Men and Kissing


New Member
I'm sure there's been a discussion on this already, but I like KISSING!:blush:

My guy however, doesn't, and I like to do it whilst coloring (I love that word, lmbo)

How can I encourage him to do it more often?

What do you all do (if dealing with the same issue)?:perplexed

And what's the deal with not kissing after...ORAL coloring???????

1. How long have yall been in a relationship? I ask because I'm slow to kiss people. I'm like Julia Roberts on Pretty Woman, I don't kiss until I really like. French of course.

2. I would suggest indirectly at first like commenting on a movie scene and directly as a last resort.

3. Some people think its disgusting and some people think its great. I tend to agree with the latter.
Well, if they are coloring, I think that the barrier to kissing has LONG been broke. :rofl:

I straight up told DH - kissing makes me moist(er). :look: Ain't had no issues since. :giggle:

And yeah, we kiss post oral. *shrug* The Dussy combo should be clean, so if I'm willing to wrap lips around parts anyhow, I'm willing to kiss lips that were recently wrapped round. :yep:

1. How long have yall been in a relationship? I ask because I'm slow to kiss people. I'm like Julia Roberts on Pretty Woman, I don't kiss until I really like. French of course.

2. I would suggest indirectly at first like commenting on a movie scene and directly as a last resort.

3. Some people think its disgusting and some people think its great. I tend to agree with the latter.
It'll be a year in July. :)
Mkay...I'll have to try that. Gotta find a movie he/I both liked, lol.

Kissing is a must for me. Thats what gets me ready to use to have a boyfriend that didn't like to kiss, but after refusing the goods for awhile, he became a pro kisser. Please, I dont have time for the do's/don'ts..If you want it, your gonna do what I want you to do.:look::yep:
If you can't kiss me, we can't color. I've dated a couple guys who SAID they didn't like kissing but they really just weren't confident with their technique and they got over that. What does your man say?
If you can't kiss me, we can't color. I've dated a couple guys who SAID they didn't like kissing but they really just weren't confident with their technique and they got over that. What does your man say?

No-he's a GOOD kisser.....just not really his thing.:ohwell:
Bottom line, if you like it and he won't do it to please you, he's selfish. Just tell him flat out, I like to kiss and it gets me uber-moist... if you can't just do it without complaining, then I can't just do IT period.

A man who knows that something turns his women on, but won't do it, but expects you to please HIM, is controlling... been there done that... and now he's wishing he could be in my DH's shoes...:yep:

How dare you deny me something so simple and expect it to be okay. You two just may not be compatible. I wouldn't waste my time building a relationship with someone who cant kiss me... I wouldnt want a life without kissing... I love to kiss... I'm good at it. Hubby didn't understand at first but one night I told him to lets just kiss for awhile before we get started... when he finally went to touch me, he gasped so loud because he didn't expect the waterfall he found... from then on... I ain't never had to initiate kissing again...
I'm not a big kisser actually, but my last So definitely was. He pretty much told me that it was very important to him in a relationship and that he preferred a woman who was a kisser. I actually got with the program to please him and I enjoyed kissing him.
I love soft french kisses and couldn't be with a many that didn't like to kiss. That gets the party started.
I couldn't live without kisses.

To me, avoiding kisses is a sign of not wanting to be too close to another person. Deep kissing is way more personal than sex IMO. There's a reason why most prostitutes don't kiss unless they have to (well that's what they say on tv :D).

If you want to be with me, you've got to give your all... :kiss2: Kisses included.

Kisses originated from those times when mothers gave their babies food through chewing the food first and then putting it in their baby's mouth. Can anything be more intimate and loving? Some indigenous people make baby food like that even in this day and age.

Kisses are very powerful and carry a lot of meaning. It's significant if someone doesn't want to give him- or herself in that way.
Well, if they are coloring, I think that the barrier to kissing has LONG been broke. :rofl:

I straight up told DH - kissing makes me moist(er). :look: Ain't had no issues since. :giggle:

And yeah, we kiss post oral. *shrug* The Dussy combo should be clean, so if I'm willing to wrap lips around parts anyhow, I'm willing to kiss lips that were recently wrapped round. :yep:

:giggle: I just love you! No sugar coating..straight to the point.. I agree.:yep: