MegaTek and Natural Hair


Well-Known Member
So I have very fine shoulder/arm pit length hair and I can't seem to get past that. After protective styling, dc'ing monthly, co-washing weekly and detangling once a week, I still can't seem to retain length. As a result, I'm thinking about using megatek. However, I am confused about how it would respond to my fine, natural hair. Would it be a protein overload?

Have any fine hair naturals successfully used Megatek without extra breakage and shedding? How did you use it?

I'm jus so nervous that it may do more harm than good.
I don't know about Megatek (I don't use it so know nothing about it), but I just wanted to tell you that when it comes to fine hair, low manipulation has to be in the equation for some if they want to get past a plateau. PSing is may not be enough.
I don't know about Megatek (I don't use it so know nothing about it), but I just wanted to tell you that when it comes to fine hair, low manipulation has to be in the equation for some if they want to get past a plateau. PSing is may not be enough.

Thanks for the response Nonie. You are always such a big help. How over I've tried low manipulation too. I am really getting my wits ends and I'm not sure what else is left for me to do. Hence my question about Megatek. Unless, maybe there is something I haven't thought of. My hair is very fine and seems to tangle alot and get many split ends even thought I trim every 6-8 weeks. I'm so confused. I don't know what else to do. I'm hoping that maybe if I take the plunge with MegaTek that might help.
You may need to DC more often, and with a protein based conditioner. I don't have experience with MegaTek, but I have very fine type four strands that are finally getting past the APL hump due to protein. I use Aubrey Organics GPB.

ETA: If I detangled weekly, I'd be bald. If I detangle, with a tool, it's like every other month. I mainly wear twists and finger comb as needed. What protective styles are you doing? I agree with Nonie about the manipulation factor of cowashing and detangling.
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I have what is considered fine hair. I've used Megatek successfully for about 9 months now as a conditioner. I've also used it as a 'growth aid' on my scalp for about a year.

My hair loves it. While there is room for concern over protein overload - my personal experience has been that using protein hasn't been as scary as many make it out to be. I would definitely suggest devising your routine to err on the side of caution (i.e. use more moisture) if you choose to use Megatek.

On a typical day (I use it about once every 7-10 days):

1) I wash my hair with either a moisture or clarifying shampoo,
2) Follow by detangling with Roux Porosity Control (this helps me retain more moisture),
3) 20 mins with heat, Megatek and Wheat Germ oil (I hand mix this together)
4) 30 mins + with a moisturizing DC (Joico and others) + coconut oil

My hair turns out awesome as well.

Right now I am definitely full shoulder working towards APL (I haven't measured since before summer). I have noticed that right now my hair is filling outwards before I suspect it will start back downwards (length) if that makes sense. I have a mini Diana Ross/Chaka Khan thing going on with my hair right now when I straighten it.

Also, I tend to use my products sparingly. Even then, a bottle of Megatek lasts about 9 to 11 months for me.
Thanks for the response Nonie. You are always such a big help. How over I've tried low manipulation too. I am really getting my wits ends and I'm not sure what else is left for me to do. Hence my question about Megatek. Unless, maybe there is something I haven't thought of. My hair is very fine and seems to tangle alot and get many split ends even thought I trim every 6-8 weeks. I'm so confused. I don't know what else to do. I'm hoping that maybe if I take the plunge with MegaTek that might help.

If you have fine hair and its tangling a lot - how are you styling it? I find my hair tangles more when I either do a WnG and don't twist my hair up at night OR when its time to get a dusting (a light trim).

One good tip I picked up at my salon was to direct my conditioning and styling products towards the ends of my hair since that was the most porous part of my hair. So especially during the colder months, at night, I apply a little moisturizing cream (either Aveda Brilliant cream or Keracare Butter Cream) to my very ends.

Alternatively, I had GREAT success using just JBCO on the ends at night as well. Just use JBCO judiciously since its heavy and can start to feel extra oily. Just apply to damp hair for the best results. I simply mist the ends with a spray bottle filled with distilled water then rub in a bit of JBCO.
You may need to DC more often, and with a protein based conditioner. I don't have experience with MegaTek, but I have very fine type four strands that are finally getting past the APL hump due to protein. I use Aubrey Organics GPB.

ETA: If I detangled weekly, I'd be bald. If I detangle, with a tool, it's like every other month. I mainly wear twists and finger comb as needed. What protective styles are you doing? I agree with Nonie about the manipulation factor of cowashing and detangling.

Thank you for your input. It's truly appreciated. How often do you DC? I DC once a week to every other week with a moisturizing conditioner. And I actually don't really detangle once a week. It's more like once over two weeks-to a month. I used to detangle once a week and found that did me know good as you pointed out. I also clarify once a month. I use protein conditioner once every two-three weeks and I also use aphogee every 6 weeks. I really feel like I've tried almost everything except or henna and megatek. it just gets so frustrating! I even tried keeping my hair in two strand twists for weeks at a time. Most of the time I keep my hair in a bun though.
If you have fine hair and its tangling a lot - how are you styling it? I find my hair tangles more when I either do a WnG and don't twist my hair up at night OR when its time to get a dusting (a light trim).

One good tip I picked up at my salon was to direct my conditioning and styling products towards the ends of my hair since that was the most porous part of my hair. So especially during the colder months, at night, I apply a little moisturizing cream (either Aveda Brilliant cream or Keracare Butter Cream) to my very ends.

Alternatively, I had GREAT success using just JBCO on the ends at night as well. Just use JBCO judiciously since its heavy and can start to feel extra oily. Just apply to damp hair for the best results. I simply mist the ends with a spray bottle filled with distilled water then rub in a bit of JBCO.

I almost never wear wash n go's for that reason alone. I get left with a mess of tangles. I also braid my hair before bed every night in about 6-8 braids. I also wash my hair in sections or braids.

I've never used JBCO thought. I might just give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
I personally like Megatek and found it as a helpful/great growth aide. I mix my Megatek with peppermint oil and castor oil in a application bottle and apply it to my scalp a couple hours proir to washing. Taken Biotin and/or B-complex vitamins daily also help to thicken my hair.

Also, try the black tea/coffee rinse to reduce shedding, this might help as well.

@Nonie what is the difference between low manipulation and PS?

Seamonster PS (protective styling) means you keep the ends of your hair hidden away from the air and from clothes that could cause friction. Wearing your hair in a bun, French roll, full weave...are examples of protective styles. The ends which are the oldest parts of your hair and most vulnerable are not visible and so are kept protected from the drying air and from rubbing against your clothes.

Low manipulation means you limit how often you comb it or style it. Braids, twists, twist-outs/braid-outs, wigs...are low mani hairstyles because they let you leave your hair alone so you're not creating any friction between/against strands that could cause cuticle ripping or breakage.

Cornrow and flat-twists could be both low mani and partly PS styles because the ends of your hair are hidden along the length of the flat twist/cornrow, but if the ends are left loose, that's where the PSing stops.
Thanks for the response Nonie. You are always such a big help. How over I've tried low manipulation too. I am really getting my wits ends and I'm not sure what else is left for me to do. Hence my question about Megatek. Unless, maybe there is something I haven't thought of. My hair is very fine and seems to tangle alot and get many split ends even thought I trim every 6-8 weeks. I'm so confused. I don't know what else to do. I'm hoping that maybe if I take the plunge with MegaTek that might help.

tmhuggiebear, can you give an example of your low mani and how long you keep it low mani and how you care for it in that low mani?
I almost never wear wash n go's for that reason alone. I get left with a mess of tangles. I also braid my hair before bed every night in about 6-8 braids. I also wash my hair in sections or braids.

I've never used JBCO thought. I might just give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion.

I feel like I am one of the only fine hairs that loves JBCO around this parts. BUT, I can definitely say my hair has visible thickened up since I started using it and Megatek.

The best compliment I got was from a girl at Aveda who had some GORGEOUS type 3C/4A hair - long luscious curls. As part of my consultant visit, she looked at my hair and defined it was normal to coarse with medium density. I was shocked and happy. I stopped wearing my hair straight because it used to look like thin strands of thread. Now it doesn't...
tmhuggiebear, can you give an example of your low mani and how long you keep it low mani and how you care for it in that low mani?

Nonie Yes I can! :grin: Well what I used to do was first wash my hair in sections and then stretch out via braids at night. I then section off my hair and put shescentit moisture mist and coconut oil on each section and put my hair in small two strand twists. And as I twisted each one I would snip maybe about 1/4 inch of each twist. For daily styles I would either leave it loose or put it up and tuck the ends in with a clip. I also co-washed once a week to every ten days using either kinky curly knot today or shecentit Okra Hair Reconstructor. I would then use either knot today or elucence moisture benefits as a leave in conditioner and follow up with coconut oil to the ends at night.

I usually took my twist down once a month and then put them back in two weeks later. The problem I found with the two strand twists is that they would get tangled up still when taking them down no matter how slowly I took them down or how moisturized they were. It seems as though the tangles would then lead to breakage and split ends. As a result, I discontinued doing this. I did it for about 3-4 months earlier this year. Maybe I was making my twists too small? I did experiment with different sizes though.

When it comes to protective styles I either put my hair in a bun or I roll, tuck, and pin my hair. I used to be very heavy with protein but now I use more moisture and add protein every other week. I rotate using knot today, elucense moisture benefits, shecentit banana brulee deep conditioner, and she scentit okra reconstructor. I use aphogee protein treatment once every 6-8 weeks- around the same time i trim.
tmhuggiebear Perhaps you may need to commit to both PSing and low mani instead of alternating between them or doing either half-heartedly.

If you wear twists and leave them down, the ends get worn by your clothes and the air robs them of moisture so they break. So even if you put them up then, the damage is already done and that doesn't help. You also pointed out twists cause tangles and breakage which means your low mani just ends up costing you length.

Have you tried braiding, cornrows, wigging it? How about baggying under headwraps or hats? You could braid big square plaits, baggy (keeping moisture in and hair from friction) then cover with some headgear.
I'm a fine-haired natural :)

I've used MT for months at a time when I'm cornrowing and wigging/headwrapping. I mix it with a potent sulfur oil and I've never used it straight. I believe it has made my hair appear thicker and I did experience increased shedding. I did not have any extra growth though.

I applied it to my scalp, in between my cornrows, once per day. Sometimes I'd baggy after applying the mix. I would do this for 3-4 months at a time.

I've found that moisturizing prior to applying the MT helped to prevent dryness. I also M&S twice per day and increased my water rinsing/cowashing. I kept the rest of my regimen high in moisture. I also kept my head covered under my wigs/headwraps and then with my satin skull cap while at home.

I will not be repurchasing MT after I finish this bottle as it seems that they have changed the formula. If I have been using the new formula and getting these results, I wonder if ANY protein condish used in the same manner would work the same way.

HTH! :)
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