Men like Sex more than Women do.

Pat Mahurr

Pun intended
Monday, Nov 1, 2010 15:01 ET Stephen Fry: Women's sexuality doesn't count

The British actor courts controversy by claiming that men are the only ones who truly like sex

By Tracy Clark-Flory

Women don't like sex as much as men. So declared Stephen Fry in a recent interview with Attitude magazine, thus inciting a backlash of epic proportions. The Observer got word of the British actor's explosive comments and reported on the interview, giving it a wider audience. Then the U.K.'s famous feminists, like Germaine Greer, came out to publicly denounce him.

Now, Fry, an openly gay man, is claiming that it's one big misunderstanding: "So some f***ing paper misquotes a humorous interview I gave, which itself misquoted me, and now I'm the antichrist. I give up," he tweeted yesterday. He followed up with a more succinct message: "Bye Bye." Both the Observer and Attitude (the magazine, not Fry) stand by the comments, which read:

If women liked sex as much as men, there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are gay cruising areas. Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking: 'God, I've got to get my ****ing rocks off', or they'd go to Hampstead Heath and meet strangers to shag behind a bush. It doesn't happen. Why? Because the only women you can have sex with like that wish to be paid for it.
He went on to say:
I feel sorry for straight men. The only reason women will have sex with them is that sex is the price they are willing to pay for a relationship with a man, which is what they want. Of course, a lot of women will deny this and say, 'Oh no, but I love sex, I love it!' But do they go around having it the way that gay men do?
Maybe Fry, a comedian, was just joking around. Maybe he was misquoted. Maybe it was some combination of the two. Regardless, these comments are worthy of debate, because they reflect a familiar cultural attitude: That men like sex more than women, and that women use sex to get what they want.

I could defensively argue that, wait, some women do like casual sex as much as men! That is certainly true, but it misses the point entirely. The real problem with Fry's comments is that he appears to qualify a person's interest in sex in terms of their interest in shtupping strangers. Per the usual, sex is defined in men's (supposed) terms: Real sex, sexy sex, is sex of the uncommitted wham-bam variety.

Sex within committed relationships is written off. Truly liking sex means liking it with strangers, because emotion and intimacy dilute sexual pleasure -- or something.
Using this logic, you might as well say that most straight men don't really like sex because they don't go to gay cruising areas for no-strings hookups. If they really liked sex they would get off any way they could, right? He doesn't argue that, though, because disliking certain kinds of sex is different from disliking sex. We all have sexual preferences, as I'm sure Fry will readily admit. What he seems less inclined to acknowledge is that women's carnal proclivities are also valid. That is sadly ironic coming from a gay man, given how often homosexuality is pathologized.


Stephen Fry apologizes, sort of - Sex News, Sex Talk -

What is his problem?? feeling sorry for straight men???? Puhlease I bet there are a few straight men he'd like to get his hands on and just wishes these straight men would forego women for him
Maybe the few women he had sex with just didn't like having sex with him.:look: He probably has a very small skinny crayon which is why he went gay. I'm positive he's a "receiver" not a "giver." Women love sex with a clean man who knows how to werk it. Heck we like electronic boyfriends too:sekret:


i have a very high sex drive and one of the 2 of many reasons that i've chosen to be celibate is because:

1. I need to maintain my focus and sex is a major distraction for me in this stage of my life.
2. I heart sex and for the majority of my sex life, I've had sexual partners who were clueless, have varying levels of sexual dysfunction, and/or are horrible in bed...why bother if I'm not going to get mine:look:

This man has no clue of what he's talking about, most women I know love sex and can't get enough of it:yep:
He shouldn't feel sorry for straight men, I'm sure they don't feel sorry for themselves. He had to have understood that his comment would probably not go over well.
He's a comedian. He's gay. I can't say he's too off the mark, though he did over-generalize. As for straight-cruising areas, they exist. Every major city has a "strip" where the "working women" work the sidewalks getting cruised by men. But the women? Nah, they don't cruise. Rather, they get together with a few girlfriends, fly a plane over to Jamaica and have "extended date time" with a few 19-year-old dread-locked beachcombers.
I cannot lie, this guy is my RhiRhi or Bewrongcye...He can do very little wrong. I am going believe that he was misquoted.

Has he been on House yet? I need that in my life, Hugh Laurie and Steven Fry on screen together again.
There are woman that would like to get it on any and everywhere and have high sex drives BUT the double standards of the world frown upon such. Those that do give into their drives aren't going to speak freely on it for the most part.
lol i'm sure most women love good sex and the only reason why they don't go around porking everything walking is cause it's not socially accepted. It's a taboo for a woman to do the things men do like frequent one night stands and such. That, and the fact that they could get pregnant. But i'm sure this dude was just messing around was was taken out of context
Stephen Fry is diagnosed with a mental disease. I won't take anything he says seriously...LOL!
No, but honestly, I don't believe that at all.

I know for a fact that I have loved sex just as much or more than my past boyfriends. :lol:
He's a comedian. He's gay. I can't say he's too off the mark, though he did over-generalize. As for straight-cruising areas, they exist. Every major city has a "strip" where the "working women" work the sidewalks getting cruised by men. But the women? Nah, they don't cruise. Rather, they get together with a few girlfriends, fly a plane over to Jamaica and have "extended date time" with a few 19-year-old dread-locked beachcombers.

A lot of women dont even do such an elaborate thing, they just go to a bar/club unless of course he thinks its just men who go to clubs and bars looking for a one night stand, then he is just simply naive
Meh, I would say MOST men like (or even prefer the idea) CASUAL sex more than SOME women.

I have to agree that he sees sex within a relationship as confounding, possibly not as good. It's because all men want variety, gay, straight, bi, whatever.

I like sex, but I prefer it with one person...often. But since I dont want to bang all attractive men I see, I don't really like sex....I can see where he is going the ACT of sex is what's appealing to him. I guess it's all in how you define it.
Women love sex just as much as men. Just because it takes us a little more to get worked up and we are discreet about our encounters doesn't mean we don't enjoy it nor does it mean that we aren't having it. LOTS. OF. IT.
I feel sorry for straight men. The only reason women will have sex with them is that sex is the price they are willing to pay for a relationship with a man, which is what they want. Of course, a lot of women will deny this and say, 'Oh no, but I love sex, I love it!' But do they go around having it the way that gay men do?

True. Women just aren't wired the same way. If you look at all those studies about women, it shows time and time again that we're just different than men. They talk about what turns women on and why. Most porn is not geared towards women no matter how much women want to say they like to watch it. The biggest audience is men. Men get stimulated differently and have different hormonal drives for biological reasons.

Study after study illustrates that men's sex drives are not only stronger than women's, but much more straightforward. The sources of women's libidos, by contrast, are much more difficult to pin down.

It's common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire. But women also appear to be heavily influenced by social and cultural factors as well.

"Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context," says Edward O. Laumann, PhD, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and lead author of a major survey of sexual practices, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States.

Here are seven patterns of men's and women's sex drives that researchers have found. Bear in mind that individuals may vary from these norms.

So yes, you as an individual might be a sex-aholic, but that is more of the exception than the rule.
I agree that men love sex more than women. I have never been a freak and I didn't start having sex early, so maybe I am biased. I have had 3 partners in total and have been married for 7 years. My husband loves sex more than I do. He is doing all of the right things in bed and he wants it everyday or at least 5 times a week. I am happy with 1-2 times a week. I would look forward to it but eveyday is too much for me.
I love me some Stephen Fry, but that was straight up stupid. Unless vibrators truly are for muscles tension and dild- . . . er, I mean, faux crayons are for decoration purposes.

I don't get the cruising comparison. Straight people do it, it's called a bar or a club. :laugh:

And by that logic, lesbians must have non-existent sex lives.

Stephen Fry is a very smart man and it's such a boneheaded thing to say, so I'm hoping it's either misquoted or dripping with sarcasm. I mean really, who the hell would feel sorry for straight men? They rule the freakin' world.
I cannot lie, this guy is my RhiRhi or Bewrongcye...He can do very little wrong. I am going believe that he was misquoted.

Has he been on House yet? I need that in my life, Hugh Laurie and Steven Fry on screen together again.

I :heart2: Hugh Laurie, House, & most of all SEX!
Like a lot of men he's confusing loving sex with how much sex you have.

I don't believe men have higher sex drives. I think the male brain has less capacity to experience pleasure outside of sex and low impulse control. Men humping strangers behind bushes, paying for sex, risking life, limb, and livelihood for sex, isn't about loving sex, it's more like a brain disorder IMO.
Like a lot of men he's confusing loving sex with how much sex you have.

I don't believe men have higher sex drives. I think the male brain has less capacity to experience pleasure outside of sex and low impulse control. Men humping strangers behind bushes, paying for sex, risking life, limb, and livelihood for sex, isn't about loving sex, it's more like a brain disorder IMO.


annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Church!

Women are actually the only ones who have a clitoris that serves no biological purpose other than sexual stimulation.

Women, unlike gay men, can get pregnant, so cruisin' bath house/ymca style is also biologically asinine for a fertile woman to do. Childbirth is no joke. I don't even have children and I know that.

In addition, the frequent, anonymous sex that some gay men may engage in is related IMO to the self-hatred and higher suicidal tendencies that some of them have.

They say that one women can please an army, but the army may not be able to please one woman. :look:
