Megatek consistency


New Member
I recently purchased a bottle of Megatek from a vendor on Ebay. I received it and it seems to sit on top of my scalp (for a while). I have read a few ladies here apply it to their scalp like grease every night....I'm not seeing how that's possible. :perplexed:

So my question is, what is megatek suppose to look like? What is the consistency?

What I have is sort of a pearl color and a hand soap/lotion consistency. When I opened it there was no seal, so Im hoping I havent been bamboozled.:sad:
some mix it will oil. if you were to mix it with coconut oil, it would become a lil bit more solid and easier to apply.

ETA: i got mines from an online horse store. I didn't really use it and threw it away like a month ago. BUT it was the same consistency as Suaves Coconut Conditioner. if its runny try shaking it up maybe the product settle. if that does not work then i dunno.
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use other oils with it.

You know i worked out 2 nights ago and i was cratching my scalp looked at my fingers and my sweat was the color of the megatek
It was the consistency of conditioner, maybe just a tad thicker. I used it with no other products, just rubbed it on my scalp and waited patiently by the mirror to see my herr grow
use other oils with it.

You know i worked out 2 nights ago and i was cratching my scalp looked at my fingers and my sweat was the color of the megatek
:lachen: i guess it doesn't sink in

thanks ladies...last question...what does it suppose to smell like? I'm going to order from a reliable source next time.:blush: It was only 25.00 so I took the risk.
The bottle I bought a few months back was sealed. If it were me, I wouldn't use it.

It's Creamy. Conditioner-like and Pleasant Smelling. All the Bottles I've purchased, have been "Sealed"

I would contact the Vendor & PayPal:look: @bolded.

btw: use very little.
I think maybe you might be using too much? Try using less and see if that makes a difference.

Apparently it smells like Pina Coladas (sp?) .. I've never had one of those so not sure how true that is.
All of my bottles have been sealed. I massage a light film on my scalp. It doesn't sit on top at all. In fact it seems to absorb into my scalp. I sometimes massage some light oil on top of it.
Unless it was used, it should have had an aluminum seal on the top. The consistency is like a lotion, white and has a pleasant smell.

If you rub it directly to your scalp as I do, please follow up with something that counters shedding. I use olive oil infused with garlic.
It's Creamy. Conditioner-like and Pleasant Smelling. All the Bottles I've purchased, have been "Sealed"

I would contact the Vendor & PayPal:look: @bolded.

btw: use very little.

Yeah, I'm usually hesitant about my new products (remember I weighed my butter to make sure I got what ordered :lachen:). If it ain't right I ain't using it.
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Yeah, I'm usually hesitant about my new products (remember I weighed my butter to make sure I got what ordered :lachen:). If it ain't right I ain't using it.

IK!:lachen: You Know We don't play! :rolleyes:

Right....It has an Alumimum/Plastic Peel Off Seal over the top of the Bottle.

I woulda' contacted PayPal STAT!