industry show tomorrow. He'll be speaking with Asians who own beauty supply stores to start a dialogue about Asians selling products that are marketed towards Blacks and the like.
Interesting. I got tired of dealing with the Asian black hair care market and stopped wearing weaves and braids. There were no black owned stores so I researched hair care and found LHCF.

I used to love going into those huge BSS now I dont go at all. Now i'm starting to get into natural products and researching ones that are black-owned.

Plus, a lot of those Asian stores have old products on the shelves and their in the back mixing up stuff putting it in bottles. I can't get down with that.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be tuning in. I like his show and this is a topic I would like to hear more about. It will be interesting what the Asians have to say.
Interesting. I got tired of dealing with the Asian black hair care market and stopped wearing weaves and braids. There were no black owned stores so I researched hair care and found LHCF.

I used to love going into those huge BSS now I dont go at all. Now i'm starting to get into natural products and researching ones that are black-owned.

Plus, a lot of those Asian stores have old products on the shelves and their in the back mixing up stuff putting it in bottles. I can't get down with that.

Since most of my products are natural, I don't go to the BSS that often. However, they sell some natural brands (like Jane Carter Solution) at a discount, so I buy my hair nourishing cream from them.

I just don't like when they try & get you to buy something else when you don't see what you want. When I go to the BSS to buy something, I know exactly what I want. I don't need them trying to sell me anything else.
Finally a new interesting topic for Michael Baisden. I'll be sure to tune in tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!
Since most of my products are natural, I don't go to the BSS that often. However, they sell some natural brands (like Jane Carter Solution) at a discount, so I buy my hair nourishing cream from them.

I just don't like when they try & get you to buy something else when you don't see what you want. When I go to the BSS to buy something, I know exactly what I want. I don't need them trying to sell me anything else.

I heard that. Some of their service turned me off as well. Even though you can get things cheaper...sometimes, I still dont need someone trying to push products on me or following me around the store. One instance a girl would stand right next to me while I read the ingredients on the back of a product. mind you I hadn't brought a purse or bag in just my wallet. But she stood there right up on me. That was my last time going there.
I heard that. Some of their service turned me off as well. Even though you can get things cheaper...sometimes, I still dont need someone trying to push products on me or following me around the store. One instance a girl would stand right next to me while I read the ingredients on the back of a product. mind you I hadn't brought a purse or bag in just my wallet. But she stood there right up on me. That was my last time going there.

I can't stand it. Stuff like that will make me leave with a quickness b/c I'm not going anywhere to be insulted.
Who is Michael Baisden and what station does he come on?

eta. just found out he comes on Sirius...does anyone know the station?
Michael Baisden is having a Black hair care industry show tomorrow. He'll be speaking with Asians who own beauty supply stores to start a dialogue about Asians selling products that are marketed towards Blacks and the like.

I gotta check that out.
Michael Baisden is having a Black hair care industry show tomorrow. He'll be speaking with Asians who own beauty supply stores to start a dialogue about Asians selling products that are marketed towards Blacks and the like.
Thanks for the heads up. This should be an interesting show.
I wasn't able to listen to the whole show, but the part that I heard was about how Blacks don't have entrepreneurial spirits & how the problem with a lot of black businesses is that they don't have good customer service.

From what I heard, it seemed like the show deviated from what it was advertised to be. The radio ads said that the show was going to be about Asians taking over the Black hair care industry & Asians running beauty supply stores when the products in the BSS are marketed towards Blacks.

I couldn't disagree more w/ Michael's and George's (host and co-host, respectively) claims that Blacks don't have entrepreneurial spirits. The existence of LHCF and other Black hair care forums, as well as the online hair businesses (Hairveda, Oyin Handmade, Qhemet Biologics, Afroveda, Komazaa Care, LaVida Given By Nature, etc.) shows that we do have entrepreneurial spirits. We may not be able to walk into the businesses, but they are still businesses that were created by our people.

In terms of the customer service issue, they were talking about Black beauty salons. Yet, seeing as how the show was supposed to be focused on BSS's and Michael & George admitted that Asians have a monopoly as far as that is concerned, I feel that the conversation was unbalanced & didn't have a substantial foundation.