Met an "interesting" man yesterday. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I was going out of town yesterday, and I stopped at a gas station. There was a man there pumping gas, I guess. I got out of my car, and he made the comment that he liked my shoes, especially how small they were. I thought, "This dude is gay!"

When I came out of the store, he asked if he could leave something with me. I'm like. :huh: I didn't really answer, and went out of his vision behind the gas pump. A minute later, he was over there handing me something. I thought it was a card for his makeup or perfume business.

He asked if I went to UGA, because I was wearing a UGA cap. I told him it was my alma mater. He acted like he couldn't believe I had graduated college yet. He told me his name and asked mine. He shook my hand. Then he started talking about himself. He says that he doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs, but he loves to fly. He's from Atlanta, but because he was offered a job down here, he drives here for work. He works at some aviation company around there.

He told me that he loves the outdoors, loves hunting, and all that crap. He asked if I was afraid to fly. He said that he'd love to take me on a boat, but he doesn't own a boat yet. He asked if I was afraid of the water. He asked if I liked the outdoors. I said that I'm from the country, so I'm not opposed to it. He said my name, and asked his. Of course I didn't remember it.

He asked what I do. I said I'm looking for a job. He asked in what field. He asked if I ever thought about getting a job in Atlanta. I said I'd prefer not, because Atlanta is too hectic for me. He asked what if the money is right? Then he told me about the company he works for. He asked if I had a pen and told me to write down their web address.

He told me his name again. He said my name at least 3 times in the conversation. He sounded like a salesman or something. He kept going on about how he would love to do this with me and love to do that with me. All the while, I'm thinking, "He's talking a long behind time. I have to go somewhere." :lol:

Anyway, he asked if he was keeping me from pumping gas. I kind of indicated a yes. He said that he would get going. He told me to call him and not wait 20 years to do it. He said it would be over an hour before he got back to Atlanta, so if I wasn't doing anything, I should call him on his drive home. He asked what size shoes I was wearing. I didn't respond. He guessed correctly, a size 6 and walked away.

I read his note over an hour later, and it read, "Would love to hear from you soon! Like right now!" His number was also on it.

My issues, he had not even seen me close up or met me when he wrote that note. Does he give out his number like that on a regular basis? He's mighty confident of himself to go up to a stranger talking like that. What do you ladies think about this man?
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he sounds crazy.

the first thing he says to is that he likes your shoes, especially because of how small they are and later guesses your shoe size? gay or has a foot fetish :look:
then he is surprised that you've graduated college? so how old did he think you were when he decided to approach you and how old is he? pedophile/cradle robber :look:
then he basically suggests that you should apply for a job with his company, says he'd love to take you out on a boat but admits he doesn't have one, manages to tell you all his likes and dislikes in that one conversation and then when he gives you his number he also instructs you to call him right away?

uh uh. i, personally, would be weirded out by this man. i would not call him. and if i saw him again i would run in the opposite direction.
Your warning bells are going off. That first impression with the already pre written note on the card....KIM.
Sounds like you got MLMed:lol: Did you look at the website? It sounds like he's trying to recruit you into his downline:lol:
this is so funny. :lol: he sounds strange to me. you're not supposed to let your foot fetish be all obvious like that. :giggle: You're supposed to wait until you really get to know somebody before all of that. And I hate when people can't tell you want to leave the conversation and just keep going and going. I mean, call him if you want, but he sounds weird.

His sales pitch line reminds me of something similar I got. I thought the guy was trying to hit on me. He even invited me to join him and his colleagues for dinner right there as they were just heading into the restaurant. I declined and he went into a whole schpiel (sp?) about identity theft.:spinning: Asking did I know how to protect my identity and did I know how many people had their identities stolen last year. Then he gave me some homemade-looking DVD about identity theft and told me to watch it. :rofl: I never did, as between my friends and me, we decided that it either had pictures of his penis on it or it was a cursed tape like The Ring. :lol:
this is so funny. :lol: he sounds strange to me. you're not supposed to let your foot fetish be all obvious like that. :giggle: You're supposed to wait until you really get to know somebody before all of that. And I hate when people can't tell you want to leave the conversation and just keep going and going. I mean, call him if you want, but he sounds weird.

His sales pitch line reminds me of something similar I got. I thought the guy was trying to hit on me. He even invited me to join him and his colleagues for dinner right there as they were just heading into the restaurant. I declined and he went into a whole schpiel (sp?) about identity theft.:spinning: Asking did I know how to protect my identity and did I know how many people had their identities stolen last year. Then he gave me some homemade-looking DVD about identity theft and told me to watch it. :rofl: I never did, as between my friends and me, we decided that it either had pictures of his penis on it or it was a cursed tape like The Ring. :lol:

this is so funny. :lol: he sounds strange to me. you're not supposed to let your foot fetish be all obvious like that. :giggle: You're supposed to wait until you really get to know somebody before all of that. And I hate when people can't tell you want to leave the conversation and just keep going and going. I mean, call him if you want, but he sounds weird.

His sales pitch line reminds me of something similar I got. I thought the guy was trying to hit on me. He even invited me to join him and his colleagues for dinner right there as they were just heading into the restaurant. I declined and he went into a whole schpiel (sp?) about identity theft.:spinning: Asking did I know how to protect my identity and did I know how many people had their identities stolen last year. Then he gave me some homemade-looking DVD about identity theft and told me to watch it. :rofl: I never did, as between my friends and me, we decided that it either had pictures of his penis on it or it was a cursed tape like The Ring. :lol:

I was gonna say OP's dude sounds like a Prepaid Legal rep too:lachen: No offense to any PPL reps who keep it professional.
I am scared to ask but curiosity is getting the best of me what is MLMed?:perplexed

MLM = Multi Level Marketing. When someone approaches you on the pretense of getting to know you when they really just want to get you to sign up under them. I see this guerrilla type talking to strangers style of recuiting a lot with Prepaid Legal, Noni, and Mary Kay reps (I got hit up the other day lol)
dude had a foot fetish----checkin out chicks feet and shoes at the gas pump...

wha di ross lmaooooooooooo
Sounds like you got MLMed:lol: Did you look at the website? It sounds like he's trying to recruit you into his downline:lol:

It's a real company. I've passed by it many times over the years when going to Macon. I think my uncle might work there, too. :look:
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Yeah, he's trying to get you to "work" with him. People always come at me with that nonsense. I think I have an approachable/gullible look or something. I can see the pitch coming from a mile away now. Don't call him. You won't be able to get rid of him. He'll stalk you about selling Amway or something.
He's either got a screw loose or he's recruiting you for an MLM business (oh just saw that it's a real company). If he really wanted to get in touch with you because he is really interested, he would not have left there without getting your number. Either way he sounds weird and desperate. If you really are that curious though, give him a call.
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He has a foot fetish, he prob thought that you would not give it out (here in NY all my single girls do not give out their numbers) and I think he was running a pick up line to see if it worked. Either way dude has issues - glad you walked away.