Men Just Don't Understand This Hair Thing


Well-Known Member
Last night, my husband was in the bathroom getting something from the middle shelf. He usually ignores the top shelf b/c nothing up there concerns him (all of it is my hair products). For some reason, he happened to look at the top shelf last night & he exclaimed, "Oh, my God." He asked me why do I need to have so much conditioner & why do I need to have so many products?

I don't have a lot of products, especially compared to the amount of stuff I see on this board. Plus, I don't even use a lot of that stuff (i.e., the Burt's Bees condish & the Burt's Bee's Pre-Shampoo hair treatment). Some of the other stuff, like the Better Braids Unbraid Spray & the Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo only gets used when I have braids, which is normally in the summer & I plan on cutting that out except for when we go to a warm climate.

He said that all I need is one bottle of shampoo & one bottle of conditioner. I asked, "well, what about putting something on my hair after I've washed it?" His response was "you don't need that."

I've attached pics to show you guys "all" the products he's talking about.

P.S.: I'll put the second pic in the following post b/c the computer is only letting me upload the first one right now.


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I don't think you have a lot of things at all.

I simply explained to my SO that if he wants me to have long, beautiful black hair that I need to use specific products and wear a hair bonnet at night. I never heard him complain about it again.
Oh honey, you haven't even began to touch my stash. My mom calls my her "self-help store." She literally shops in my closet. Just ignore him, pretend you don't hear anything he says. When your hair reaches your ankles, he will be grateful. :)
i agree with what they don't have a lot of stuff. this is nothing compared to some ladies out there. the next time he wants to complain, show him somebody else's stash that could put yours to shame. that will keep him quiet. Especially when he thinks about how much all that stuff cost compared to your small and humble stash.

Guys always complain but when they see the end result they sit down some where and be quiet!

don't pay him any mind girl!
Your DH just doesn't know how lucky he is you are NOT a PJ?!?!

Show him some of the conditioner, butter and ayurvedic powder threads that have pictures of stashes and then let him comment.
Thank you guys for your responses.

He just really doesn't get it. He says that I don't need to go to Karen's Body Beautiful and similar places b/c we have two BSS in the neighborhood & that I can get my poo & condish from there.

I tell him that some people on the board have enough stuff to literally open their own store.

I remember the first time I went to KBB. He looked at the stuff, was silent for a moment, then said, "that looks expensive."


Okay, I'm done venting.
He is delusional. Tell him like I tell my husband if you dont mention what I spend I wont mention what you spend. And thats the glue that keeps our little marriage together.
lol. if you can fit it all on one shelf, you definitely do not have too much product. lol.

men typically don't get it. but there are the rare few who do. my father used to trim my mom's hair when she wore it past her shoulders. and i've read some stories of understanding DHs on this board. lol.

i've only dated guys when i wore my hair in braids (last 7 years of my life). low maintenance for me. i have yet to encounter mixing dating with hair care but i'm sure it will be interesting... cuz i spend a lot of time on my hair. :grin:

Last night, my husband was in the bathroom getting something from the middle shelf. He usually ignores the top shelf b/c nothing up there concerns him (all of it is my hair products). For some reason, he happened to look at the top shelf last night & he exclaimed, "Oh, my God." He asked me why do I need to have so much conditioner & why do I need to have so many products?

I don't have a lot of products, especially compared to the amount of stuff I see on this board. Plus, I don't even use a lot of that stuff (i.e., the Burt's Bees condish & the Burt's Bee's Pre-Shampoo hair treatment). Some of the other stuff, like the Better Braids Unbraid Spray & the Fantasia IC Tea Tree Shampoo only gets used when I have braids, which is normally in the summer & I plan on cutting that out except for when we go to a warm climate.

He said that all I need is one bottle of shampoo & one bottle of conditioner. I asked, "well, what about putting something on my hair after I've washed it?" His response was "you don't need that."

I've attached pics to show you guys "all" the products he's talking about.

P.S.: I'll put the second pic in the following post b/c the computer is only letting me upload the first one right now.
My SO gave me some hair advice the other day "the problem is you use too much stuff, it will not make your hair grow and it will fall out because you use too much stuff, trust me I know" coming from him with a low fade and all he owns for his head is a brush. I don't even have that much stuff, only shampoo, con., DC, moisturizer, oils and butters.
hahaha, if it fit on one shelf girl you are fine. I have an entire windowsill, 2 undersink cabinets, the sink area, the medicine cabinet and an entire 3 drawer plastic drawer set in my room full of conditioners, shampoos, leaveins, moisturizers and whatnot, mostly back when I was experimenting. Tell him to mind his own, unless he has hair down his back. ::lachen:: DH would be sooooooo happy if that was ALL I had. :D ditto the other ladies, that's not a lot of product even for me when before I was "learned" i.e. hair obsessed i.e. pre-LHCF days, I had about that much stuff...
My SO gave me some hair advice the other day "the problem is you use too much stuff, it will not make your hair grow and it will fall out because you use too much stuff, trust me I know" coming from him with a low fade and all he owns for his head is a brush. I don't even have that much stuff, only shampoo, con., DC, moisturizer, oils and butters.

hahaha, that made me giggle. yes OP, your SO is lucky... im so grateful that my bf's mom is a PJ too, so he understands me :)
Your DH is really lucky. I think I have some of my stash posted on my fokti and that is just a 3rd of it. And I am still acquiring stuff. I have 2 large plastic rubbermaid bins, 1 large trunk (college size), 1 plastic 3 drawer full and stuff in plastic containers under my bathroom sink. So tell your DH that he is lucky. My DH doesn't say anything, because the bills get paid and we still have groceries in the house. As long as I don't make any major purchasers, like trying to buy a pibbs, he really won't say anything.:grin:
My dh used to complain too. I showed him Aggie's stash and he hasn't said a word sense :lachen:
My SO gave me some hair advice the other day "the problem is you use too much stuff, it will not make your hair grow and it will fall out because you use too much stuff, trust me I know" coming from him with a low fade and all he owns for his head is a brush. I don't even have that much stuff, only shampoo, con., DC, moisturizer, oils and butters.

They really are something else. I have some neem oil & an Ayurvedic Herbal Fusion Oil. He smelled them yesterday and asked, "So tell me, what does the skunk pee & rat du-du do for your hair?"
girl, i got way more stuff than you and i know a lot of on this board can out beat me any day! i wondered what his mother had in her cabinets for her hair and other beauty needs. the guys that i have dealt with mothers weren't into beauty at all.
Give him time. He might change. My husband use to fuss about that stuff to. NOW when I go out of town he asks me to be sure I pick up his indian hair products.:perplexed And he's quick to tell anyone, "oh I don't use regular stuff on my hair". :lachen:
Men never will understand...I quit trying to explain myself and plan on lettting my hair do the talking!
I've only been on here since October, and I have way more stuff than you. Don't think too much about what he's saying. He'll understand when your hair is long and flowing!
Give him time. He might change. My husband use to fuss about that stuff to. NOW when I go out of town he asks me to be sure I pick up his indian hair products.:perplexed And he's quick to tell anyone, "oh I don't use regular stuff on my hair". :lachen:
