Men and Their Silly Categories! Which Category are you in?

Do you really believe that men place us in categories?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 98 99.0%
  • No.

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  • Other: Pls. explain.

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Sorry for the long read, but I thought this topic was quite entertaining and wanted to share.

I suppose I’ve been in Category 2 a few times in my life without even knowing. I remember breaking up with an ex back in 2008 after we’d been together going on 2 years. He started dated someone within 6 months. They got engaged within a year, and they just got married in April of this year. lol Imagine my surprise! To me, our relationship was great. It took me 2 years to realize that we weren’t really progressing though. I’d ask him where he thought our relationship was heading, or if he could see himself marrying me, and he could never quite answer. Damn Category 2!

I think we may have discussed this ad nauseum in the past, but I had this discussion with my SO the other day and wanted to share. I found it so interesting how he broke it down for me. By the way, try doing a quick search on Google for “Women in Categories or Women and the Ladder System”, and you’ll see that most men do this. It’s partly why they’ll stay with a woman for years, but never marry her. Somehow though, as soon as they’ve broken up they have somehow already met someone and gotten married. I’ve seen it happen many times, to me and to even some on this board. Go Figure!!!

Anyway, here’s a summary of how our conversation went, as best as I can remember. I don’t exactly remember how we came about the conversation, but it had something to do with him telling me that he always knew that I’d be the one that he’d marry. :) Then he said something about me being in his Category 1. I was like, ‘huh? What the heck is that?’

Him: You know men put women in categories when they first meet them. I have 2 categories.

Here’s his breakdown. I asked him to write this quick mockup for this for this thread, and this is what he sent me. He was writing a chapter lol, but I told him to keep it extremely short. (Remember this is only his list!)

Males place females into categories, whether consciously or subconsciously. This narrative focuses on (2) categories that most women I date fall into, Category 1 and Category 2. On the surface, women that fall into these categories are treated similarly, but the differences run far and deep.

FYI…he seems to believe that women will never understand these concepts.

Keep in mind that men are so different, so this may not apply to some of them. Personally, I think most of them have their own way of categorizing us. I wish they’d be more honest, so we wouldn’t waste our time. Sometimes though, I think we know that we’re being strung along, but we just can’t seem to leave. I know I’ve been there. Why leave a relationship that’s going good in every other way? [This only applies to women that are actually interested in getting married. Yes, I get that a lot of women on LHCF aren’t interested in marriage.]

Let’s also be honest, women categorize men too within seconds of meeting them. For a variety of reasons, a lot of us get caught up and stuck for years in their other categories.:nono:

What do you guys think about this? Which category do you think you currently fall into?
Yes but I don't think it's that rigid. Typically men are simpler IMO. It's more like "future wife" or "girlfriend till future wife comes along". Then depending on the man and his personality he treats each one appropriately.

I will not dismiss a non-clingy man as one who isn't serious about marriage, and vice versa. Also, I have male friends who have serious girlfriends who they intend to marry yet they cheat on them.
I'm category 1 right now and it is unfamiliar territory:lachen::lachen:

Good for you girl! It's a really good feeling!! :yep:

Yes but I don't think it's that rigid. Typically men are simpler IMO. It's more like "future wife" or "girlfriend till future wife comes along". Then depending on the man and his personality he treats each one appropriately.

I will not dismiss a non-clingy man as one who isn't serious about marriage, and vice versa. Also, I have male friends who have serious girlfriends who they intend to marry yet they cheat on them.

I do think it is simpler for some, but not so much for others. I've been searching online, and there are other guys with about 5 categories. The list I posted above is just based on my SO though. Personally, I do believe it's either your 'just for now girl', and the 'one you'll marry'.
Interesting breakdown. I absolutely do think men place women in categories and will hang around with a "category 2" until he meets his "category 1."

I think I will google this "ladder system."
I know a lot of women who will be in category two for so long and then the guy just leaves and they're left angry because he wasted years of their life...
I also know girls who will be in cat. 2 and the guy leaves them for someone else and then comes back and they get placed in cat. 2 AGAIN...their usual excuse is 'I don't think he is ready to settle down, but when he does, it'll be with me'
I do believe men put women in categories; just as I believe women do the same thing.

I think initially men treat all women as Category 2 (or girlfriend); until something happens that makes the woman as a category 1. Mind you this can happen upon first laying eyes on the girl up to the 4th date.

I think men look for the woman that is the EXCEPTION to any "rules/categories" they may have.

But as women, we know what categories we are in; especially if we have to ask "where is this relationship is going."
is the ladder system the same as the ladder theory? if so, that is sexist as hell.
I'm glad you posted this Ediese!:grin:
I've been 'lightly' in category 2 (I say lightly because it didn't last long) and even though I know now that it wasn't meant to be, It's been a struggle wondering what was going through HIS mind during that I have an idea:yep:
I have an interesting question Ladies:

What happens if you have all the Pros of Category 1 but none of the Cons???

What does that Mean??
Of course men do this all the time. I guess I was in category 1 once, but it was only after being strung along as FWB for two years first. Which always made it feel not real to me, like if he really wanted me it wouldn't have taken that long (and sure enough his next gf only took 2 mos to make it official and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he ends up marrying her). So in essence, I don't feel like I've ever really been in category 1.
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I have an interesting question Ladies:

What happens if you have all the Pros of Category 1 but none of the Cons???

What does that Mean??

^ It means you are lucky.

Women do the same thing with men, but we have more categories. :yep:
I have an interesting question Ladies:

What happens if you have all the Pros of Category 1 but none of the Cons???

What does that Mean??

Also, keep in mind that this is my SO's list. The things listed might not even apply to other men. Your SO might have totally different pros/cons for his categories. Try asking him to see. That'd be an interesting conversation.
^^^^Or a fight.... :look:

Lmao I hope not. Hopefully, he'll be honest. Like someone else stated upthread, you usually know which one you're in when you ask where things are going.

This is Ediese btw. Had forgotten my other login.

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Hmm...categories huh. I don't have time for guys to place me in any category and you ladies should not either. I know if a guy is for real within the first 3 dates, and sometimes the first time meeting him. Also if you don't sleep with him for the first 6 months you'll definitely find that out.
Also, I have male friends who have serious girlfriends who they intend to marry yet they cheat on them.

Yes, I've known men like this.. they still married the serious girlfriends but cheated on them leading up to the wedding, then had various salty ex-flings smirking at their fiancees and wives. I know many folks are more concerned about ring status but man...I feel bad for the wives of men like this.
Hmm...categories huh. I don't have time for guys to place me in any category and you ladies should not either. I know if a guy is for real within the first 3 dates, and sometimes the first time meeting him. Also if you don't sleep with him for the first 6 months you'll definitely find that out.

This right here.

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I guess I'd be in the category that doesn't allow sampling before the marital commitment and date at the altar passed. No sampling. Not worth it. As far as seeing myself in those categories, I don't. There's so much more to life than crying over where a guy will see me. I guess I've grown so much after I ended my marriage. It's a new-found freedom. But whatever, I refuse to allow someone to treat me as a CAT 2. He may think I am, but I am not and damnit, I'm the one who decides!!!! :lachen:
I was reading an article about this kind of. What this other man was saying is that you have a practice girl, who you dont necessarily dislike, but there's just something about the relationship that prevents you from going to the next level. Essentially, he keeps her around to practice being a good man, and working out his kinks, for the girl he thinks is marriage material.
I was reading an article about this kind of. What this other man was saying is that you have a practice girl, who you dont necessarily dislike, but there's just something about the relationship that prevents you from going to the next level. Essentially, he keeps her around to practice being a good man, and working out his kinks, for the girl he thinks is marriage material.

Dang this sucks big time!!

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Lol!! I totally believe this. I was def in category 2 with a certain person. But I knew it and his a$$ was in a category too. The "you can buy me stuff and take me out to eat but I know you're full of ish category"

I know I do this to men. I know if I want to date or just play around with a guy to entertain myself within one date usually.
I believe there's some truth to this but aren't most men possessive over women that don't necessarily want to marry? I don't think men want any woman of theirs going to a club, flirting etc, that's just the nature of men.
I was reading an article about this kind of. What this other man was saying is that you have a practice girl, who you dont necessarily dislike, but there's just something about the relationship that prevents you from going to the next level. Essentially, he keeps her around to practice being a good man, and working out his kinks, for the girl he thinks is marriage material.

This post hurts, because I was in this position for a while.
We were not dating officially but we used to go out I used to stay over, when I would get upset he would care and show that he cares.
However, he said little things which would suggest to me that he doesn't want to sort the problem for me but for any future girls he might see.
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