Mega Tek on kids?


New Member
I have a question.My daughter has really dense hair,but seems as though it has not grown since she was 1.I grease her scalp and buy all of the best products for her and nothing.Now even her edges are thinning out.I have got to do something.She is abeautiful girl and I just want her hair to grow as well.Everyday she says to me that she wants her hair to be like mine and her little sister( my 5 year old has really thick curly hair).They even have the same father but different hair.I recently purchased alma and vatika oil and mega tek for myself,but I was wondering of I could use it on my girls.They are 7 and 5 by the way.Please say yes and I will start tonight!!!!!!!:wallbash:
I use MTG on my daughter nightly with excellent results. I wanted to quickly grow out an unwanted perm that my mother had done without my permission, and it's working. She is 5.

Test it on her skin first if you have concerns.
I don't know the exact ingredients of Mega-Tek, so you may be able to use it on your child without problems.

That being said, I would not. Especially since I wouldn't put it on my own head. If you haven't already, evaluate everything else that's going on to see where the true problem lies. Is greasing her scalp blocking the follicles? Is her diet lacking in vegetables, nutrients, or water? Is she on any medication (for asthma, etc.) that could be causing? Are her edges thinning due to certain hairstyles (tight ponytails, etc.)?

Personally, I would pursue other avenues. We just don't know how these chemicals can affect a child's body that is developing. If you're concerned about it, ask your doctor just to be on the safe side.
I think it would be safe to use on your girls without any ill side effects. MT is only a conditoner and you can go look at the ingrediants to make sure for yourself that there is nothing harmful in it. If you d odecide to use it on her hair keep us posted on her progress over in the Childrens Hair Section too.
I use mega-tek, I don't see anything wrong with you using it as a 15 minute deep conditioner and rinse out twice a week for your daughter. I would not leave it in overnight as it can be very itchy and we know how children do not like the itches. :yep: What I would do to make sure she does not experience any dryness, would be to moisturize lightly in the morning and make sure her hair is moist at night before bed. Also use a gentle cleansing or clarifing shampoo to prepare the hair for MT. Good Luck!