Realtor & Foodie
I like Oyin Hair Dew. Both mine and my daughter's 4b/c hair love it. I use it as a leave-in and moisturizer.Any suggestions for more moisturizing approved, leave-ins or cream stylers?
I'm finding both Kinky Curly Knot Today and Camille Rose Moisture Milk to be insufficient. I tried the CR Moisture Butter and HATED IT. It left my hair feeling so coated and heavy I washed it out the next day and passed it on to a friend with a TWA, who's loving it.
I also made the mistake of using the Aztec Clay in my last wash and my hair is not happy with me for it. The sodium bentonite is definitely more drying than the rhassoul can make up for so back to calcium bentonite for me.I'm also considering adding oils back into my mix for the winter.