Meltdown!!! Can't Go Through Holiday Weekend Like This...HELP!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I knew it was too good to be true...LOL

I BC'd a week ago tomorrow and I thought "Oh this is gonna be easy!"

Well wouldn't you know it, my hair is betraying me already!

It is UNBELIEVABLY dry...I mean crazy dry. I've co-washed nightly (with the exception of one night) and two-strand twisted overnight. Here is what I do in more detail...
  • DC on dry hair with condish of choice (last night it was Giovanni--a new purchase)
  • co-wash with Aussie Moist or Mane and Tail
  • Lacio Lacio Leave-in
  • Seal with coconut oil (last night used shea butter that I just purchased)
  • twist hair with IC pomade and shea butter or coconut oil
  • Cover hair with satin bonnet and let air dry overnight
I wonder if part of the problem is that I start in the back and work my way to the front while twisting. So by the time I get to the front it's almost dry. I wonder if I should twist it wet and let it airdry so it has more curl definition.

I made a moisture concoction of aloe vera juice, glycerine, water and oil. I've sprayed like 3 times today and NOTHING!

It's relatively soft, but not as much as I hoped. I know I am going to have go through some trial and error, but if anyone can offer any words of advice or even encouragement I would appreciate it...:grin:

I can't go out this holiday weekend looking crazy (don't mean to offend, but that's how I feel I look)

Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I knew it was too good to be true...LOL

I BC'd a week ago tomorrow and I thought "Oh this is gonna be easy!"

Well wouldn't you know it, my hair is betraying me already!

It is UNBELIEVABLY dry...I mean crazy dry. I made a moisture concoction of aloe vera juice, glycerine, water and oil. I've sprayed like 3 times today and NOTHING!
It's relatively soft, but not as much as I hoped. I know I am going to have go through some trial and error, but if anyone can offer any words of advice or even encouragement I would appreciate it...:grin:

I can't go out this holiday weekend looking crazy (don't mean to offend, but that's how I feel I look)

First of All, Let me Say, I really think it Looks Really Cute! You have the Face for it and You Are Definitely Working It.:yep:

Have You tried Baggying with some of your Moisturizing Treatments? Baggying should help you retain some of the moisture. I would definitely implement that step into my Regimen.

Also, do you think you need to Clarify to get the most from your Co-Wash Conditioners? You could also try a Coconut Milk Rinse as well as Creamy Leave In i.e. Hair Milks etc....

You're Right, it's going to be trial & error and an adjustment.:look:

Let us know when You Find Your New Staples. I'm sure you will build New Staples in No Time.
First of All, Let me Say, I really think it Looks Really Cute! You have the Face for it and You Are Definitely Working It.:yep:

Have You tried Baggying with some of your Moisturizing Treatments? Baggying should help you retain some of the moisture. I would definitely implement that step into my Regimen.

Also, do you think you need to Clarify to get the most from your Co-Wash Conditioners? You could also try a Coconut Milk Rinse as well as Creamy Leave In i.e. Hair Milks etc....

You're Right, it's going to be trial & error and an adjustment.:look:

Let us know when You Find Your New Staples. I'm sure you will build New Staples in No Time.

Thanks for the compliment...I've been confident and rockin' my new look until today! Just feels like a bad hair day...but I know this will pass.

I thought of clarifying. I started doing an ACV rinse before I BC'd, but I've been reluctant since I airdry but cover my head with a satin bonnet because I didn't know if the smell would linger. Can't smell like I've been to a BBQ before I leave the house...LMBO!!!!!!!!!!! I could dilute my clarifying shampoo (got that method from Southern Tease) and use that...

Last night my DC was a also a steam treatment (turbie twistie covered by a plastic cap) under an electric heating cap for an that's pretty close to baggying right? But I will work that into my regimen as a regular practice.

Every product or method I've tried from LHCF has worked and improved my hair, so I was just shocked that this isn't working too well right now.

Thanks for the encouragement...I'll keep you posted!
It definitely sounds like you need to clarify. If I am correct I am seeing a lot of cones in your products. Also, is where you live dry? The glycerin was having a bad affect for me because where I live is very dry.
It definitely sounds like you need to clarify. If I am correct I am seeing a lot of cones in your products. Also, is where you live dry? The glycerin was having a bad affect for me because where I live is very dry.

IA: Actually I think Honeyquat is alot more moisturizing than Glycerin. And you are right about the cones. I would def clarify. Yeah, try using that diluted Clarifying Shampoo mixture you referenced.:yep:
I think you need a stronger moisturizing leave-in cream, and then seal with shea butter. I use Qhemet Biologics products (almost all of them, actually) and they've been absolutely wonderful for my hair. :yep: Good luck, and you look great with your hair cut; nothing about your hair is so bad that a good deep-conditioner can't help.

Oh, and speaking of which, you might want to up your deep conditioning treatments. I try to do a DC at least twice a week. This, as well as using QB products on the daily, really led to a huge moisture-retention turnaround for me. :yep:
I prepoo on dry hair, cowash or wash with CON, then DC on wet hair, rinse, follow with acv rinse, and twist on wet hair. I keep a moisture spritz with me to keep the hair wet while twisting, and then air dry (or often, get under dryer to get initial wetness off, then air dry). DC'ing on wet hair makes a big difference for me, as well as the acv rinse. It goes away once the hair is dry (believe me, I use a large concentration and you can't smell it). Overall, it looks like your routine is good, and your hair is beautiful. I'm sure your bad hair day will last for exactly ONE day, and you'll be smokin hot for the weekend!
The only thing I can think of is the Lacio. It's good for rollersets, but not much else. It isn't very moisturizing at all. Maybe switching to another leave in will work. Have you tried using regular conditioner as a leave-in?
The only thing I can think of is the Lacio. It's good for rollersets, but not much else. It isn't very moisturizing at all. Maybe switching to another leave in will work. Have you tried using regular conditioner as a leave-in?

You may be right! I love my lacio when I was rollersetting...but it may not be good for anything else. I will use something else tonight.

Oh and I'm mad at you for almost making me smash my work computer screen thinking there was a bug on my screen....:lachen:
that Aussie Moist, Mane and Tail, IC Pomade, and that Lacio is not good at all. clarify, dc with Giovanni and get a moisturizer with no cones in it. use your conditioner as a moisturizer. ic pomade it shouldn't be used for twists. a pomade is used for smoothing down, or slicking the hair down. it give the hair hold with out alcohol.

all of those products that you were using on your relaxed hair isn't going to fly with your natural hair. hth!
I prepoo on dry hair, cowash or wash with CON, then DC on wet hair, rinse, follow with acv rinse, and twist on wet hair. I keep a moisture spritz with me to keep the hair wet while twisting, and then air dry (or often, get under dryer to get initial wetness off, then air dry). DC'ing on wet hair makes a big difference for me, as well as the acv rinse. It goes away once the hair is dry (believe me, I use a large concentration and you can't smell it). Overall, it looks like your routine is good, and your hair is beautiful. I'm sure your bad hair day will last for exactly ONE day, and you'll be smokin hot for the weekend!

Ok, I like the way this are the BOMB! I am going to try this tonight!
It definitely sounds like you need to clarify. If I am correct I am seeing a lot of cones in your products. Also, is where you live dry? The glycerin was having a bad affect for me because where I live is very dry.

I will clarify and 86 the glycerine for now. It's not really that dry here, humid mostly.

Any recommendations for a non-cone condish?
IA: Actually I think Honeyquat is alot more moisturizing than Glycerin. And you are right about the cones. I would def clarify. Yeah, try using that diluted Clarifying Shampoo mixture you referenced.:yep:

I'm getting ready to place a Lotioncrafters order soon, so I'll add that to the list. I used to use it last year and I liked it.
My daughter had a bushy, dry section that NOTHING seemed to work, UNTIL I started using Hawaiin Silky 14 in 1 spray. With continued use I can hardly find this section anymore. I also follow the 14 in 1 with shea butter serum.
I think you need a stronger moisturizing leave-in cream, and then seal with shea butter. I use Qhemet Biologics products (almost all of them, actually) and they've been absolutely wonderful for my hair. :yep: Good luck, and you look great with your hair cut; nothing about your hair is so bad that a good deep-conditioner can't help.

Oh, and speaking of which, you might want to up your deep conditioning treatments. I try to do a DC at least twice a week. This, as well as using QB products on the daily, really led to a huge moisture-retention turnaround for me. :yep:

I pre-poo/DC on dry hair just about every day. Last night I added the electric heating cap (get tired of sitting under dryer). Where do you get the QB products? online?
that Aussie Moist, Mane and Tail, IC Pomade, and that Lacio is not good at all. clarify, dc with Giovanni and get a moisturizer with no cones in it. use your conditioner as a moisturizer. ic pomade it shouldn't be used for twists. a pomade is used for smoothing down, or slicking the hair down. it give the hair hold with out alcohol.

all of those products that you were using on your relaxed hair isn't going to fly with your natural hair. hth!

Cool...thanks for the heads up. Guess I'll be heading over the product exchange. A "everything must go" giveaway...LOL
My daughter had a bushy, dry section that NOTHING seemed to work, UNTIL I started using Hawaiin Silky 14 in 1 spray. With continued use I can hardly find this section anymore. I also follow the 14 in 1 with shea butter serum.

Dag, you would say that now that the BSS that sells it is closed for the night LOL. I'll have to check the ingredients on that one too...
I pre-poo/DC on dry hair just about every day. Last night I added the electric heating cap (get tired of sitting under dryer). Where do you get the QB products? online?

Yes, QB products are online:

Tomorrow they're having a sale from 3:00 PM, EST, to 8:00 PM.

I agree with what other said: you need to change your products. I didn't realize that you deep condition so frequently, but if you use inferior products it doesn't matter how often you deep condition. :nono: I highly recommend Jane Carter Solutions, Qhemet, and Oyin Handmade. Those are my staple products and I'm too cheap to deviate from them.

A great deep conditioner is cholesterol conditioner. Another decent one is Elucence Balancing Conditioner. You can purchase that from I co-wash almost every day and do so using Elucence and Oyin. :yep:
I will clarify and 86 the glycerine for now. It's not really that dry here, humid mostly.

Any recommendations for a non-cone condish?
Beauty Without Cruelty Leave-In
Alba Botanica Leave-in
Surya Henna Color Fixation Leave-in

These are natural and offer good detangling and wonderful moisture.... Well, I haven't tried the Surya Henna yet, but it's gotten great reviews :D I'll be using it tomorrow
Ooooh, I thought you were asking for leave-in recommendations. Didn't read the question thoroughly :spinning:

Some good cone-free conditioners:
Aubrey Organics HSR
Aubrey Organics Blue Camomile
Aubrey Organics Aloe & Jojoba
Aubrey Organics Island Naturals
Giovanni SAS Deeper Moisture
Giovanni Power Treament (well, this has 1 cone towards the bottom of the list)
Beauty Without Cruelty Moisture Plus Conditioner
Nature's Gate Jojoba Conditioner

Off the top of my head :grin:
Yes, QB products are online:

Tomorrow they're having a sale from 3:00 PM, EST, to 8:00 PM.

I agree with what other said: you need to change your products. I didn't realize that you deep condition so frequently, but if you use inferior products it doesn't matter how often you deep condition. :nono: I highly recommend Jane Carter Solutions, Qhemet, and Oyin Handmade. Those are my staple products and I'm too cheap to deviate from them.

A great deep conditioner is cholesterol conditioner. Another decent one is Elucence Balancing Conditioner. You can purchase that from I co-wash almost every day and do so using Elucence and Oyin. :yep:

These products worked fine when my hair was relaxed, so I wouldn't classify them as inferior and I add oil to everything I do. But it's clear these don't work with my new texture. But it's all good...Now I know I need to be on the hunt for other products.

I know I saw Nature's Gate at the Health Food Store, I will see what else I come across. I will place orders tonight, but I did want something to use pretty quickly. But in the meantime, I will clarify and use Giovanni.
Ooooh, I thought you were asking for leave-in recommendations. Didn't read the question thoroughly :spinning:

Some good cone-free conditioners:
Aubrey Organics HSR
Aubrey Organics Blue Camomile
Aubrey Organics Aloe & Jojoba
Aubrey Organics Island Naturals
Giovanni SAS Deeper Moisture
Giovanni Power Treament (well, this has 1 cone towards the bottom of the list)
Beauty Without Cruelty Moisture Plus Conditioner
Nature's Gate Jojoba Conditioner

Off the top of my head :grin:

Thanks! Can't remember which Giovanni I have, but I will probably pick up the Nature's Gate too...
Stopped by Lowe's Food on the way home and picked up

Avalon Organics Clarifying Shampoo
Giovanni Smooth as Silk
Giovanni Direct Leave-in
Nature's GAte Jojoba Condish

I am pre-pooing with Giovanni SAS and my oil mix. Will clarify with Avalon and co-wash with Nature's Gate. Will probably DC again (wet) with Giovanni. Rinse, then put in Giovanni Direct. Twist while keeping moisturized and keep my fingers crossed.

Thanks for your help and suggestions!
I JUST went thru this. For the cowash, I mixed conditioner, olive oil, castor oil, and 1 egg. It's softer and actually shines. After co-washing, I seal with leave-in conditioner, shea butter, olive oil, castor oil and then a light coating of IC Fantasia gel.

I was going thru alot of products, but it was only when I started using natural oils and butters that it came around. Now it's very light, fluffy and soft. It also has a nice sheen and holds curls better (no frizzing).

I hope this helps.
You may be right! I love my lacio when I was rollersetting...but it may not be good for anything else. I will use something else tonight.

Oh and I'm mad at you for almost making me smash my work computer screen thinking there was a bug on my screen....:lachen:

Meeee toooo! Plus I'm on my laptop in the dark and you know how bugs are attracted to that lil bit of light lol!

Anyway, I know you've gotten a lot of suggestions already, hope something is working out for you. Whatever your hair is looking like this weekend, rock it with confidence! Did you recently BC? You might be around some people this weekend who haven't seen your hair since you cut it, so showing them that you love your hair will help them to be more open-minded to it.
Big chops arnt going to always be a breeze!!! I'm fearing when the time comes to do mine... But yous lookss good on you!!! Looks like its going to take some searching to find what will work for you all over agin but thats the fun in it!!!
These products worked fine when my hair was relaxed, so I wouldn't classify them as inferior and I add oil to everything I do. But it's clear these don't work with my new texture. But it's all good...Now I know I need to be on the hunt for other products.

I know I saw Nature's Gate at the Health Food Store, I will see what else I come across. I will place orders tonight, but I did want something to use pretty quickly. But in the meantime, I will clarify and use Giovanni.

You're absolutely right, and I'm sorry for classifying them that way. :yep: I'm biased against products that contain cones because I've found them to work poorly in my hair. My apologies, for real. :yep:

Nature's Gate is really good. If you have a Trader Joe's around you, their Nourish Spa line is excellent for highly textured hair. :yep: