Men are crazy

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
Well today i decided to straight my hair. Well when my husband came home from work he ask what happen to my head. I told him i decided to straighten my hair since i was going to get my ends cut. He ask me if i could go in wash my hair. Well i did... He told me thanks i love it that way..... At first when i went natural i thought he told me he liked it to make me happy, but he really do love my hair natural. He even gave me a head massage.
that is too cute!

i'm having issues with my boyfriend (i mean he doesn't know that these issues exist but...) because he straight up told me that straight or curly hair is good to him but he doesn't like kinky. he doesn't want a kinky-headed bride either. this is coming from a man who is very proud of his African heritage and who has dated two other naturals before me. i just don't get it. i don't know if i could marry a man who had issues with me being natural.
that is too cute!

i'm having issues with my boyfriend (i mean he doesn't know that these issues exist but...) because he straight up told me that straight or curly hair is good to him but he doesn't like kinky. he doesn't want a kinky-headed bride either. this is coming from a man who is very proud of his African heritage and who has dated two other naturals before me. i just don't get it. i don't know if i could marry a man who had issues with me being natural.
Girl, I thought I was the only one who thought men were hair crazy. I told a friend that I was going to give weaves a rest for a minute. He did the old school "Yesssssss!" And said "And you're gonna get a perm too??" with extreme excitement in his voice. "" "But it looks so good!"
I was flattered and offended at the same time lol. But he's really shallow so this isn't out of character for him.
that is too cute!

i'm having issues with my boyfriend (i mean he doesn't know that these issues exist but...) because he straight up told me that straight or curly hair is good to him but he doesn't like kinky. he doesn't want a kinky-headed bride either. this is coming from a man who is very proud of his African heritage and who has dated two other naturals before me. i just don't get it. i don't know if i could marry a man who had issues with me being natural.

Girl i would not even worry about it if I were you. If he can't love you regardless of your hair, then he ain't for you.

My boyfriend has the same issues with my hair, he doesn't like natural hair. I told him ohgotdamnwell cuz im not relaxin it. ain't goin happn capn n he KNOWS this.

He will come around with time.. i know it :rolleyes:
that is too cute!

i'm having issues with my boyfriend (i mean he doesn't know that these issues exist but...) because he straight up told me that straight or curly hair is good to him but he doesn't like kinky. he doesn't want a kinky-headed bride either. this is coming from a man who is very proud of his African heritage and who has dated two other naturals before me. i just don't get it. i don't know if i could marry a man who had issues with me being natural.

He will get over it (well i hope he do). If not you will find someone that do. Its alot of good fish out in the sea.
Well today i decided to straight my hair. Well when my husband came home from work he ask what happen to my head. I told him i decided to straighten my hair since i was going to get my ends cut. He ask me if i could go in wash my hair. Well i did... He told me thanks i love it that way..... At first when i went natural i thought he told me he liked it to make me happy, but he really do love my hair natural. He even gave me a head massage.

This is soooo sweet. He doesn't sound crazy at all to me. :grin:
I love that you have such a supportive partner in your life. I'm always reading about women whose husband/boyfriend/SO are negative and rude about their natural hair. It's good to know that there are men out there who do appreciate a woman and her natural beauty!